The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 485

At this time, Zhu Tiancheng also began to be nervous.

Originally, his calculation was that Lin Feng might only defeat two or three generals' men. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng killed all the way and met the general directly.

However, Zhu Tiancheng still believes in the strength of the general. After all, the general's subordinates mostly rely on some mysterious things, and the general is the real force. He also heard people say that what a general is, a cultivator!

Anyway, he is a very powerful guy. He thinks Lin Feng will die in the face of the general.

No, it should be ten dead without life!

However, the fire spirit is more and more excited, did not expect this kind of scene Lin Feng can handle, is simply God.

Fire spirit has never seen such a confident man, that's the corpse in the coffin!

Leng is Lin Feng to find a flaw in one fell swoop defeat, this guy, but must live ah, I still want to make friends with him!

Jin Lengyu is also a little excited in her heart. She was very angry because they took Lin Feng's life as a gamble. This emotion also got some catharsis. Lin Feng is really upright.

Only the last pass, the last pass, Lin Feng can kill up.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man of the Wang family fell into deep thinking.

He has not seen such a young man with both wisdom and courage for many years. This is a rare talent. If Lin Feng can come to the Wang family, he will surely make the Wang family like a tiger in the sky. The king's family will dominate Songjiang city in the near future.

Therefore, he hopes that Lin Feng can successfully get through the last hurdle, and then, he will throw olive branches to Lin Feng at the first time. After all, the Wang family has a very high status in Songjiang City, and most people have no chance to climb up to the Wang family. He takes the initiative to show his kindness. Does anyone else refuse to accept it?

But Liu Hengyuan and Baimao's face is more and more ugly.

It's the last level. If Lin Feng passes the last one, they lose all the way to grandma's house. Lin Feng can't come to them directly!

Liu Hengyuan looked at Zhu Tiancheng seriously and said, "Lao Zhu, don't you say your people are more and more powerful? What happened? No one can beat Lin Feng? Are you kidding me

Baimao is also angry, he lost all the way to now, and the life and death Bureau bet five million, the death of ablifeng.

He is a small leader of the eagle club. How can he have so much money to gamble? It's not all the money from the eagle club. As a result, he takes so much money, but loses all his money. How can he tell the boss when he goes back?

"Lao Zhu, do you want to kill people? Don't you say your people can easily kill Lin Feng? "

"Don't worry, brother. I have said that I have no right to decide other people's life and death, but I can tell you that the master of the last level is absolutely trump card, because the general is guarding the last level!" Zhu Tiancheng said.

"What, general and Lin Feng fight?" Liu Hengyuan looked surprised: "are you crazy? Even if Lin Feng wins a few games, he doesn't need to let the general go directly? What a powerful man is a general? I heard about his deeds a few years ago. The alliance of the dead sent the 36th killers to assassinate the general. As a result, he was beaten by the general and had no strength to fight back. He died directly in the hands of the general! No wonder you are so confident. It turns out that the last level is general! Lin Feng is definitely dead! "

"Good, good!" Baimao clapped his hands and said, "Lao Zhu, are you scared to death? I thought I was going to capsize today. There is a general guarding the last level, and Lin Feng can't climb up! It's the same sentence, dead goods, ha ha ha

Hearing this, jinlengyu and Huoling are worried.

They have also heard of the general's name and strength, and their big families know their roots and know the bottom of the matter. Because the general is Zhu Tiancheng's backing, they are afraid of the general, so they will be equal with Zhu Tiancheng. Otherwise, Zhu Tiancheng is a fart in their eyes.

If the general makes a move, it will certainly set off a bloodbath.

Lin Feng this time, really dangerous!

And in all eyes, Lin Feng came to the seventh floor in the big screen.

The seventh floor is very open, there is no extra furnishings, the open hall, four marble columns against the ceiling, the front wall of the hall, hanging a pair of landscape painting, fresh and elegant.

Under the landscape painting, on a gray blanket, there are wooden tea tables with short legs.

The general sat at the table, wiping his shining sword with a white cloth.

When Lin Feng's figure appeared on the seventh floor, he did not look at Lin Feng, but continued to wipe the knife, as if completely immersed in his own world, and as if he had known that Lin Feng would come up, without a trace of surprise.

This stable and powerful aura can only be possessed by the strong, and ordinary people can't put it out.

Lin Feng slowly walked into the seventh floor, knowing that this war is the most important thing today.

In front of those people, or with props, or mystery, but the general is nothing, quietly waiting for him to come.

Lin Feng admired his confidence, but he never liked Japanese people.At this time, the general wiped his sword and said:

"Lin Feng! Congratulations on coming to me! "

Then, he waved his knife and continued: "I heard Zhu Tiancheng say that you are very good. At first I didn't believe it very much. But today I saw your strength, I was very convinced that Huaxia has such talents as you, and should rush to be proud!"

"What do you want to say Lin Feng asked with a faint smile.

"I want to say, you such talented person, Huaxia should make good use of, not be killed by me!" The general's eyes sent out a cold light, suddenly staring at Lin Feng.

"Ha ha ha, if you say so, I think you are a Japanese talent." Lin Feng said with a smile: "you should not come to China to die in my hands!"

"Arrogant man, his voice is so loud!" The general put his sword on the table and roared, "the biggest characteristic of your Chinese people is arrogance. Lin Feng, you will pay for your arrogance!"

Lin Feng said: "yes, then let me see how powerful you are."

"Good!" The general gave a cold drink: "take the move!"

I saw his hand toward the tea table gently swept, a teacup "whoosh" toward the front door of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned. The teacup is fierce and fast. It's not an ordinary attack.

Lin Feng didn't connect with him, but avoided it directly.

The teacup smashed directly into the wall with a bang. However, some fragments of the teacup were carved into the wall.

"Lying trough, how powerful is this? With a wave of his hand, he is so powerful. It seems that the general is really a master Baimao exclaimed in surprise.

"Lao Zhu, I really didn't take part in this gamble for nothing. It's too much for him. It's so enjoyable!" Liu Hengyuan laughed and said, "it really makes my blood boil to see the general kill with his own eyes."

The fire spirit on one side was dignified and said: "it seems that this time, Lin Feng is in big trouble!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!