The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 454

"Lin Feng, you are very arrogant!" The book is cold.

He spoke, Lin Feng heart suddenly move, yes, this voice, is the voice of the phone.

"Who are you? Is it the new owner of the backers? " Lin Feng raised his legs and asked to Zishu.

Zishu didn't speak yet, but the remaining evils of the mountain group spoke first.

"This is our son Book boss!"

"Lin Feng, don't pretend to be forced. Our son Book boss is very powerful. You can be killed with three fists and two feet!"

"Get out of this chamber before our boss Zishu starts!"


after seeing the power of Zishu, these people believed in Zishu's ability.

They had seen Lin Feng's ability before, and they had no strength to fight back. They also kicked Cui Sanye down.

But there is still a big gap between Lin Feng's strength and Zishu's!

Therefore, all of them are extremely arrogant with the support of Zishu.

"You drink, you Cui three ye and Tian four ye just died, so quickly change owners? It seems that you are really a group of loyal people Lin Feng smilingly sarcastic way.

"Lin Feng, let your mother's shit go. You beat our brother today and hurt others. Let's not deal with you!"

A big five and three thick gang leader directly picked up a stool and rushed to Lin Feng. He just wanted to do meritorious deeds before writing.

The rest of the people saw this scene, but also one after another, rushed up. For a moment, more than a dozen leaders in the house all rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pulled up a stool, shook off his arm, and directly fought with the people together.

Because of the support of the mountain, many tables and chairs are made of trees cut from the mountain, so the house is basically made of wood.

When the two sides were put together, there was also the click of some wood hitting and breaking.

Zishu didn't stop the big fight. In his eyes, Lin Feng was scum. He didn't deserve to do it by himself. Let his subordinates teach him a lesson.

What's more, if a warrior is more powerful, where can he be?

He is a warrior. He has never been defeated in the face of a warrior so far, so Lin Feng will not be his opponent!

So Zishu didn't bother to read Lin Feng. Instead, he looked up and looked forward to it:

I want to be a practitioner of ten thousand people like my master, so that I can be admired.

At this time, Lin Feng waved a pine stool, which was like a whirlwind among the people. Everywhere he went, the tables and chairs were destroyed, and people were injured and maimed.

For a moment, howling everywhere, the house was smashed in a mess.

Lin Feng beat all those people lying on the ground and wailing. He put down the stool, sat down, and said with a smile: "originally I didn't want to fight with you, but I thought, it's so cold, everyone's activities are good, well, now it's very warm, ha ha ha!"

Curse a person to listen, is even more angry to die, this Lin Feng unexpectedly that we when heating tools!

And the son Book sits on one side quietly looking at, frown more and more deep.

"These people are really vulnerable He said faintly.

Lin Feng smile, pointing to the book said: "the whole room on you have not fallen down, or, you will lie down, I will not hit you!"

"Asshole, do you know who you're talking to?" Zishu was a little angry.

Lin Feng asked, "I don't need to know who you are. I just want to ask you, did you collude with Japanese people to attack the treasures of the order of Phoenix?"

"So what?" Zi Shudao.

"Then you're finished. This time you want to get down and let me spare you. There's no chance!" Lin Feng put a few fingers, a face scornful said.

"I don't think you can see the coffin and cry!"

Zishu's face turned red. He was obviously angry. He stood up, moved his neck, twisted his wrists and fingers, and clattered. Then he called out to the group of people, "all back, waste!"

"Yes, yes!"

All of them covered the wound and retreated to one side.

"Lin Feng, I wanted to save your life, but now it seems that I have to deal with you personally! Alas Zishu looked as if he could kill Lin Feng by himself.

"Zishu boss is powerful!" Someone yelled.

They were packed up by Lin Feng, but they couldn't beat him. When they saw Zishu, they all cheered happily.

"Lin Feng, do you really think you can play? You are not as good as a pig in front of Zishu

"You're finished, Zishu boss, you wait to die!"

"Yes, it's you who want to die today. Come here to yell. You must die without a corpse!"

... ...The remaining evils of those who rely on the mountain gang are sneering at Lin Feng one after another.

After all, Zishu is so powerful that they are all for all to see. It's too easy to kill Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng is smiling and unmoved. He has heard too much ridicule and abuse these years, but the fact has proved that the more so, the more incompetent these people are, so Lin Feng simply treats their words as farts!

