The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 494

Liu Hengyuan is always on guard against Lin Feng. His eyes are fixed on Lin Feng. He doesn't know what Lin Feng is going to do!

But Lin Feng came to him, but passed by. He went directly to Jin Lengyu and said, "I'm sorry, you've been wronged!"

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't rush to himself, Liu Hengyuan had a breath in his heart. Just now he began to be nervous. This kind of tension has not been felt for a long time. Lin Feng's aura is too strong. This man is too terrible.

But Jin Lengyu heard what Lin Feng said, but it was warm in her heart. She didn't expect Lin Feng to have such a warm man's side, but she said without expression: "I don't have any grievances! Don't be sentimental

"You are always cold, why can't you learn from your sister? How sunny your sister is Lin Feng Road.

"She's her, I'm me!" Jin Lengyu said, "we are different!"

"Oh, all right." Lin Feng shook his head and turned his head to look at Liu Hengyuan: "Liu Shao, now let's calculate the account between us."

Liu Hengyuan suddenly raised his heart to his throat. He didn't expect that he would come.

Liu Hengyuan is usually arrogant and domineering, but it is in the face of ordinary people, this Lin Feng even general can defeat, he is not ordinary people, so Liu Hengyuan is very afraid.

However, Liu Hengyuan always wanted face saving, so in the face of Lin Feng's accountability, he did not show weakness, instead asked: "what accounts do we have to calculate?"

Lin Feng said: "first of all, you tie Jin Da Mei to be the enemy of me. Secondly, do you see the little white hair? You are more hateful than he is, so how much do you think I have to settle with you? "

Liu Hengyuan swallowed his spit and bluntly drank: "Lin Feng, don't be too arrogant. Everyone knows the strength of our Liu family in Songjiang city. If you dare to move me, you will be the enemy of the Liu family. You and Su Jing's Dongsheng Group don't want to have good fruit to eat!"

"You're threatening me, aren't you?" Lin Feng eyebrows a pick.

"What if I threaten you?" Liu Hengyuan said with courage.

"You can gamble my life on the spur of the moment, but I can't come to you? Who stipulated this? What's the reason? " Lin Feng asked coldly.

"There is no reason for Liu family, that is, there is no reason for me!" Liu Hengyuan said.

"Wow, how overbearing you are Lin Feng said with a smile.

Seeing Lin Feng's smile, Liu Hengyuan thought he was being counselled. He immediately burst out of confidence and cried out: "our Liu family is powerful and always domineering. You are a martial arts man, and you have no ability to fight against our whole family. Therefore, this society is the law of the jungle. Even if I want your girlfriend to accompany me now, you have to send it to me. This is strength, do you understand ?”

"Oh, I don't seem to understand much!" The smile on Lin Feng's face is more and more brilliant.

Liu Hengyuan drew out a cigar, put it in his mouth, lit it, and said, "it's really simple in mind and well-developed in limbs. Our family relationship and context are in all directions. Even if you can fight again, it's useless for us to hire the world's top experts to clean you up. So you'd better have a bit of B-number in your heart, don't offend me. Do you understand this time?"

"Oh, I see!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, that's a bad pen!" Liu Hengyuan is completely relaxed at this time. It seems that his family has caused a lot of pressure on Lin Feng. This is a very bad idea. Ha ha ha!

At this time, Baimao was silly. His heart said that Liu Shaocai was the eldest brother. He was so powerful that he even put Lin Feng Zhi's clothes in a proper way!

The rest of the people did not expect that Lin Feng even counselled. They all looked puzzled. Look at me, I look at you.

I thought, that's it. I'm afraid?

But at this time, Lin Feng stepped forward, pointed to the garbage can and asked, "Liu Shao, what do you think that is?"

"Trash can!" Liu Hengyuan said.

"What's in the trash can?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Of course, there is garbage in the garbage can, you stupid x, ha ha ha!" Liu Hengyuan laughed wildly.

