The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 472

The cook's action is very sharp, just a foot action is very fast, and after that foot this knife, the action is more swift and violent.

However, Lin Feng dodged the knife again.

Through these several times, Lin Feng also saw that the strength of the cook's feet was far less than that of his hands.

Because before that one foot, to Lin Feng feeling is very ordinary foot, without any threat, but the knife on this hand, is fierce.

But it's also understandable. Chefs practice the strength of their wrists and arms all day long, holding and playing with knives, which is even more important. So just pay attention to his upper limb attack!

When the chef saw that the two blows were successful, he became furious. The knife on his hand was full of wind and water, and all kinds of tricky angles stabbed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged left and right, suddenly caught a flaw, and hit back.

The chef is to help the chopper block up, directly catch Lin Feng's fist, under the chopper, a knife stabbed at Lin Feng's abdomen.

Lin Feng grabs the chef's wrist and firmly controls the chef's hand. However, the chef's finger is flexible to play with the steel knife.

He did not move his wrist. His fingers held the handle of the knife, and the steel knife moved flexibly between his fingers. He drew towards Lin Feng's wrist.

Lin Feng quickly released the chef's hand and stepped back. However, his hands were full of hands: "not bad. The knife is very smooth."

"Hum!" The cook snorted with pride.

He knew that Lin Feng was praising his knife skills. He was a steel knife, but he could cut fish, vegetables, fruits, snakes, horses, birds and oxen. He liked others like fish and meat. He felt that everyone under his knife should be an obedient dish.

Therefore, his arrogance on his face increased a few points, and the knife technique in his hand was even more cool. In one hand, he was holding a vegetable plate and turning a flying knife in the other hand, and rushed towards Lin Feng again.

"It's interesting."

Lin Feng sighed, this guy's chopper is a shield and a steel knife is a spear. He has attack and defense. This is the routine of three hundred Spartan warriors!

As time goes by, the chef's knife has already arrived in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng dodges away and kicks at the chef with his knee raised fiercely.

Naturally, the chef used his plate to protect his body, but what he didn't expect was that Lin Feng's foot was very heavy and completely different from before.

A great force hit the kitchen board of the chef. I heard a "click" sound. The cook's board was kicked off. He was also kicked off by Lin Feng and hit the wall severely. The back of his head was hit with blood and his brain was dizzy.

Lin Feng cheated him and kicked him in the head.

That foot with the wind, it was about to kick the head of the chef, but, in front of the cook, suddenly stopped.

The chef's hair was really windy back a scoop, already scared to the ground.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "God has the virtue of good life. I don't want to kill animals. Of course, the main reason is that I've just finished eating delicious food, and I'm in a good mood."

Lin Feng said, picked up the knife on the ground and suddenly played it.

The knife seemed to have magic, spinning back and forth between Lin Feng's palms and flying up and down.

Lin Feng's fingers are soft and boneless. Playing that knife is even more skillful than a chef. His movements are more complicated and more difficult.

Outside the arena, people were dazzled and amazed.

"What's so hard about this thing? This guy is beating you up Lin Feng is very disdainful while playing.

And the cook was completely shocked at this time. His knife had been a part of his body for so many years, so he played it skillfully and skillfully.

However, Lin Feng just took it in his hand and played more smoothly than he did.

All of a sudden, his proud self-confidence collapsed in an instant, and he no longer had the courage to fight!

But Lin Feng after a play, feel no sense of interest, hand a swing that knife, knife whoosh, quickly fly to the chef, straight into the wall.

"Ah --"

the chef cried out in pain.

Everyone was surprised to find that the knife actually cut off an ear of the cook, and then nailed it to the wall behind the cook.

"I choose to forgive you for the offence you have just made!" Lin Feng smiles.

What he said was the scene when he was about to go upstairs when he was stopped by a knife.

Then, facing the camera, he put his forefinger and middle finger together, put it between his eyebrows, shook his hand, and made a gesture of greeting. Then, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned around and went to the third floor.

However, at this time, the mysterious box, suddenly fried pot.

"Wo Cao, this Lin Feng has two sons!" Liu Hengyuan yelled.

It is not easy for him to think that he can be called elder brother by Ren Changfeng. Facts have proved this.

And just now Lin Fengchao's smart action on the camera, coupled with his meaningful smile, makes people feel very profound, there is a kind of danger, I smile from the pride!"Boss Zhu, does Lin Feng know that we are looking at him behind the camera?" Wang asked.

"I don't know. Maybe he thought I was the only one watching him behind the camera!" Zhu Tiancheng said.

Wang's old man was thoughtful and intuitively told him that Lin Feng was by no means a simple character.

But now the mobile phone has no signal, there is no way to contact the outside world to check the background of Lin Feng, so I can only guess for the time being.

At this time, the most antidote is the spirit of fire.

He smiles at Baimao and says, "don't you want to win my money? Now it's like you lost! Three notes, three million! Ha ha ha

"Shit!" Baimao scolded him. He didn't expect Lin Feng to win the first level so easily.

"Lao Zhu, can you find some good people to come?" Baimao complained angrily.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Zhu Tiancheng said: "this first game is just a small trial. The people in the first game are the weakest among all people. The players behind are all masters. It will be more and more difficult, so now you have to bet on life and death!"

"What do you mean?" Liu Hengyuan asked.

Zhu Tiancheng said: "as the name implies, the life and death bet is to bet on the final outcome of Lin Feng. Is it to live or die? It's a big bet, five at least, one million each, and everyone has to take part in it

"Must that be death? Is it worth saying? " Liu Hengyuan laughed: "otherwise, Lin Feng will fight all the way, and will you have boss Zhu's good fruit to eat? Ha ha ha

"That's not necessarily true. Lin Feng was beaten to a serious injury. It's not impossible for this outcome to happen." Said the fire spirit.

Jin Lengyu is fed up with these people taking other people's life and death as a stake, she said angrily: "I don't play, this gamble is completely inhuman!"

When Zhu Tiancheng heard this, he was very reluctant to say, "Miss Kim, what you said is terrible. Isn't it equal to scolding all of us? We're not human beings. We're just looking for stimulation. Look at you. We're swearing! "

"What's wrong with swearing? Don't you think it's too much of a living person to gamble on his life and death even if he is used as a tool for fun? " Jin Lengyu said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I don't think it's too much! In my eyes, he's just a lowlife, a tool! " Zhu Tiancheng spread out his hands and grinned coldly with a look that he didn't want to beat.

"Well, I won't take part. I'll go out!" Jin Lengyu gets up and goes out.

However, Zhu Tiancheng stood in front of him, stopped her, and said with a faint smile: "Miss Kim, I'm sorry, you can't go out!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!