The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 486

At this time, Zhu Tiancheng is the most proud.

See the general gently a movement is so powerful, he decided that the general can kill Lin Feng, before hanging a heart also calculate to fall.

"All right, this game, please bet!" Zhu Tiancheng said.

Baimao and Liu HengYuan, Hao did not hesitate to directly choose Lin Feng to lose.

The old man of Wang family also twisted his brow into a knot in one's heart. Finally, he chose Lin Feng to lose.

The fire spirit was shocked by the general's action. Although she thought Lin Feng was powerful, she felt that the general was more powerful according to the woman's intuition!

This time, she chose to lose.

Jin Lengyu has no choice. Everyone else has bet on Lin Feng. The situation is suddenly one-sided!

Zhu Tiancheng laughed: "it seems that you have no confidence in Lin Feng! But this is the wise man. If it was me, I would choose to lose. After all, you have seen the strength of the general

Zhu Tiancheng doesn't care whether these people win or lose. In any case, he earns the draw, so he can speak freely. Even if he misleads the other party, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he doesn't lose money.

However, fire spirit is suddenly frowning: "that, can I choose again?"

"What's the matter, my fire spirit beauty?" Zhu Tiancheng asked with a smile.

"I want to bet Lin Feng to win!" Said the fire spirit.

She thought to herself, along the way, all the way, he won and won a lot of money. Now when she sees an expert, she will bet Linfeng to lose. It's a bit unfair.

What's more, Lin Feng's temperament is in line with her appetite. Even if she loses, it doesn't matter. It's trust and respect for Lin Feng.

When he heard that Huoling wanted to win, Baimao laughed: "ha ha, are you afraid you like that boy? Knowing that you are losing, you have to win. Ha ha, are you stupid? "

Fire spirit did not retort, said: "I just want to bet Linfeng win, why? Is there a problem? I will, but it's hard to buy with money. I will! "

"You are so cheap!" White hair scolded.

"Who are you talking about?" The fire spirit throws the ashtray in the past, hits the white hair's head, instantly swells a big bag.

"Do you lie in the manger, Dame, do you dare to beat me?" White hair makes a gesture and rushes toward the fire spirit.

Zhu Tiancheng quickly stopped, dissuaded: "brother, brother, don't make trouble, you give me Zhu a face, what gratitude and resentment, go out you continue, I don't care, but here today, please don't make trouble, OK?"

Liu Hengyuan also said: "the last game, I bet the rest of the money, you don't hinder my vision ha, or I will be angry Oh!"

Baimao saw Liu Hengyuan speak, he said: "Damn, I also bet all, bet Lin Feng lost!"

Then, he angrily pointed to the fire spirit and said, "don't you like Lin Feng to win? Do you dare to bet all? I'll beat you to death

Huoling is not afraid of the Lord. If you think that today's money is made by Lin Feng, why not lose it? She yelled:

"I'll fight you to the end today. I'll bet Lin Feng to win. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. I just like Lin Feng. What can you do to me!"

"Well, wait for you to lose." White hair in the heart sneer, this time, I want to lose before a few, all earn back, let you lose all go out from here.

Wang's old man shook his head and said to Huoling, "young man, how can you be so angry? After all, money is not from the strong wind!"

"I've made up my mind!" Huolingdao.

Of course, Huo Ling is not willing to lose money, but now she has no choice but to take money or face. She can't have both fish and bear's paws. She chooses to face.


Wang's old man sighed and stopped talking. This time, he was basically sure that Lin Feng should have lost.

At this time, you see the big screen, the general has opened the posture, ready to fight with Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, you should be honored to force me to do it myself!" The general said coldly.

However, Lin Feng tilted his head and said with a smile, "you have always said that I am arrogant. I think you are arrogant. Don't talk big. If you have ability, you can make it out!"

The general's face sank, and suddenly he started to attack Lin Feng.

Lin Feng concentrated on his guard and parried, but he was very surprised. The strength of general was beyond his imagination.

Ordinary people can easily catch a punch. However, when a general hits a few punches, he has to take off his strength a little.

No wonder Zhu Tiancheng is so sure to kill himself. The general's strength can't be underestimated.

The general hit Lin Feng with one punch after another. The momentum was fierce and the sound was like thunder. Each blow had the potential to open the mountain and collapse the rock. It was very strong and domineering.

Lin Feng dodged a few punches, hit the wall, and immediately hit a hole in the marble wall, and the earth and stone avalanched and flew. The people who saw it were terrified.Several of Lin Feng dodged to one side. However, the general refused to give up. Lin Feng took the fist with both hands and took a somersault to the back. He jumped five or six meters away and landed steadily.

The general snorted coldly: "how, dare not fight head-on?"

Lin Feng glanced at the general carefully, but he understood seven or eight points in his heart.

No wonder the general is so strong. He is not an ordinary warrior, but a practitioner.

Practitioners, even at the lowest level, are infinitely powerful. They are more advanced, and their severity is unimaginable.

I didn't expect that the general is a practitioner. It's true!

At this time, the general's skin color was slightly red, just like a man who had drunk wine. He looked very frightening.

Is it true that the cultivator has no skin? Does skin have bonus properties?

"You are a practitioner, aren't you?" Lin Feng asked

"Yes The general's conceited smile said: "blood state, heavy!"

"Sure enough!" Lin Feng said with a smile, then I'll ask you a question again: "what's the matter with your body turning red? Is this your red skin after drinking, and then has the strength bonus? Why are you so powerful? "

"Do you play too much games?" The general said coldly: "the blood melting realm is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people. Our fist is more than twice as powerful as your ordinary people. Today you are so smart that you dare not take my fist. Otherwise, I would have already disabled you!"

"It's just power, isn't it?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What? Isn't strength enough? Strength is enough to kill you! " Cried the general.

"Good, good!" Lin Feng clapped his hands and laughed: "come on, let me die!"

The general's face sank, and Lin Feng was not afraid, but laughed? I'm tired of living! This is the first time he has seen such a person!

However, the reason why Lin Feng is so relaxed is that he has already thought of a way to deal with it.

The questions that Lin Feng asked just now are not all in vain. Now he has got the answer. Next, it's time to sound the clarion call of counterattack! , the fastest update of the webnovel!