The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 430

The next morning, Lin Feng came to Songjiang city.

Songjiang city is a big city with a population of 5 million. There are many high-rise buildings, spacious streets, and some luxury cars mixed with vehicles, showing the flashy atmosphere of the big city everywhere!

During the day, the city is bustling with traffic and bustling. At night, it is full of lights and wine. In recent years, the economy has taken off, and with the assistance of surrounding cities, Songjiang city has become more prosperous.

At this time, Lin Feng drove the old Santana that Su Jing gave him, but he was still trapped in front of him. There was no good place in the whole car body.

According to Yu Lan's address, he quickly found a branch of Dongsheng Group.

Because Tang Dongsheng saw that Lin Feng's intention to come to Songjiang was very firm, and he couldn't stop him. He asked Yu Lan and the people of the branch company to talk about it and welcome him. After all, Lin Feng could have a foothold in Songjiang.

Yu Lan called Lin Feng and said this, but Lin Feng didn't refuse. Some people arranged food and accommodation, which was quite convenient.

After arriving at Dongsheng Group branch, Lin Feng stopped the car and went straight in.

At this time, the security guard stopped him and said, "what do you do? You are not allowed to enter here at will

Because some hooligans come to make trouble these days, the security guards here are very alert.

"I'm from our head office," said Lin Feng

"The head office? What do you do? " Asked the security guard.

"I have a position with you, security guard. We will go with you!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What are you doing here as a security guard?" Asked the security guard.

"Drop in!" Lin Feng said, "please call your boss to come out and pick me up!"

"What? Let the boss come out to pick you up The security guard sneered and said, "you're just a security guard and let the boss come out to pick you up? Even if you are from the head office, can't you be so arrogant? What's more, our boss has just taken office today. Do people know you? "

Looking at the security guard's smile, Lin Feng said, "you look down on people? If you look down on me, you look down on yourself. Call your boss to pick me up, or I'll be angry

Lin Feng's voice just fell, but saw a woman wearing a white-collar suit, came out of the company, directly waved to Lin Feng and said, "are you Lin Feng?"

"Ah, I am, I am!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, Yu Lan always told me you, come in!" The woman waved to Lin Feng.

In fact, nanxiaozhu is also very puzzled. As an ordinary security guard, why do I have to come out and pick it up in person? What a fuss!

But Yu Lan is the vice president of the head office. She has been around the chairman for a long time. In addition, Yu Lan is also an old man of the company. She has a heavy voice. Naturally, she dare not listen to Yu Lan, so she is still surprised to come out and pick up Lin Feng.

"Ah At this time, the security guard at the door was a little stunned. This guy, even the boss actually came out to take it? A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The woman is nanxiaozhu, the new general manager of the branch company. When she greets Lin Feng, the security guard doesn't dare to stop her. She quickly gives Lin Feng permission and then smiles.

Lin Feng also politely smile to him, said: "by the way, the security elder brother, if you have nothing to do, help me clean the car. Yes, that is the broken Santana car. I have been dusty all the way. If I don't wipe it clean, it will damage the company's image if I put it in the company."

"This..." the security heart said that I wipe a fart, I wipe, you his? This is not deliberately hurt me?

However, nanxiaozhu said: "you help Lin Feng wipe it!"

Nan Xiaozhu thought to herself that her colleagues from the head office have come. Since they have opened their mouths, they have to give face to the chairman of the board and Su Jing, general manager of Yu Lan!

"Ah The security guard looked at Lin Feng's broken car. He was so angry that my car was better than yours. You were like a baby and let me wipe it. It's really annoying of his grandmother!

However, Mr. Nan spoke, and he had to do it, or he would lose his job.

So he picked up the dishcloth to wipe the glass and said to Nan Xiaozhu, "Mr. Nan, I promise to finish the task!"

"Well, dear Lin Feng beamed at the security guard and made him angry.

But he was afraid of Lin Feng in his heart. The young man was very deep in the city. He offended him and was immediately punished by him. He did not dare to offend him again!

Nanxiaozhu took Lin Feng into the company. He didn't speak all the way. After taking him to his office, he asked him to sit down and politely poured tea for him. He said:

"the branch has just been set up, and I just came to report today. I'm sorry for the poor care! I'll ask the vice president to help you arrange your daily life. You are in Songjiang city for a while, so you can live here for the time being! "

When nanxiaozhu talks, his face is expressionless and he doesn't look at Lin Feng. What he says is very polite and official.

Originally, it was a ridiculous thing for her to receive a security guard as a general manager of a branch company. She felt that she was not valued by her superiors.Lin Fengzhi was very interested in observing Nanxiao bamboo. Nanxiao bamboo looks in her thirties. She has apricot eyes and cherry mouth. Her skin is white and delicate, and her black hair is curled around her shoulder. She is a beautiful young woman who still has charm!