Lin Feng also smile, said: "no, first of all, it should be said that you are in the garbage can, because you are garbage!"

With that, he suddenly reached out his hand, pulled Liu Hengyuan's cigar over, turned it over directly, and stabbed the ignited end in Liu Hengyuan's face.

"Zi -"

a burst of white smoke, with a smell of burnt skin and meat.

"Ah --"

Liu Hengyuan howled like a pig, which was really heartbreaking.

"I'll make you a mark to let you remember today's events, let you remember, who can't be provoked!" Lin Feng said, kicking Liu Hengyuan to the ground, grabbing the garbage can on one side, and directly clasping it on Liu Hengyuan's head, he said in a cold voice, "garbage!"

"Hiss -"

the crowd took a breath of cold air.

They didn't expect Lin Feng to be so fierce and domineering that even Liu Shao, the first member of the Liu family in Songjiang, would dare to beat him. Moreover, he was still shameless. How dare he be?"Pooh!"

Liu Hengyuan threw the garbage can aside, filling his mouth with a lot of garbage, and holding a piece of peel on his head, he looked very embarrassed.

He knew that he was not Lin Feng's opponent, so he wanted to call people, but all the people he brought were on the first floor to attend the party, because when he took part in the gambling game, Zhu Tiancheng stipulated that only one person could come up.

And there was no signal, and the phone couldn't get out. He was mad.

"Oh, it stinks!" Lin Feng covers his nose and teases Liu Hengyuan.

Where has Liu Hengyuan suffered such insults? Usually he insults others, but he can't beat them. He points to Lin Feng and scolds angrily: "you... You wait, you wait to see how the Liu family will deal with you!"

"Clean me up? OK, I'll wait! But I want to ask you now, who told you to take the garbage can off your head? " Lin Feng said, and with a mouth, he pulled out a big tooth of Liu Hengyuan.

White hair looked at a burst of panic, because he felt the same, the taste of missing teeth, it was too hard.

Lin Feng slapped Liu Hengyuan and said, "pick up the trash can and put it on your head! Say three words, I'm a pervert, go

Liu Hengyuan covered his mouth and cried and cursed: "Lin Feng, you can't die easily!"


On the other side, a tooth was also lost by Lin Feng fan.

Baimao just thought Liu Shao was powerful, but at this time he had already regarded Lin Feng as the king of hell. He regretted that he didn't bet Lin Feng to win in the first place, why he flattered Liu Shao and didn't please Lin Feng well. Now it seems that Liu Shao is no good either!

"Don't you want me to blow all the teeth out of your mouth?" Lin Feng gave Liu Hengyuan a cold shoulder.

Liu Hengyuan is really scared at this moment. Usually, he is accompanied by bodyguards. He is so arrogant. Today, he is only left with his own name. He feels that he is so incompetent and helpless.

In the face of the powerful Lin Feng, he even felt a deep sense of despair, through the eyes of Lin Feng, he saw a strong sense of killing.

He was really afraid. A cold air swept through his body in an instant. His pants were wet, and he was scared to urinate.

"You're not going yet, are you?" Lin Feng made a show and slapped him again.

"No, don't fight!" Liu Shao quickly went to one side, raised the garbage can, obediently buckle in his head.

"Speak up!" Lin Feng reminds way.

"I'm a pervert, I'm a pervert!" Liu Shao said.

He knew that a hero would not suffer from immediate loss, so even if he lost his dignity today, he could only admit defeat.

Lin Feng took a video of this scene, played it back again, nodded, "good, change the next one, you go up!" Lin Feng said to Baimao, "the procedure is the same as Liu Shao!"

Baimao did not dare to resist at this time. Now in this box, Lin Feng is the boss. If he offends him, the end is absolutely unbearable.

Baimao took Liu Shao's garbage can, put it on his head and said, "I'm a pervert, I'm a pervert!"

Lin Feng recorded the video and said, "OK, now you two take off your clothes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!