The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 436

"Oh, dog, don't be angry!"

At this time, a middle-aged man trotted over and made a smile at the thief. It seems that he should be the owner of the restaurant.

"Shit, the boy scolded me. Didn't you hear me?" Brother dog yelled at the restaurant owner: "do you want to know? Who dares to scold me in this generation?"

The restaurant owner knew the strength of dog brother and did not dare to provoke him easily. He said to Lin Feng, "what's the matter with you? Don't you know this is the famous dog brother? How dare you scold brother dog? Apologize to dog

"They touch my girlfriend. Why should I apologize?" Lin Feng argued.

"Girlfriend?" Nanxiao bamboo is very surprised!

Lin Feng whispered to her, "what, it's a female friend!"

"Oh Nanxiaozhu nodded, which is reasonable.

At this time dog brother arrogantly said: "you he? Which eye saw us touch her?"

"You don't dare to admit what you've done!" Nanxiaozhu said: "there is a camera at the door, boss, you can adjust the camera monitoring to have a look!"

The boss said, "Oh, dog brother can't do that kind of thing. There's no need to adjust the monitoring. Apologize to brother dog quickly."

Then he said to the dog with a smile on his face: "dog brother, you look on my face, don't make trouble, or I will have to redecorate again!"

Brother dog is a very famous gangster of this generation. It is said that he mixed with the eldest son of the Liu family in Songjiang. The Liu family is the leading big family in Songjiang. Both black and white are mixed together. Therefore, most people dare not provoke the Liu family. Naturally, they are also very afraid of the Liu family's pawn dog brother.

At this time, the dog brother is toward the shop owner to scold a: "you he's count old?"? Is your face valuable? 艹! What will happen to those who have offended Laozi in this generation

"Oh, dog, who doesn't know your dog's name? You are a large number. Don't be angry with me. I beg you A petition from the restaurant owner.

The restaurant owner doesn't care who is beaten. He just doesn't want his restaurant to suffer losses. Otherwise, if he breaks something, he doesn't dare to ask brother dog to pay for it. He also delays his business and suffers a lot.

He saw dog brother didn't want to see him, but he said to Lin Feng: "why don't you apologize to dog brother? Apologize quickly, please forgive me!"

Lin Feng is a light smile, as if did not hear the shop owner's words.

However, the noise here has already alarmed all the diners.

Ren Changfeng hears the sound and looks over here. After seeing Lin Feng for the first time, his eyes are bright. He puts down his chopsticks and looks at him carefully.

But Nan Xiaozhu was wronged at this time. He was impolited, but no one took justice for him. Instead, he advised the obscene man to calm down and let his people apologize to them. What's the situation? Do honest people in this society have to be bullied?

If you are insulted, do you have to ask others to give you a hand?

But nanxiaozhu came out to have dinner today, and she was not angry. She didn't have any big loss. She didn't want to hurt Lin Feng. She said to Lin Feng:

"forget it, Lin Feng, let's go to another family for dinner!"

"Good! If you're happy, I'll listen to you! " Lin Feng smiles.

However, the dog held out his hand and said, "do you want to leave when you are finished? How can it be so easy? "

"Oh? What do you want? " Lin Feng asked.

"I want your girlfriend to stay with me for one night, so that my brothers and I will be happy. If we are satisfied, we will spare you this time!" Dog said, the color of the fan toward the body of nanxiaozhu up and down, mouth constantly swallowing saliva.

"What if you are not satisfied?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "my girlfriend is not good at bed. Every time I am with her, she can't stand it. I'm afraid I can't serve you well."

"Asshole, you son of a bitch, do you deserve to sleep with such a beautiful girl?" Brother dog's eyes were red. Just now he wanted to have sex with Nanxiao bamboo. As a result, Lin Feng's words made him very disappointed.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "do you still scold me as a dog? Which one of us is a dog? Don't you have a B number in mind

Because the dog brother has a dog word, so we are a rhetorical question from Lin Feng and burst into laughter.

"Do you lie in bed? I must kill you today!" Brother dog is so angry that he will fight against Lin Feng.

"Don't be impulsive, dog!" At this time, the shop owner quickly stopped him, but he turned his head and scolded Lin Feng: "are you sick? Is that what you can do, dog? You get out of here and don't come back to my restaurant for dinner! Go away

Dog brother is crazy, scolded the shop owner: "you he? Let me go. If you let that boy go, I will smash your shop today!"

With that, he called out to the other younger brothers behind him: "surround the boy for me, I will beat him up, and then drag away his girlfriend, and make her girlfriend in front of him!"Four or five younger brothers behind him came forward and surrounded Lin Feng with fierce eyes.

People around a burst of sob, have said that Lin Feng may suffer today!

Because we all know that this dog brother, in this generation is arrogant, unreasonable, and often bullies people, making everyone hate him.

But we all dare to be angry and dare not to speak. We are afraid of provoking the God of plague.

Today, Lin Feng and dog brother confront each other. We all admire Lin Feng's courage. But they also know that brother Gou is domineering and hot. So they all secretly sweat for Lin Feng. They say that this young man is going to have bad luck!

There are also a few people gloating, privately said that Lin Feng should not bring such a beautiful girlfriend out, or there will be no accident, this time, not only his own beat, girlfriend will give away!

It seems that it is wrong to bring beautiful women out!

At this time, the owner of the shop was helpless. He glared at Lin Feng fiercely and scolded: "you are a fool. It's not good to offend anyone. You should offend dog brother. If you damage me here, you have to compensate me in full!"

Lin Feng listened, but shook his head and sneered.

Are honest people really so hard to get along with these days?

Do you have to ask for forgiveness when your friend is defiled by others? Even if the fight broke something, you have to pay for it yourself? The owner of the shop did not dare to say "no" to brother dog from the beginning to the end. Instead, he tried to find a balance on his own head. Is there any royal law in this particular?

At this time, the dog brother pushed the shop owner and scolded Lin Feng: "I'll cripple you today."

Lin Feng smile, but a face of the cloud light breeze light way: "good, although come!"

However, at this time, he saw a figure flash, directly appeared in front of the dog brother, and scolded: "you people, are you tired of living crooked?"

It was Ren Changfeng who came. With a stick in his hand, Ren Changfeng said coldly to brother dog and his younger brother: "if you don't want to live, I don't mind giving you a ride!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!