In particular, her protruding body, as well as the perfect curve of the pelvis, make her full of rich feminine flavor.

This kind of woman, from teenage boys to tens of old men, is a natural beauty. Even if she is over 30, she still has a mature and sexy charm.

Lin Feng praised him in his heart. Well, this woman is very tasty!

However, when nanxiaozhu saw Lin Feng staring at himself, he saw that Lin Feng's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he felt a few different colors. He felt very uncomfortable and said coldly, "what are you looking at?"

Lin Feng still did not move his eyes, mouth said: "look at beauty, big beauty!"

Nan Xiaozhu's face turned red and said angrily, "Lin Feng, there are no other people in this room, so you say that, I feel you are a little frivolous! First impression is very important. I hope you can understand it! "

Lin Feng is a smile: "I understand, just like my first impression of you, I think you are a sexy young woman!"

"You A fire broke out in the heart of Nanxiao bamboo.

But she is very curious, she is like this, where other people think that he has not been married, how can Lin Feng's eyes be so poisonous?

Nanxiaozhu has a teenage son who was born when she was 18 years old. Later, she learned that the man was a scum man. She broke up resolutely and was single with her child.

No one else could see that he was a single young woman, but Lin Feng said she was a young woman.

But what Lin Feng said seems to be right!

It's just that she can't accept it in her heart. What's more, she's also the boss here. What's wrong with this guy.

Nanxiaozhu said: "Lin Feng, please pay attention to your words. I receive you because we are colleagues. In addition, Yu Lan always said hello to me, but I treat impolite people, but I am very impolite!"

"Mr. Nan, don't be angry. If a woman is angry, her skin will be bad." Lin Feng said.

"Do you care?" Nanxiao bamboo willow eyebrows wrinkled, very angry.

At this moment, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Nanxiao bamboo calmed down the emotion.

The door opened, and in came a slightly emaciated middle-aged man with a pair of glasses and a goatee. His eyes narrowed slightly, giving a very sinister feeling.

The man who came in was Liu Hui, vice president.

Seeing Liu Hui coming, nanxiaozhu pointed to Lin Feng and said, "Mr. Liu, this is the person from the head office, Lin Feng! Get to know him! "

Liu Hui quickly bowed forward and said with a flattering smile: "Oh, Mr. Lin, how are you! I'm Liu Hui from the branch company! Mainly in charge of administration! I'm the deputy general manager of the branch company for the time being. I hope you can be promoted a lot! "

"Oh! Well, I'm in a good mood and will definitely promote you! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Liu Hui was in great spirits. His heart said that his voice was so big and his position must be very high. He asked tentatively, "Mr. Lin, which part of the head office do you mainly do?"

"Don't call me general manager Lin, just call Lin Feng. I'm not the general manager yet!" Lin Feng said, "I am a security guard now! Head office security

"Ah! Security? "

Liu Hui's face suddenly once again, the heart said security, ah, still make such a big posture, frighten me!

You stinky security guard, who are you promoting?

Then he immediately straightened up and did not look at Lin Feng. Instead, he turned to nanxiaozhu and asked, "Mr. Nan, what can I do for you?"

Nanxiaozhu said: "help Lin Feng arrange a place to live, give him some meal coupons, and come to our restaurant for lunch!"

Liu Hui's eyes turned, heart said you a small security, but also my deputy general manager arrangement you, think more? Then he said:

"Oh, now that our high-end employee apartments are full, there is no place to live. Or, we can arrange Lin Feng into temporary workers' temporary dormitories, only there is room there! It's just that it's messy and bad. I have to be aggrieved! "

"How can this work?" "Is there no better place?" Nanxiao bamboo said coldly

Although she also hated Lin Feng, but no matter how Lin Feng came from the head office, it was not the face of the head office when he was arranged in that kind of messy dormitory?

Liu Hui pretended to be embarrassed and said: "the people who live in the apartment are some engineers, sales elites and so on. They are all people who have made great contributions to the company, and most of them are high-rise people. Now they are full of people. Our apartment location is really tense."

Lin Feng naturally heard the meaning of his words. It was nothing more than that you, a small security guard, did not contribute much to the company. You still want to live in a white-collar apartment? Dream of you!

At this time, Lin Feng was not annoyed, but said, "the general manager of the South should not be embarrassed. How can I live? Where can I live?"Liu Hui smiled and said, "south head office, you don't mind if you see Lin Feng, let him live in the dormitory!"

Nanxiao bamboo frowns and is considering.

Just then, the phone on her desk rang.

Nanxiaozhu answered the phone, and the security guard called, hurriedly said: "south head manager, bad, that group of arrogant hooligans came to make trouble again!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!