The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 477

This eight gate array is based on the five elements and eight trigrams in the Chinese Qimen dunjia.

The five elements are gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

The eight trigrams are Qian, dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen and Kun.

The initial position is northwest of Qian, southwest of Kun, due south of Li, north of Kan, west of Dui, east of earthquake, Southeast of Xun and northeast of Gen.

In the array, the eight trigrams correspond to the eight Gates: Qian vs. open the gate, Kan vs. Xiu gate, Gen vs. Sheng gate, Zhen vs. Shang gate, Xun vs. Du gate, Li vs. Jing gate, Kun vs. Death Gate, and Dui vs. Jing gate.

In this way, the connection is as follows:

Qian Kaimen northwest

Kan xiumen Zhengbei

Gen Shengmen northeast

earthquake Shangmen Zhengdong

Xun Du men southeast

Li Jingmen Zhengnan

Kun Death Gate southwest

Dui Jingmen Zhengxi

that is to say, Shengmen is gen, in the northeast.

But Lin Feng knows that this thing is not so simple. If you know a little gossip, you can determine the position of the students' family. Then this array is not as mysterious as the legend.

According to the movement of the mirror, every door changes from time to time. That is to say, only at a certain moment can the gate be opened. Although these gate positions correspond to the eight trigrams, it is useless to find out when and where the gate will be opened.

When to open the door is decided by the five elements.

The attribute of the birth gate is the spring in the four seasons. In spring, the Yang Qi turns and everything grows, which means living.

In spring, the temperature is warmer, the ice and snow melt, and the rainfall increases, so the five elements belong to water.

That is to say, when the array is in operation and the gen level coincides with the water level, there will be Shengmen.

This is a very mysterious thing. Now the array has not started to operate. Lin Feng is still looking for the right initial position. This is also the moment when the students open. But Lin Feng knows that next, the gate will be closed immediately.

According to Lin Feng's expectation, Miyamoto Musashi seems to know that Lin Feng is calculating and quickly starts the array. He sees that the mirror suddenly starts to move along the established track. All the mirrors are moving, which gives people a dazzling feeling.

At this time, all positions are in disorder.

But this has long been predicted by Lin Feng.

Miyamoto Musashi can't let Lin Feng find his students easily, otherwise this array will be useless.

But Lin Feng knows a truth well, that is, the people who set up this array always know where the students are.

In other words, many arrays are designed to kill the enemy, but since they are designed to kill the enemy, why do they still have a way to live for the enemy?

That's because the person who designs the array has to be in the array occasionally. He wants to come out through this way.

This is just like the ancient tomb repair craftsmen, who would certainly leave a way out of the tomb for themselves. In later generations, these roads often become the way for tomb robbers to live. This is actually a truth.

You can't say that the craftsman is building this road for tomb robbers, just as you can't say that the gate left by the people who set up the array is for the enemy.

Therefore, this road is not for those who are trapped in the array, but for those who build the array. The master of the array should always keep himself out of the array.

Therefore, to grasp this truth, Lin Feng only needs to keep an eye on Miyamoto Musashi. Miyamoto Musashi will surely move with the mirror of Gen position, and he will mark on the mirror of water level. In this way, when the mirror of Gen position meets the mirror of water level, the student will appear and he will be able to get out of the array.

What Lin Feng has to do next is to wait for Miyamoto Musashi to appear again, and then follow his trail to find the gen position and water level.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sat on the ground, closed his eyes and kept his eyes closed. I was as stable as Mount Taishan in spite of all the fuss around you.

But Baimao in the box was happy and danced: "you see, Lin Feng gave up and he sat down!"

With the fall of his voice, Lin Feng actually lay down again, one hand on the back of his head, humming a tune, leisurely, as if deliberately following Baimao's words.

"I wipe, is he going to sleep?" Liu Hengyuan said.

"The character of Lin Feng is really interesting! Don't be confused in the face of danger Huolingdao.

