The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 478

However, in the next second, Lin Feng really saw Miyamoto Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi, like him, stands at the root of a mirror and moves with it.

When Lin Feng saw Miyamoto Musashi, Miyamoto Musashi was full of surprise. He did not expect that Lin Feng was waiting for him behind the gen gate.

Did Lin Feng find something?

Lin Feng immediately caught the surprise in Miyamoto Musashi's eyes. He was also sure of his guess. He could not help but be a little proud. I was so smart that I was afraid of him!

At that moment, Lin Feng rushed directly to Miyamoto Musashi at the moment when the two mirrors would make peace.

Miyamoto Musashi quickly evades Lin Feng's attack, only to find that Lin Feng is just a feint. The next second, Lin Feng directly smears oil on his feet and runs away.

"Not good!"

Miyamoto Musashi was shocked. It turned out that Lin Feng had already understood the mystery of the eight gate array. At the moment when the two gates met, Lin Feng seized the opportunity and went outside the array.

As Lin Feng expected, there was no danger along the way. After bypassing several mirrors, he saw the stairway in front of him.

"Wow, Lin Feng is so powerful that he even killed him from the array!" The fire spirit screamed with joy.

She was very surprised. How could she be so excited when Lin Feng came out of the array?

It's like my heart is beating with this man. It's really strange.

Huo Ling is a leader of the flying snake gang. On weekdays, my younger brother is afraid of her. Because the younger brothers think that she is a very cruel woman, and inhuman.

But today she is so fond of Lin Feng. If you let the little brother of the flying snake Gang see it, don't you startle your chin?

At this time, the old man of the Wang family was also shocked. He said: "being able to understand the mysteries of the eight gate array at such a fast speed and get out of the array easily and neatly, is this Lin Feng absolutely a master of Metaphysics? He is not only very skillful, but also so domineering in metaphysics. This is a rare talent

The old man's beard trembled slightly. He wanted to tell the master of the Wang family the young man who shocked him. This young man is extraordinary! If you can play a role for the Wang family, you will certainly be a good cadre.

But now the phone can not be called out, can only temporarily put in the heart.

Jin Lengyu is also very surprised. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng still has this skill. Now he begins to understand why his sister Jin Wan'er likes Lin Feng. Although this man looks like a fool, he always gives people a sense of trust. What's more, Jin Lengyu has a feeling that Lin Feng is omnipotent!

Is this idolatry? I am Lin Feng's brain powder?

Jin Lengyu was so cold that she didn't expect that she would have this complex. Even she was very surprised.

At this time, Lin Feng had already reached the stairway, but he saw a figure floating out of the array and rushing towards him.

Before the man arrived, a bayonet arrived first.

Lin Feng went back to hide, the bayonet pierced the handrail of the stairs, and then the blade flattened, sweeping toward Lin Feng.

This knife is very powerful. It cuts off all the handrails of the stairs. With the sound of howling, it goes directly to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is unarmed. Naturally, he can't fight against him. He can only choose to retreat backward to avoid this knife.

Miyamoto Musashi stood with his hands on the stairs and said in a low voice in Japanese: "Lin Fengjun, I'm very surprised and appreciated your way of breaking the array just now. I think if you didn't offend the general, we might be very good friends. But now, I can only fight for the master. I'm sorry!"

Lin Feng smiles and replies in Japanese: "don't worry, Mr. Musashi. Even if I don't fight against your master, I can't be friends with you, because I don't like Japanese people by nature, except for Japanese beauties."

"Lin Feng, you are very annoying!" Miyamoto Musashi, with a angry face and a knife in both hands, has already opened his posture.

"Is it? But I'll be the one you hate but can't do it. Try it if you don't believe me Lin Feng grinned.

"Asshole, take your life!"

Miyamoto Musashi's feet forced, wooden clogs clattered, with a gust of wind rushed toward Lin Feng, a knife like a spring yellow dragon, fiercely stabbed at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng jumped up, with the help of the strength of Miyamoto Musashi's knife, a somersault lightly fell behind Miyamoto Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi was very alert and continued to chop at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, however, held a wooden handrail cut off from the stairs. It was a mahogany cylinder about half a meter long. He was able to block the bayonets of Gongben Musashi.

However, Miyamoto Musashi's bayonet is too fast. Every time Lin Feng blocks, a piece of wood in his hand is cut off.

Miyamoto Musashi fought more and more bravely. After cutting several knives in succession, he saw that Lin Feng had retreated to the wall, and he even showed a arrogant laugh: "Lin Feng Jun, you have no way to retreat, surrender obediently!""Sorry, there is no word" surrender "in my dictionary Lin Feng smiles with confidence.

"Then I'm sorry!"

Miyamoto Musashi raised his knife and chopped at Lin Feng with all his strength.

But this time, Lin Feng did not retreat, but rushed to Miyamoto Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi cut through the air with a knife, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He looked down and was shocked.

However, the staircase handrail, which was only half cut by myself, pierced into his abdomen.

Lin Feng directly pulled out the wood and kicked Miyamoto Musashi.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi saw that the piece of wood in Lin Feng's hand had been cut to half, but it had been cut into the shape of a pencil tip, very sharp.

It turns out that Lin Feng just deliberately used his knife to "sharpen the pencil", and then used the big pencil to stab himself in the abdomen.

Miyamoto's weapon is borrowed from Miyamoto.

How vicious is this move to bite you with your big dog!

The blood in Miyamoto Musashi's abdomen was like a gush of blood, which was extremely painful and frightening, but his heart was more humiliating.

I was stabbed with wood by an unarmed man, and I was still cutting wood by myself. What a sleeping trough!

What's more surprising is that Lin Feng can find an angle to cater to each other to "sharpen the pencil" in this battle. This can only show one thing. Lin Feng's strength is too strong, far above Gongben Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi's attack, in Lin Feng's eyes, no threat, even became a joke!

Regardless of his abdominal pain, Miyamoto Musashi knelt on his knees, kowtowed to Lin Feng directly, and said in very stiff Chinese: "master, I'm convinced by Miyamoto Musashi. Please accept my obeisance!"

Miyamoto Musashi has been in Japan for more than ten years. He has never seen such a powerful figure. He can not only easily crack his own array, but also defeat himself unarmed, which is comparable to the god man.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I am not a master. If you are an architect, I will cater to you. You can call me a carpenter!"

Lin Feng's words are ironic because he defeated Miyamoto Musashi with wood.

Finish saying, Lin Feng throws the wooden awl in the hand, say: "go to bandage quickly, late will die!"

With that, he turned and left, leaving only Miyamoto Musashi with blood in his abdomen. He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!