The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 455

"Tai Chi?" Zishu was surprised: "the battle volume of Chen's Taiji has long been lost? The rest, only health Tai Chi! Can it be used to fight? "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "who says that health preserving Taiji can't fight? Don't you think I threw you into the yard at once

"Damn it!" Zishu's face was livid. He had never been so disgraceful.

At this time, the leaders of those backers all chased out to see, and he felt even more shameless.

At this time, Lin Feng also deliberately asked: "by the way, brother, you just experienced the flying man in the air. Is it very cool?"

Zishu was so angry that he yelled: "Lin Feng, don't play with me. Today I'm going to show you my power."

With that, he pulled out two short swords directly from his legs. Under the illumination of the light, the swords were burning with cold light and looked extremely sharp.

Originally, he did not intend to use weapons, but at the moment, he wanted to kill Lin Feng as soon as possible.

"Lin Feng, take your life!"

Zishu said, again toward Lin Feng rushed past, the moment came to Lin Feng's eyes, the hand blade is also toward Lin Feng stab.

Lin Feng moves around, calmly parry, occasionally push and pull a few times, a big Taiji master posture.

Several times, the blade of Zishu's sword crossed Lin Feng's eyes and hurt him by a fraction of a millimeter. However, Lin Feng was calm and calm, and avoided him one by one.

However, this scene seems to everyone, but it is very exciting.

At this time, the backyard, cold wind whistling, smoke flying.

Under the eaves of wooden buildings, rows of big red lanterns shaking with the wind make the whole yard covered with a strange red.

Lin Feng was dressed in black night clothes, and Zishu was dressed in a white long shirt. They were fighting with each other. They had a very visual effect, just like the black and white double evil spirits in the red.

The two men were fighting fiercely, and the people who supported by the side also looked very carefully.

"Do you think Zishu will win?"

"I'm sure it will. You can see that Lin Feng is not the opponent of Zishu boss at all! He can only hide, not attack! "

"If Lin Feng is defeated today, I must pee on him to relieve my hatred!"

"Take me one too!"


at this time, Zishu's two short swords were used to stab Lin Feng. They were very dangerous, as powerful as tigers and swords as dragons.

Lin Feng's body is very flexible, just like a long river. It flows quietly. It can't excite the waves, but it can't break down.

Seeing that there was no result in a long battle, Zishu could not help feeling impatient, and his moves became more and more fierce.

Lin Feng is also secretly admired in his heart. The strength of this book is extraordinary. His attack at this time is twice as strong as before. Lin Feng dare not be careless.

However, everything is a double-edged sword. Under such a fierce attack, Zishu is full of flaws, and Lin Feng grabs it.

Before Zishu's sword reached Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng kicked Zishu's hand. Zishu's hand was numb and his sword was kicked away.


the speed of the dagger was very fast. It crossed people's eyes and flew directly along the eaves. It cut off a row of Lantern ropes and nailed it to a wooden column under the eaves with a "Du" sound.

Zishu's Hukou was numb, and he was shocked. He didn't expect that he was holding two blades. Lin Feng kicked out a dagger instead.

He was very angry and roared and continued to rush towards Lin Feng.

"Young man, it seems that you have little experience in fighting against masters! Don't you know that when you're angry, you're full of holes? " Lin Feng smiles.

"Don't talk nonsense. I have to kill you today!"

Zishu's eyes were scarlet and rushed to Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng directly pulled out a dagger from his thigh. This time, with a dagger in his hand, he no longer dodged and attacked Zishu.

Daggers and daggers are sharp blades of attack, which are not suitable for defense at all.

So both of them entered the attack state at this time, and the fight became more intense.

See both sides of the fight you come and go, avoid the other side's sharp blade attack, immediately counter attack, do not give in to each other, once let the fight into the climax of the state.

Many of them also knew martial arts. After reading the fight between Lin Feng and Zishu, they were amazed at their high level of realm. They had never seen such an expert.

Lin Feng found that the other side's martial arts attainments are also very high, and their weapons are superb. If they are not the enemy, they may really become friends with each other.

However, Zishu sent people to take and kill jade, which had touched his bottom line, and he could not tolerate it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took a look at the lantern that fell on the ground and the dagger nailed to the column, and his mouth was covered with a smile.

He stabbed at Zishu with a sharp knife. As soon as Zishu hid behind, he took the space, stepped on the fence, pulled out the dagger on the column, and then projected it to the lantern under the eaves above Zishu's head.At the same time, his feet move, chaozishu rushed over.

When he was about to reach Zishu's body, the dagger he had projected just cut the line of the big red lanterns under the eaves. A row of red lanterns fell together, just blocking the sight of Zishu.

Zishu first saw Lin Feng rush towards him. He just wanted to fight back, but suddenly he had a bright red impression. Then, all the lanterns fell to the ground and the light disappeared.

However, Lin Feng in front of Zishu also disappeared.

At this time, listen to the "Puff Chi" sound, Zishu feel cool behind.

A sharp blade has pierced his back heart. At the moment when the lantern fell, Lin Feng turned to the back of Zishu by the moment that the lantern was dazzling.

Go down, bayonet.

The blood poured back quickly, overflowing from the corner of Zishu's mouth.

Lin Feng's figure moved out from the back of the book and said coldly, "sometimes, we need to use our brains to fight!"

Zishu was pale, coughed up a mouthful of red blood, and fell to the ground.

He has been stabbed in the vital part and is no longer alive.

"Lin Feng, I didn't expect that I was defeated by you today!" Zishu was pale, biting his teeth, and said in a low voice: "it doesn't matter. My master will come back to avenge me. Lin Feng, even if you have a high level of martial arts, you will still be an ant in front of my master!"

"Where does your confidence come from?" Lin Feng asked.

Zishu coughed a few times, and his lips trembled. He reluctantly said, "my master is a great cultivator. He has already become one of the blood changing realms. Lin Feng, I'm waiting for my master to come to you and ask for your life."

After hearing this, Lin Feng was very surprised!

I didn't expect that the other side should have a master like a cultivator.

It is said that there are three levels of cultivation, including blood, bone and Qi. Each state is divided into six levels. Each level has a great difference in strength. Among the three levels, the difference is even greater, just like the difference between clouds and mud. It is very amazing.

There are practitioners in this mysterious organization, but the reason is not small!

At this time, Zishu closed his eyes slightly and murmured: "master, I miss you, master..."

there was a pool of blood behind him, which was very dazzling under the white clothes.

When the cold wind blows, the lanterns on the eaves are still swaying with the wind, but the lanterns falling on the ground are scattered everywhere with the wind.

This lantern, like the people of the mountain Gang, used to be lanterns on the eaves.

There are eaves shelter and rope traction, bright, not afraid of the wind and sun.

But at the moment, the patrons are like lanterns on the ground.

No shelter, no backbone, a gust of wind, scattered, wandering.

No wonder Lin Feng said when he came into the house that winter seemed not far away.

This sentence originally has a moral meaning, the cold winter of relying on the mountain has come!

"It's over! Patron, it's over

"It's over! It's all over


some people can't help but cry when they hear the sad voice.

"Do you want to continue to be my enemy?" Lin Feng asked them.

This group of people is a group of people gathered to harm the society, which is not worthy of sympathy.

"No, we dare not!"

At this time, everyone understood that Lin Feng was always playing the role of pig and eating tiger. In fact, he was the most powerful one.

Lin Feng said: "since you dare not be enemies with me, do something for me. Bury the body of Zishu! This is the respect a warrior should receive! "

"Good!" They all nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!