The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 435

"What's the matter?" Yu Lan asked.

Su Jing said: "at the back of the video, Lin Feng said blatantly that he would go to find Zhu Tiancheng, and asked Zhu Tiancheng to be ready. This is very dangerous!"

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot! " Yu Lan nodded and said, she just patronized to see the white streaks, but it didn't care.

"Call Lin Feng quickly, don't let him be impulsive!" Tang Dongsheng said.

Lin Feng humiliated Zhu Tiancheng. Zhu Tiancheng must have held a grudge against him. If Lin Feng goes to Zhu Tiancheng again at this time, it is tantamount to throwing himself into a trap!

Moreover, Lin Feng also very arrogant told people the visit time, this is no different from a sheep into a tiger's mouth!

Su Jing calls Lin Feng, but Lin Feng doesn't answer the phone.

Over here, Lin Feng has been regarded as a hero by all, and the phone rang but didn't hear it.

Although Lin Feng said on the surface is to use love to influence each other, but almost no one will believe Lin Feng's words!

As for how did Lin Feng do it? Those guys were obedient? We don't know. We just think the security guard from the head office is very mysterious and handsome.

At this time, nanxiaozhu also understood why Yu Lan always let herself pick up Lin Feng. She didn't dare to look down on Lin Feng.

She personally helped Lin Feng arrange a single apartment room, and then invited him to dinner in the evening. Thank you for your help today.

Meijiaoniang invited her to dinner. Of course, Lin Feng was very happy to go.

So in the evening, he got into nanxiaozhu's car and went to dinner with nanxiaozhu.

Nanxiaozhu is driving a black Audi 4Al, calm atmosphere, very in line with the character of Nanxiao bamboo strong woman! There was a faint aroma in

's car, which seemed to be some kind of perfume, and it was like the smell of Nan Xiao bamboo.

"Mr. Nan, the smell on your car is very good. I smell it, and I feel like I'm falling in love with you!" Lin Feng squinted and laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Nan Xiaozhu's face turned red and said, "I have a son who is still in his teens. I am also a half old woman. You are young. You and I are two stages."

"No, no, no, no, although you have had children, you are slim and symmetrical, and you are very good-looking. You are much more mature than some raw melons and eggs, and you have a great charm! What's more, you look so beautiful. You are charming in maturity and resolute in charm. It's really charming Lin Feng said.

What he said is really true. This woman named nanxiaozhu can't be seen as a person who has given birth to a child. No matter from what aspect, she is a beautiful woman who can charm a man.

And listen to Lin Feng this praise words, South Xiao bamboo heart move, immediately face a red.

Nanxiaozhu has always been in a high position. She always has a cold attitude towards others. Many people are a little afraid to approach her, so she hasn't been praised so much for a long time, but she still feels a little embarrassed. She coughs twice and says, "I'm more than 30 years old. You're not suitable for me!"

"Oh, what's wrong with your thirties? It's a good time. If I'm right, you'd better be single?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Before Lin Feng was in the company, she was single!

"How do you know that?" Nanxiaozhu is a little surprised!

"I can tell fortune! Hey, hey, hey Lin Feng said.

In fact, most of Lin Feng guessed. He saw a strong look in nanxiaozhu's eyes, which is usually seen by a single mother. Moreover, nanxiaozhu didn't have a wedding ring on her hand, and there was only a single photo of herself and her son on her desk!

What's more, Lin Feng's guess is more based on an intuition that this woman must not talk about feelings with men for a long time, because there is always a cold look in her eyes, as if she had no interest in men naturally.

So Lin Feng concluded that this should be a woman who has been hurt by her feelings, and she should have been single for a long time!

"Can you tell fortune?" Nanxiaozhu smiles and is quite interested in Lin Feng's answer: "then you can help me calculate. In my life, will I marry any man again?"

Lin Feng smile, South Xiaozhu this word, is to admit that he is single.

