The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 446

This scene, but see Ren Changfeng more admiration.

In the face of such a strong attack, Lin Feng is not in a hurry, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner. This psychological quality is simply unmatched.

What's more, Lin Feng was able to play the so-called Dagger Knife so skillfully. How high is Lin Feng's martial arts?

Ren Changfeng felt that it was the wisest thing to kneel down to ask Lin Feng to be a master.

At this time, his heart was boiling with blood. Seeing Lin Feng playing with his opponent in applause, he felt that he had face. After all, Lin Feng was his elder brother.

But the pride and excitement did not release, and he held back and felt uncomfortable. Then he turned to the little beauties and said, "you see, brother Lin Feng is so powerful. He can deal with so many Japanese men alone, and he is very skillful."

"Well, how handsome he is! I must find such a boyfriend in the future A beautiful woman said with a face of intoxication.

That beauty is very relaxed, because we see Lin Feng so funny, the tension has been eased, speaking of words, is also quite relaxed.

Ren Changfeng said: "beauty, then you may not find the object!"

"Why?" The beauty asked with her big eyes.

"Because you are too demanding! Brother Lin Feng is the existence of the top men Ren Changfeng looked at the beauty and said: "unless, you directly chase brother Lin Feng, because he is very interested in beautiful women, of course, I can't guarantee that he is interested in you!"

"How do you know him so well? What is your relationship? " Asked the beauty.

The other beauties are also looking forward to looking at Ren Changfeng, they are very curious!

Ren Changfeng thought for a moment and said, "he is my idol."

"Cut, you didn't say the same thing!"

"Yes, he is still my idol."

This group of girls half jokingly and Ren Changfeng joked.

Ren Changfeng scratched his head and knew how to explain it. He was not deep in the world. How to communicate with people, especially women, needs to be practiced.

Compared with the relaxed atmosphere of Ren Changfeng and that group of girls, the other side is very nervous.

Zhu Tiancheng's face was covered with cold sweat at this time. He saw that the leading warrior was stabbed by Lin Feng, and Lin Feng did not suffer at all. This is obviously not Lin Feng's opponent!

Zhu Tiancheng did not calculate this point.

Didn't the general say that this expert is very good? Is that such a vulnerable guy?

Zhu Tiancheng was a little anxious and called out to the leading Warrior: "you should come on, come on together, or I will break it!"

At this time, the leading warrior was also angry. Listening to Zhu Tiancheng's saying, he immediately scolded Zhu Tiancheng: "you pig, shut up!"

When Zhu Tiancheng heard this, he was also very angry. He said that his affairs were almost ruined. He still yelled at me here. Did he really think he was a character?

But Zhu Tiancheng still has a trace of fantasy, said: "good, good, I shut up, chivalrous men, come on!"

The leading warrior, with a face of anger and eyes as if to spurt fire, turned his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Just now, in such a serious and tense atmosphere, how could Lin Feng look funny?

It's a total lack of respect for yourself!

Lin Feng is so arrogant that he must die for me

Then, he spoke Japanese to the other brothers. All of them looked as if they were going back to death. It seemed that they wanted to unite and fight with Lin Feng.

With a cold smile, Lin Feng picked up the sake on the table and poured it on the dagger. The blood on the dagger was washed away by the wine, and the dagger lit up its edge again.

Lin Feng holds the dagger in his mouth, holds the samurai sword in both hands, and opens his posture again.

The group of warriors yelled and yelled and rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at the corner of his eye, and the sword in his hand was waving with wind and water, and his figure accelerated abruptly, which was much faster than before.

Although the swords of those Samurai all cut to Lin Feng, they felt that their swords were cut off in an instant, and then when their chest was cold, blood gushed out.

Lin Feng was stabbed into the heart with a dagger.

"A herd of animals, it's not worth dying!" Lin Feng said, the dagger on the handle directly threw on the ground.

With the landing of Lin Feng's dagger, other people fell on the ground one after another, and instantly blood covered the ground.

In front of Lin Feng, only the leading warrior was left.

Lin Feng directly back of a hand to the back said: "your arm is not convenient, so I let you have a hand, come on, fight it!"


At this time, the warrior had already red eyes, and rushed directly to Lin Feng. He swept across the neck of Lin Feng with a knife.

Lin Feng's cat's waist dived directly in front of him, dodging the knife. His body passed the warrior and shook his hand directly. The sword in his hand ran towards the warrior's back foot."Ah --"

the samurai cried out and knelt on one knee. His face was painful and his left leg kept shaking.

Lin Feng cut off the tendon of his left foot.

The leading warrior has already entered a state of madness. He can't accept the result of losing to Lin Feng in his heart. With one foot, he twisted his body and stabbed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did the same thing and dodged another blow. Then he turned back and cut off the tendon of his other foot.


The samurai knelt on his knees and could no longer stand up.

But Lin Feng jumped to the samurai and said, "Japanese, please kneel down for me!"

When the leading warrior suffered such humiliation, he knew that the situation was over. Even if he begged for mercy to survive, the general would not let him go. He raised his samurai sword and thrust it into his abdomen.

However, Lin Feng kicked his hand, kicking the samurai sword to one side.

"Scum, you come to our Chinese costume contest, humiliate my Chinese women, despise my Chinese nation, how can you die so easily? Get down on your knees, you sinner Lin Feng said.

The warrior was angry and desperate. He couldn't survive or die. It was really disgusting.

"Lin Feng, don't be arrogant. Even if you beat me today, you use our Japanese swordsmanship. You Chinese are still a group of pigs after all!" The samurai is still shouting, anyway, it's all dead, it's better to die a little gutless.

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "do you think I use your Japanese swordsmanship? In fact, I haven't told you one thing all the time. The reason why your Japanese sister calls me wanrenjian is that I created the way to use this dagger stream! "

"What?" The leading warrior was extremely surprised.

No wonder, no wonder that Lin Feng used the Dagger Knife with great skill. Unexpectedly, this set of knife technique was founded by Lin Feng.

At this time, he felt how terrible Lin Feng was. Lin Feng was talking and laughing, but he was totally defeated. The strength gap was not a little bit!

The leading warrior feels so powerless when facing Lin Feng at the moment. This is the first time in his life that he is in such a mess. Maybe, it is the last time.

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "I told you long ago that we Chinese are your ancestors when we use swords. If you play swords in front of us, it's no different to make a fool of yourself in front of us."

Then, he said to Ren Changfeng, "brother Ren, I'll leave you with a breath. You'll take that group of little beauties, and you'll get revenge and revenge."

Ren Changfeng suddenly felt that he was in high spirits. What a face!

He picked up one side of the crutch, limped to the leading warrior, said: "you he is not very arrogant? If I'm not hurt, I don't need elder brother Lin Feng. Do you believe me? Do you believe it or not? "

Ren Changfeng picked up the crutch and kept beating on the head of the warrior. The warrior was holding his head and his face was in a mess.

At first, the group of girls were very scared at the scene, but after a while they got used to it. Thinking of the humiliation they had suffered before, they were all angry. They came up to fight the samurai for a while, especially the little beauty from the countryside. Maybe she was more energetic in farming when she was a child, so she kicked the warrior's head out of the bag.

The samurai covered his head with one hand, only a few minutes later, he was beaten into a pig's head.

But at this time, Lin Feng suddenly looked at Zhu Tiancheng and said with a cold smile: "Zhu Tiancheng, now we two, it's time to settle down." , the fastest update of the webnovel!