The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 447

Zhu Tiancheng's face has already been scared. He didn't expect to invite more than a dozen experts from the general's seat, but he was still not Lin Feng's opponent.

What is the problem, is he underestimated Lin Feng? Or do you overestimate these warriors?

Thinking of this, Zhu Tiancheng was very angry.

He directly pointed to the warrior and scolded, "you and he are so good at this level. What else do you want to install in China? Didn't you say you were good? You live in mine, eat mine, drink mine, and I'll find you a flower girl. I'll take your grandmother's leg

Zhu Tiancheng did not care about his image at this time. He took hold of the warrior's collar and said, "you guys, you are all soft legged shrimps at the critical moment! Japanese dog, weak chicken

Then he slapped the warrior in the face.

The samurai had been humiliated, and his head was beaten to the ground, and he could not speak. All of a sudden, he collapsed on the ground, and his breath was like a whirlwind.

At this time, Lin Feng said to Zhu Tiancheng, "Hey, boss Zhu, I'm going to settle accounts with you. What's your anger at him? Come on, let's calculate from the beginning, from the beginning of your attack on Dongsheng Group to today, calculate how many evils you have done

Zhu Tiancheng knew that he couldn't escape today. He turned around and knelt down in front of Lin Feng and cried, "Lin Feng, it's me who is not good. I'm damned. I'm really out of my power to fight against you!"

The first second and Lin Feng fight each other, the next second kneel down to beg for mercy, this change is so fast, people smack tongue!

"What a fake!" Lin Feng sneered, Zhu Tiancheng such a person has become a habit of telling lies. He can say things against his will, and Lin Feng will not believe him.

"I really repent! Brother Lin Feng, as long as you can spare me today, I can give you anything. Really, what I said is true! " Zhu Tiancheng looks very sincere.

"And I want your life?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Lin Feng, I'm really wrong. Please forgive me this time! Please Zhu Tiancheng holds Lin Feng's leg in one hand and kowtows to admit his mistake. He looks very sincere.

But Lin Feng didn't look at it. He said, "Zhu Tiancheng, it's not that I'll spare you. I'll calculate an account for you. Once this account is calculated, you will know whether I should kill you or not."

With that, he began to count with his fingers.

Zhu Tiancheng looked bad, and quickly begged for mercy: "brother Lin Feng, don't forget it. I know I'm sinful. Now I sincerely apologize to you. I beg you!"

"You know you're guilty, don't you?" Lin Feng said: "good, then you call your people first, clean up this place for me, I'll come back to calculate with you slowly!"

Then he added: "by the way, I'm bored to see the bodies of these Japanese dogs disposed of. They are all sinful people. It's not worth dying!"

"Good! Good! I'll have it dealt with! "

Zhu Tiancheng asked his men to clean up the house. Soon, he cleaned up the house as clean as new.

At this time, Zhu Wenhao also returned from the basement to the first floor, standing with Zhu Tiancheng, looking at Lin Feng with trepidation.

"Ask your people to prepare some rich food for everyone. Everyone is afraid all night. It's time to enjoy it!" Lin Feng said.

"Yes, yes!" Zhu Tiancheng asked people to prepare good wine, good snacks, fruits, etc., and put them on several tables in the hall for everyone to eat and drink at will.

"Come on, everybody sit down. Today, boss Zhu treats us. We should have a party. Don't mention it. We should eat and drink." Lin Feng greets Ren Changfeng and those beauties.

Zhu Wenhao also smilingly picked up the glass, a fawning face of Lin Feng said: "brother Lin Feng, we don't fight, we don't know each other, younger brother, I really admire you, I used to be ignorant, come on, I'd like to toast brother Feng!"

"What do you do? Are you entitled to drink with me? " Lin Feng, however, gave Zhu Wenhao a cold face and shook his hand. The wine in his glass almost spilled out.

"Zhu Wenhao, I haven't settled accounts with you. You'd better not shake in front of me, or I think I'll settle accounts with you. You can't even find a way to cry!" Lin Feng shouts to Zhu Wenhao.

He heard Ren Changfeng say that Zhu Wenhao cheated these girls here, so he has to settle the account sooner or later. However, he still has no time to find him, and he dares to send them to the door himself. It's really unwise.