At this time, Zishu seemed to think of something. He looked at Lin Feng and said with a contemptuous smile: "Lin Feng, you are not my opponent at all, so I advise you, if you obediently hand over your broken jade, and then give all humanity here an apology, I may spare your life!"

Zishu looked like a God in the sky, as if Lin Feng's life had already been in his hand. He could take it whenever he wanted, and he wanted to stay for a long time.

But Lin Feng didn't take his words seriously. Now he knew that he was able to determine one thing. This guy was definitely sent by the mysterious organization. He opened his mouth and asked for jade. The intention was too obvious.

The people of the mysterious organization covet and rob the blood jade handed down from generation to generation of the Lin family!

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "even if I hand over the broken jade to you, it's useless for you to take it!"

"Why?" Son written with puzzled look asked.

"Because even if you get the broken jade, you are already a dead man!" Lin Feng said, "what's the use of going to a dead man?"

"Hum! Arrogant Zishu's face suddenly showed anger and said: "Lin Feng, you are really shameless. OK, then I'll show you who is the dead?"

Say, his foot force, take the lead to rush toward Lin Feng fiercely.

That action, explosive, as fast as lightning, in an instant to Lin Feng body.

And then a heavy blow, directly to the face of Lin Feng hit.

This heavy fist is a move created by Zishu himself, which is called electro-optic poisonous dragon diamond.

Because Zishu is already the top of the martial arts master, the use of strength is also very free. When he started to rush forward, all his strength was in the ankle and lower leg, and then in the running, he naturally transferred his strength to his thigh. However, when he approached Lin Feng, all his strength was transmitted from the waist to the upper body, and then concentrated on his right arm. He hit out with a fist. His flesh and blood were absolutely afraid to take the blow.

This is also a good explanation for the words "electro-optic poisonous dragon drill". Between the electric light and flint, it is like an invincible drill bit.

And this poisonous word has ulterior motives.

This move seems to be a very common punch, but it is all concentrated on a point, coupled with such a fast speed, it is difficult for anyone to hide in the past, so this move is very vicious.

For so many years, Zishu killed many masters with this move, and no more than three survived under him.

So he is confident that this punch can basically solve Lin Feng.

However, he underestimated Lin Feng's speed. Seeing the punch coming, Lin Feng paid close attention to Zishu's movements. At one glance, he saw that the blow was not ordinary, so he didn't make a hard connection. When Zishu's fist was about to hit him, he dodged quickly.

The fist knot solid hit on the screen behind him, a punch to smash the screen.

"Wow, it's a killing move. You are so murderous Lin Feng said.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll see when you can hide!" Zishu said fiercely.

Lin Feng evaded this move, but Zishu didn't expect it. However, this move can only be said that Lin Feng's skill is agile, but blindly hiding, sooner or later, is a dead end, so Zishu concluded that within a few moves, Lin Feng's life will be taken.

Lin Feng knew in his heart that this book was definitely not an ordinary person. It was his strongest enemy in Jincheng.

Zishu's moves are cruel, powerful and fierce, full of murderous spirit. It seems that he is a person who wanders in the bloody wind all year round.

What's more valuable is that when this guy is not angry, he seems to be very quiet. It's impossible for ordinary people to cover up his murderous spirit so freely.

Therefore, Lin Feng can't beat people like Fu Zishu without brains. He has to think carefully.

At this time, the son book does not give Lin Feng the opportunity, flies a foot, kicks toward Lin Feng.

This foot is also powerful and heavy, with a gust of wind, an instant to Lin Feng's eyes.

Looking at Lin Feng, he didn't mean to dodge, but he sneered in his heart. Lin Feng, can't hide? Die!

However, when he kicked Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's body shook. Zishu felt his feet slip, but he slipped out when he was close to Lin Feng's body. At the same time, Lin Feng also held Zishu's body in his hands and pushed it out according to his strength.

Zishu followed his own strength and flew to the door. Then he kicked the door and flew directly to the courtyard outside.

Lin Feng also followed the climate, followed to the courtyard.

At this time in the courtyard, Zishu patted the dust on his body, feeling very faceless.He kicked Lin Feng, but he didn't want to be sent by Lin Feng. He broke through the door and fell into the yard.

This is embarrassing!

Zishu said angrily, "Lin Feng, what kind of tricks do you use?"

"Liangyi gives birth to four images, and four images to eight trigrams!" Lin Feng gently pushed his palm forward: "Tai Chi!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!