He fiddled with his fingers and said, "ah, Mr. Nan, I can't tell whether you are married or not, but I'm sure you've got your peach blossom luck? You're going to have a man in your family! Soon, maybe this week, maybe this month. Anyway, you have to be ready

"Nonsense!" Nanxiaozhu glared at Lin Feng.

"No nonsense, you will meet a man recently, you will be addicted to his handsome, and then deeply infatuated with him, you will play the music of love with him..."

"stop, stop!" Nanxiaozhu feels flushed.

Even if he was a woman who had tasted it, he felt that Lin Feng's words were too irritating to bear. However, it was not easy to say too much, so he tactfully said, "I am not as crazy as you young people at this age!""Well, that's not what I said Lin Feng said, "South president, you are only in your thirties. You are a wolf like tiger. Haven't you heard of it? Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty can suck soil! Mr. Nan, you will only be stronger and stronger! Come on

"Ah Nanxiaozhu is completely speechless, and I don't know how to tell Lin Feng, because no matter what angle he talks about things, it seems that Lin Feng can get into meat jokes.

Lin Feng asked with a smile, "Mr. Nan, why don't you speak? Am I right? "

"Lin Feng, didn't you just say that I will be infatuated with other men recently? Are you right? Where is the man Nanxiaozhu wants to cross the topic.

Lin Feng pointed to himself and said, "that man is in front of you, that's me! What about? Are you satisfied with me? Why don't I go home with you tonight and play the music of love! Hey, hey, hey

"Stop, stop!" Nanxiaozhu stops and makes two gestures to Lin Feng. She is really speechless. Lin Feng is clearly teasing her!

"The place to eat, we go to eat, and we are ordinary colleagues, hope you pay attention to your own words ha!" Nanxiao bamboo reminds way.

She said in her heart that I haven't been a man for more than ten years. How can you make fun of me?

"No problem. Sooner or later, you'll pull me to your house. Hey, hey Lin Feng said.

"You Nanxiaozhu stares at Lin Feng.

"Go, go in and eat!" Lin Feng did not seem to see, and walked into the restaurant.

This is a more luxurious Chinese restaurant. The restaurant is not very large, but the decoration is very unique. The murals are very exquisite. The tables and chairs, accessories, and crystal chandeliers look luxurious. The decoration price must be high.

The reason why nanxiaozhu brought Lin Feng here is that it belongs to the local cuisine of Songjiang people, and the dishes are all local specialties.

Nanxiaozhu invited Lin Feng to dinner. Of course, he had to eat the local specialties.

However, after entering the restaurant, Lin Feng saw a table near the door at the first sight. An acquaintance was eating.

There was a crutch beside the man, swallowing slowly. It was Ren Changfeng who was injured.

"I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here!"

Lin Feng smiles. As if he didn't see him, he goes inside and finds a table to sit down. However, he finds that nanxiaozhu doesn't come over.

He looked over there and found nanxiaozhu and several people were arguing.

"Why are you so shameless?" Nanxiaozhu was very angry and said to a man.

"Why don't we be shameless? Pretty girl A man with a cheeky brow and a rat's eye, said with a smile to Nanxiao bamboo.

"Get out of here Nanxiaozhu is too lazy to fight with them.

"Oh, how angry are you? What's the matter? It's the lack of men, isn't it? Our brothers can toss you, ah, to ensure that you die, let you instantly extinguish the fire! Ha ha ha Said the man, who had a sly look.

Lin Feng stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Nan, what's the matter?"

Nanxiaozhu said: "their hands are not honest. They secretly touch me behind my back. The more I hide from them, the more powerful they are. They are too arrogant!"

"Oh? You see, I'll tell you, Mr. Nan, you are so sexy that a group of animals can't help it! " Lin Feng said.

"Shit, are you him? Who are the animals?" "Do you want to die?"

Then he picked up a wine bottle on the table behind him and walked towards Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!