The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 473

"Why can't I go out?" Asked Jin Lengyu.

"The game is not over, you haven't lost all your money, you can't go out!" Zhu Tiancheng Tao.

"I'm going out, do you dare to stop me?" Jin Lengyu looks at Zhu Tiancheng angrily. As one of the three families, the strength of the Jin family is not for fun.

Zhu Tiancheng said: "Oh, of course I dare not stop you, but once you go out like this, who knows if you will call the outside to say this? If there is a leak, we will all suffer! Liu Shao, Wang Lao, Huo Ling, do you think so? "

Zhu Jincheng wants to attack him together.

Liu Hengyuan put the end of his cigarette into the ashtray, twisted out the cigarette end, and said, "Lao Zhu is right. If you come out to play, you should be able to play. It's a disappointment to end the show in the middle of the way."

The white hair of the eagle society echoed and said, "yes! It's not that Miss Kim killed you. What are you excited about? Today, we are lucky to get together and have an exciting gamble. Miss Kim, don't be a disappointment

"Are you afraid that Lin Feng will kill you Jin Lengyu was shivering.

"Oh, he's in trouble. How can he get here?" White hair said.

"Yes, even if he does come up at last, it's a six story building. Is there any strength here?" Liu Shao said with a scornful smile.

Zhu Tiancheng is a ha ha smile, heart said that these people really want more, Lin Feng today, how can not come to this building, his death has become a foregone conclusion.

So Su Jing in the box next door must be his crotch plaything.

But he said: "you don't worry, even if Lin Feng comes to this floor, he will never find this box, so you can rest assured to play!"

Of course, he can't expose the gambling game in advance. He has to take part of the dealer's commission by gambling. In this way, he will make money, kill Lin Feng, and play Su Jing. Moreover, today's banquet will let him pretend to be a good man in front of the celebrities in Songjiang. It's really a beautiful thing to kill four birds with one arrow!

Zhu Tiancheng feels that he is too smart, and his IQ is almost unmatched!

"Do you think of other people as tools? Is this a good way to do it?" At this time, Jin Lengyu continued to retort.

"It's fun. Why not Liu Hengyuan said: "we in the upper class should be higher than the upper class and have fun with the lower class people? You see, the Colosseum of ancient Rome, those nobles, were not happy with slaves? It's been like this for many years. Don't you pretend to be a savior or or a saint

"Liu HengYuan, you are shameless!" Said Jin Lengyu.

"Yes, I am shameless. What can Lin Feng do to me? He is not my plaything, when I have fun Liu Hengyuan said with an indifferent face: "the lower class will always work for the upper class people, no matter when they are!"

"Well said, Liu Shaozhen's words are reasonable. We in the upper class should enjoy the superiority brought by our position, and we can look for stimulation and happiness without fear. Liu Shaozhen, I respect you!" Zhu Tiancheng raises his glass to Liu Chengyuan.

"Dry!" Liu Hengyuan took a sip.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Hengyuan and Zhu Tiancheng are on the United Front, and the eagle society Baimao also agrees with Liu Hengyuan's opinion, so the three of them wear a pair of trousers.

Huo Ling, the leader of the flying snake Gang, did not make a statement. However, she should be opposed to seeing her tit for tat with the white hair of the eagle society.

Wang's old man did not want to offend anyone, so he reconciled from this point: "please be a little restless. I don't think anyone is right or wrong. But today, this matter is different from everyone's opinion." I just hope everyone is happy

"Old man, you and he said so much, do you want to bet?" Liu Hengyuan asked arrogantly.

"Bet! I bet on Lin Fengsheng Said the old Wang.

"Then I'll bet on Lin Feng's death!" Liu Hengyuan said fiercely.

Liu Hengyuan's dissatisfaction with Jin Lengyu has all been vented to Lin Feng. He has pursued Jin Lengyu before, but Jin Lengyu doesn't kill him. He still has a strong desire for Jin Lengyu, but Jin Lengyu is too cold for him to get close to.

But today, when he saw Jin Lengyu go, he always spoke for Lin Feng? He was already angry.

Aren't you worried about Lin Feng? Then I'll bet him to die, and I'll fight against you. I'll bet he'll die without a corpse!

What's more, Lin Feng injured dog. I haven't settled the account with him. Today he died and was settled.

When Baimao saw that Liu Hengyuan had made a bet, he also said: "I also bet on Lin Feng's death! Don't think that it's awesome after a pass, Lao Zhu, the people behind you are giving me strength!

"That's for sure!" Zhu Tiancheng said.

One side of the fire spirit see white hair bet Lin Feng die, she then cold smile: "then I bet Lin Feng live!"

Liu Hengyuan said with a cold smile: "fire spirit, how can you be so insightful! Don't think Lin Feng can win after one pass. There are six floors in total. He must be a dead one"Yes White hair complacent smile: "absolutely dead goods one!"

Jin Lengyu took a deep breath and said angrily, "well, you don't like to use other people as tools. Then I'll bet on Lin Fengsheng, and I'll bet that he will kill you. I'll find you who gamble on his death and get rid of you one by one."

Jin Lengyu doesn't know why. She always wants to be unfair for Lin Fengming. See Lin Feng as a gamble on life and death, she can not control the mood, really want to Lin Feng can rush up, beat them all.

"Jin Leng Yu, you are a little too much of a statement." Liu Hengyuan frowned and said, "I didn't seem to offend you, did I? Is that Lin Feng your wild man? How else can you speak for him everywhere


"OK, OK!" Zhu Tiancheng quickly came out and said, "since we are done, we can take a seat on this boat for a while. We should sell old Zhu a face. Let's not quarrel and play peacefully."

"Miss Kim, this is the matter. Don't be angry!" Wang's old man also advised.

Jin Lengyu's face was slightly red, and her fierce anger leaped on her face. However, she knew that in this box today, she would not be able to leave. Others would worry about her going out and divulging secrets. If she tried hard, she would be against everyone. So she had no choice but to try to calm herself down.

At this time, in the large screen picture, Lin Feng has come to the third floor.

"Come on, let's start this game!" Zhu Tiancheng said.

Everyone depends on their luck. Although Liu Hengyuan chose Lin Feng to die in the game of life and death, he chose Lin Feng to win this game.

But Baimao still stubbornly chooses Lin Feng to lose.

Of course, Huoling is still against Baimao, choosing Lin Feng to win.

Wang's old man and Jin Lengyu abstained.

Here, after Lin Feng arrived on the third floor, he felt that he was in front of him.

Before the third floor is a singing and dancing banquet hall, where you can set up a stage for singing, singing and dancing, as well as holding some cultural and sports activities.

However, at this time, there was a stand everywhere, one at a distance of one or two meters, and it was full of clothes, all kinds of costumes, some silks and satins, all kinds of colorful fabrics. There was no other thing to see from a few meters away. There were long and short clothes and fabrics everywhere.

People in it, as if in these fabrics shuttle, can not see the road ahead, do not know where they are.

At this time, however, Lin Feng felt a figure flash past his head. Then, behind a thin veil, a pair of scissors suddenly sprang out and stabbed at Lin Feng's eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!