Zhu Tiancheng also scolded Zhu Wenhao: "how can you be so ignorant? Get out of here. We are servants today. We must serve brother Lin Feng, brother Ren Changfeng and all the beautiful ladies

Zhu Tiancheng deserves to be a veteran. The situation is very clear. His life is in the hands of Lin Feng at this time. He dare not die blind!

But Lin Feng said with a smile to those little beauties: "come on, everybody, don't be restrained. Boss Zhu, do you have VCD, DVD or something in your house? Play the music with elegance, ha, don't deal with heavy metals!"

“VCD,DVD?” The group of girls laughed: "brother Lin Feng is really good at joking. It's all antiques!""Oh, I'm more nostalgic." Lin Feng said.

"Those who are nostalgic are single-minded and good men!" The little beauties raised their thumbs.

At this time, Zhu Tiancheng quickly asked his subordinates to play music, and then let all his subordinates stand in a row, respectfully standing behind Lin Feng and others. He and Zhu Wenhao stood beside Lin Feng, hands crossed in front of the abdomen, just like a restaurant attendant.

"Well, boss Zhu is very sensible." Lin Feng was sitting on the big sofa with a smile.

With a Cuban cigar in his mouth, he reached out to Zhu Tiancheng: "where's the wine?"

Zhu Tiancheng quickly handed over the wine cup. Lin Feng took a sip and vomited Zhu Tiancheng. Then he said, "what kind of broken wine? It's not good to drink at all! Disgusting! Can you get something good

Zhu Tiancheng broke out in a cold sweat and said that the Royal Salute was not good? What can we do?

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said to the people below, "take up the 1942 snow tree in my wine cellar and treasure it for many years."

Soon the younger brother helped him get it back, opened it, and then Zhu Tiancheng poured a cup to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a sip.

"This is a good wine that I have kept for many years. How about it?" Zhu Tiancheng smiles and approaches Lin Feng.

"Puff --"

Lin Feng sprayed Zhu Tiancheng's face this time and said, "it's so hard to drink!"

Zhu Tiancheng's heart aches. He has treasured it for so many years. He didn't drink a single mouthful, so he was ruined. It's just the pain of scratching the heart and liver!

"What are you doing? The ground is dirty, don't you know how to wipe it Lin Feng roared to Zhu Tiancheng.

"Ah, ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! " Zhu Tiancheng catches up with the mop in his hand and drags it violently towards the ground.

This scene makes people feel comfortable, especially Ren Changfeng and the group of girls. Just now, Zhu Tiancheng was in charge of other people's life and death. Now, he is the servant of Lin Feng, and he still has no dignity. It's so exhilarating!

At this time, Ren Changfeng toasted Lin Feng and said, "elder brother Lin Feng, you really let me have a long insight. If I don't admire others, I will admire you. I'll give you a toast!"

Lin Feng pressed Ren Changfeng's hand and said with a smile: "Changfeng, you can't be too reckless in the future. I'll take this cup of wine, but you don't need to drink it. The wine can activate blood circulation and make your wound bleed again!"

"Brother Lin Feng, I'm fine. I have practiced internal mental skill, which has a certain protective effect on myself." Ren Changfeng said.

"That's not good. I know you have practiced internal mental skill, otherwise I would have sent you to the hospital!" Lin Feng said.

"Thank you, brother Lin Feng

Ren Changfeng didn't really like drinking much. He just wanted to express his admiration for Lin Feng by drinking. However, since Lin Feng refused to drink, he would not touch it.

The other little beauties came in turn to toast Lin Feng, and they all wanted to hold him for a kiss. This man is not only handsome, but also very secure. Today, it is the man's credit that he can change from a disaster to a feast. At this time, even if they are allowed to make a promise, they will not refuse, but will be very happy!

Some of these girls are from the Performing Arts Department, and some are from the art department. After drinking a little wine, they all began to let go of the tension. Dancing with the music, the whole villa hall is full of singing and dancing. It is impossible to see that it was a battlefield of killing before.

While everyone was enjoying the song and dance, they heard someone knocking on the door of the villa.

The sound was rapid and loud, as if eager to break through the door and kill in general. , the fastest update of the webnovel!