The old man of the Wang family said, "Lin Feng just recited five elements and eight trigrams in his mouth just now, as if he understood these things very well. I think Lin Feng is closing his eyes, calculating the position, and then accumulating strength to break through the array!"

"You can bring down old Wang!" Liu Hengyuan flicked the ash and said with disdain: "I think Lin Feng is poor in skills and gives up resistance. Lao Zhu, ask your man to come out, kill him, and let the game end. I have to find xiaochuntao to be happy

Zhu Tiancheng said: "Liu Shao, I don't have that ability. This is a gambling game. I don't have the ability to control gambling. Otherwise, it won't be cheating."

"Ha ha!" Liu Shao sneered and said nothing.At this time, in the picture, Lin Feng is humming a song and lying down with a comfortable expression.

Miyamoto Musashi is guilty of murmuring, this guy, don't you want to go on?

It's no good going on like this. Lin Feng has broken through the first two passes, which shows his extraordinary strength. If he doesn't make mistakes, Miyamoto Musashi is not sure that he can kill Lin Feng.

Therefore, only lure him to stand up and continue to look for a way out. If he triggers traps and hidden weapons, they are all connected, which will make her unable to bear the burden of walking. She will take the action on her own to ensure her safety.

Thinking of this, Miyamoto Musashi appeared again. This time, he wanted to put on an appearance of killing Lin Feng. He waved a bayonet in his hand and stabbed him at Lin Feng,


Lin Feng eyes a bright, a carp beat to avoid Miyamoto Musashi a move, and then backhand to attack Miyamoto Musashi.

But Miyamoto Musashi didn't want to fight at all. He turned around and ran away.

This is exactly what Lin Feng wants. Lin Feng tries hard to follow Miyamoto Musashi. As long as he can see the traces of Miyamoto Musashi, he doesn't need to be caught.

However, Miyamoto Musashi is very cunning. After Lin Feng followed him for a while, he found out that he deliberately took Lin Feng around the trap.

At this time, Lin Feng had just passed through a mirror with him. Suddenly, several arrows were fired from behind, which was extremely fast. Lin Feng rolled and dodged the arrow. However, he triggered the second mechanism. He felt that his head was cool and a knife with cold light cut from top to bottom.

Lin Feng quickly rushed forward and hid. However, he triggered the third mechanism and ejected a fire dragon. Fortunately, Lin Feng reacted fast enough, or he would be scorched all of a sudden.

He quickly flashed back to the array, otherwise it would be too dangerous. Even if an expert like Lin Feng could avoid these traps and concealed weapons, he was afraid that if one was not careful, his previous achievements would be wasted.

In addition, there is Miyamoto Musashi staring at one side. If he is in trouble with himself, he will be more passive.

Of course, in fact, Lin Feng is not very worried about these things, and it is not the reason for Lin Feng to retreat. The reason why Lin Feng retreated to the array is that he has already discovered something.

After a few circles with Miyamoto Musashi, he found that wherever Miyamoto Musashi went, he seemed to be centering on one of the mirrors. Although the mirror was still moving, Miyamoto Musashi was never far away from it, as if afraid of losing it.

So Lin Feng secretly made a mark on the mirror. The mirror, without accident, is where Gen is.

As you can see, when the array is started, as long as Gen meets the water level, it will be the time when the birth gate is opened.

Lin Feng just needs to stand in gen position and wait for the water level to come.

But how do you know which mirror represents the water level?

Lin Feng has thought about this for a long time. After the formation is started, there are mechanisms and traps everywhere. Only Gen level and water level are safe.

So when Miyamoto Musashi is in the array, he will choose these two positions as the foothold.

Therefore, Lin Feng only needs to keep up with the movement of Gen position. When he meets Miyamoto Musashi again, it may be the time when Gen position and Gen position meet, that is, the time of birth.

At that time, traps and hidden weapons will stop, which is the best time for Lin Feng to go out.

Therefore, Lin Feng stood at the root of the mirror that he had made a mark on. As the mirror moved, he quietly waited for the appearance of Miyamoto Musashi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!