The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 495

"Take off, undress?" Liu Hengyuan and Baimao were shocked.

"What? Can I help you? After all, you know, I'm not gentle! " Lin Feng Road.

"Take off, I take off!" White hair said, began to take off clothes, instant off the essence of light.

"Oh, it's not suitable for children." Lin Feng said to other people: "those who don't want to have long needle eyes all avoid it."

Liu Shao pinches and pinches, but is torn by Lin Feng. Liu Shao knows that he can't resist and takes off his clothes.

Then, Lin Feng took Zhu Tiancheng to this box again and said to the three of them naked: "are you gambling with my life? Now, I'm going to take the lives of the three of you and make a gamble called fatal scream

People you look at me, I see you, do not understand what Lin Feng this means.

Lin Feng said: "next, I will show the pictures here to all the people who attend the banquet downstairs, and then collect the voices of the masses at the scene. When the cheers and shouts of the masses add up to more than 80 decibels, your lives will be saved, or I will kill you! I do what I say Lin Feng's eyes flash with a strong sense of killing!

"Lin Feng, are you asking them to provide entertainment for the public?" Asked Jin Lengyu.

"Yes, they have always been in a high position? Aren't they superior? What's more, the upper class people should have the right to play with the lower class people, bullshit. So, today I'll let the public dominate their lives! " Lin Feng said: "it's also the end of taking my life as a gamble."

"Wow, that's interesting."

The fire spirit felt that it was a good idea to let the public decide their fate, and let a group of people they despise and sneer at to decide whether they can continue to live, which is very exciting and ironic.

"Brother Lin Feng, grandfather Lin Feng, please forgive me, I really dare not!" Zhu Tiancheng knelt on the ground and cried.

Seeing Zhu Tiancheng's spineless appearance, the rest of them shook their heads in secret. Liu Hengyuan and Baimao lost their confidence in the moment. Even the organizers of the game knelt down and begged for mercy.

Lin Fengli ignored Zhu Tiancheng, but continued to talk about the rules: "you three, just give the live people a performance, let them cheer, or shout, or be surprised, or talk in succession. In a word, let them make a sound. I bet that the sound they make together is no more than 80 decibels. If it exceeds, I lose, I will let you three go!"

"Lin Feng, don't think about it!" Liu Hengyuan is still a bit of guts. Now he is naked. It would be a shame to show all the people the picture of their three naked buttocks, as Lin Feng said!

Lin Feng laughed and picked up a box of toothpicks on the table and said to Liu HengYuan, "Liu Shao, have you ever heard of ten fingers connected? Do you know how I will let you die? I'll stick a toothpick into your fingernails, one by one, until you die of pain

Listen to Lin Feng such a say, Liu Hengyuan immediately a spirit.

It was too painful, too cruel, he saw Lin Feng's eyes flash a trace of fierce look, immediately scared of the counseling.

"Want to die, or want to play gambling?" Lin Feng cried out!

"I play, I play!" Liu Hengyuan nodded repeatedly.

Seeing Liu Hengyuan's advice, the other two are even more.

"We play, we play!" Zhu Tiancheng and Baimao said.

Lin Feng laughs, heart says these people are good to swindle, I just don't bother to torture you!

Then, Lin Feng said with a friendly smile: "three, in fact, I, this game is very simple, try to make everyone happy and shout, then wake up. After all, I will help you three save your lives as much as possible. After all, I am a kind man

With a bad smile, Lin Feng took out three small black pieces, put them into the ears of three people respectively, and said, "this is a wireless Bluetooth headset. I will tell you what to do in the communication between us later. If you don't do it, I will kill you! Of course, I have to. I also want you to live. This is for your good. Don't hate me! Hey, hey, hey

"Thank you, brother Lin Feng! Thank you White hair said.

The other two did not make a statement, but scolded Baimao Dasha many times.

"Well, it's about to start now." Lin Feng said.

Then, he sent a command to the mouse on his mobile phone. The mouse crackled over there and connected the picture in the box to the largest screen downstairs.

The big screen was placed next to the pool and could be seen by all the people who attended the party in the hospital.

The mouse finished everything and hit the enter button.

All of a sudden, the picture on the big screen changed. It was no longer the birds and flowers before. What appeared in it was Liu HengYuan, with a garbage basket on his head and shouting, "I am a pervert, I am a pervert!"

For a moment, the whole banquet hall was silent.

People are confused, you look at me, I look at you, do not know which is the cause of this?In this scene, Zhu Tiancheng and others in the box were very anxious. Zhu Tiancheng said, "we need 80 decibels of sound. As a result, as soon as the video is put out, everyone has no sound. How can we play?"

At this time, on the first floor of the crowd to participate in the banquet, Liu Shao's bodyguard asked the people next to him: "isn't that Liu Shao?"

"Yes! How can Liu Shao take off all his clothes and wear a little trousers? " A bodyguard questioned.

"No mistake, it's Liu Shao. Liu Shao also said that he was a pervert!" Someone is sure.

Others said they couldn't understand.

"Liu Shao, what's the situation? Is it a prank? "

"No? What is Liu Shao? It's not a prank to be dressed like this with a trash can on your head! What a shame

"What's the matter? What kind of program is this? "

"You ask me, I ask who to go?"


people began to talk, they were very puzzled, but there was a trace of meaningful smile on their faces.

Liu Shao usually don't mention too much horizontal, but today he suddenly made this side. I really don't know which tendon is wrong. It's very damaging to the public!

But it's fun to watch.

Upstairs, Lin Feng comforted Zhu Tiancheng: "boss Zhu, don't worry, everyone's voice, have to get up bit by bit, you see, now the downstairs is not slowly voice?"

Because there is a microphone sensor downstairs, everyone's voice can be transmitted to the building. The decibel system can also be called up on the large screen. At this time, the sound decibel is 18.

"It's far from 80 decibels."

Zhu Tiancheng is wearing a pair of trousers and has a long way to go.

White hair wiped his mouth, said: "don't worry, we refuel, I believe it can! Liu Shao, we can do it! "

However, Liu Shao is an expression that life is not like death.

He has been living in the praise and flattery of others all the time. Today, he is wearing a triangular arm, buttoning the garbage can on his head, and telling everyone that I am changing the sky. This is too humiliating. How can we meet people after that?

At this time, Liu Shao's video was finished and Baimao's video began.

On the big screen downstairs, Baimao was wearing briefs, with a trash can on her head, shouting, "I'm a pervert, I'm a pervert!"

Baimao's younger brothers were also silly at once. They didn't expect their eldest brother to play with Liu Shao.

Some people began to cover their mouths and snicker. Some of them couldn't bear to look directly at them. Some of them laughed at each other while talking.

White hair also advised Liu Shao just now, this can see his own video and the reaction of the scene, immediately also wilt, a look of life is not like death.

"What's the matter, little white hair? Why don't you persuade me Liu Shaoxing looks at Baimao with joy.

White hair a face bitter gourd appearance, took a few nose: "after this, how can I still live?"

Liu Shao sneered and said nothing.

Zhu Tiancheng said: "it's OK. It's OK to play games. It's not a shame."

"It's not a shame, is it?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "now you button up the garbage can, learn from them, and give you a live broadcast! Come on , the fastest update of the webnovel!