The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 431

Hearing this, nanxiaozhu's face suddenly changed.

She knows why these people come!

She just took office today, and she heard one thing from Liu Hui.

Liu Hui said a group of social hooligans had come to their company the day before.

The group ordered them to pay the protection fee and sign any management contract, which was to draw 30% of their profits.

Liu Hui said that the matter had been reported to the head office, and the chairman of the board said that he would handle the matter in person, but now it seems that it has not been dealt with properly. Otherwise, how could he come to the door again?

Nanxiaozhu said, "don't be impulsive, let them in! Let's see if we can talk about it! "

Nanxiaozhu thought, we should first see what they mean. The worst thing is that I will call the police directly when I get there! Nanxiaozhu has dealt with the hooligans more than once. His son mixes with the hooligans every day. He has long had experience in dealing with hooligans!

Hang up the phone, nanxiaozhu and Liu Hui walk out of the office and walk towards the company hall.

When we got to the hall, we saw a group of hooligans, about a dozen of them, teasing their female staff.

"Beauty, play with your brother?"

"Hey, hey, what's good about this company? Let's go. Brother, take you to Heipi!"

"Damn you, I'm talking to you. You're serious


"what are you doing?" "This is the company, you are too presumptuous!" Nan Xiaozhu cried

At this time, several security guards of Dongsheng Group also came in from the outside with rubber sticks in their hands.

One of the hooligans was bald, tall and fierce. He seemed to be their leader. He asked Xiaozhu in the South:

"who are you? Why haven't I seen you before

"I'm the general manager here. I just took office today. What do you want to say to me? Don't make it difficult for my employees!" Nanxiao bamboo's face did not change.

"You drink, beautiful boss, strange! Ha ha ha The bald man had a chuckle and then said, "I told you the day before that this site is covered by you. If you want to do business here, you have to pay the management fee and sign the management contract. Otherwise, I'll smash you here today, and you'll all be fed up with it!"

"In a society ruled by law, you should not be too arrogant!" Nanxiao bamboo cheered.

Although nanxiaozhu didn't show timidity in the face of this group of hooligans, in fact, she began to have no bottom in her heart. These people are not Street hooligans who hang out with their sons on weekdays!

"A society ruled by law?" Hearing this, the bald head laughed and yelled, "we are the Dharma. We are the boss. Today you have to do what you want. If anyone dares to stop him, I will discount his leg!"

When Nan Xiaozhu saw that the group was totally unreasonable, he turned to Liu Hui and said, "now you call the police! Let the police deal with it! "

"Oh, oh!" Liu Hui took out the phone, shivering to the police.

But the bald head came forward, grabbed the mobile phone, kicked Liu Hui on the ground, the mobile phone fell to pieces, and scolded: "who dare to call the police, I'll kill him!"

I dare not make any noise around.

Bareheaded said: "quick, now pay the money, sign the contract, or I will smash this place today!"

The dozen younger brothers behind him picked up their sticks and weighed them in their hands. Facing the south, Xiaozhu and others were slowly approaching, with a cold smile in their mouths.

"What are you going to do?" Nanxiao bamboo scared back and forth.

At this time, her body hit the person behind her.

Looking back, it turned out to be Lin Feng.

Lin Feng patted nanxiaozhu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Mr. Nan, don't be afraid. Anyway, the company is not yours. If you let them smash it, it will be over."

"How can this work?" Xiaonan is in charge of our chairman

"Oh! That's what you said Lin Feng smile: "this company is the chairman of the board, so you can call the chairman directly. Are you not tired of carrying it?"

"Well, this brother is right." Bareheaded nodded his head and said with great admiration: "the man who knows the current affairs is a hero. If this brother can bow his head at the critical moment, you must learn from him!"

"Oh, you are so wise and powerful. Who is not afraid of you? Of course, we are trying our best to make war as hard as we can! " Lin Feng said.

"Well, it's good, very sensible!"

The bald head patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said earnestly: "you are so knowledgeable about the current affairs, or you resign and mix with me, I will take you!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "ah, several big brothers are so popular. I'm too low-grade. I'm afraid I can't mix with you. I'm very stupid!"

"Ha ha ha, you are a good flatterer." The bald head grinned and his mouth closed.

Lin Feng giggled, and suddenly pointed to Liu Hui and said, "he can. He is our vice president. He is very smart. He is more powerful than I flatter me. Let him mix with you."Liu Hui was kicked by bareheaded just now. He said that these guys are so fierce. After today, Dongsheng Group is still in the market. There is no need to work for Dongsheng Group. Now he confesses with the opposite party, and he will not suffer any loss at all!

He stood up and planned to follow Lin Feng's words and flatter his head.

But before he stepped forward, he heard his head bareheaded and yelled: "he is a fool. If I don't kill him, I'll take him as a bargain."

Liu Hui trembled with fright. The foot that was just about to step out was taken back. Seeing Lin Feng looking at himself with a smile, he suddenly understood that this guy was cheating me. Did he still believe his words? I was really stupid!

He was very angry in his heart. I'm a good vice president. Can I be fooled by a simple security guard?

With a sinister smile on his face, he went to nanxiaozhu and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Nan, Lin Feng is such a villain! He also fawns on the other side and pits our company. I think people like this should be fired! "

Nanxiao bamboo is angry face white, her heart has long been angry with Lin Feng.

What happened to the security guard? How to elbow out? Then, he even held the hooligan's stinky feet!

It's the scum of the company!

Such a person, also by Yu Lan general high-profile sent over, I still have to meet in person?

The head office is really wrong about him, this asshole!

But nanxiaozhu didn't have time to reprimand Lin Feng at the moment. She said to her bald head:

"we set up a company here, which is reasonable and legal. We have a lot of money to pay, and we won't pay any money we shouldn't pay!"

"Oh, lying trough, you and he are very strong!"

After hearing nanxiaozhu's words, he was furious, picked up a bench behind him and rushed towards nanxiaozhu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!