The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 428

At the same time, the North District of Jincheng City, the headquarters of shanbang.

"Dead?" Bai Li Tong Mu was very surprised: "that ninja, so dead?"

Zishu said with a face of guilt: "master, I'm sorry, I didn't judge the strength of the other side! It leads to belittle the enemy! "

"Who killed the ninja?" Bai Li asked.

"Was defeated by Lin Feng, and then captured by the order of Phoenix in the south of the city, and died in the headquarters of the order of Phoenix!" Zishu said.

"What a waste!" Bai Li's long and narrow eyes flashed a cold light: "it's really shameful to be defeated by Lin Feng. Lin Feng is just a special soldier. His strength is not worth mentioning. He can't even beat Lin Feng. His strength is too poor!"

"Well, I didn't expect that Ninja was so weak! At that time, they had found the clue of blood jade, and the Ninja had got it, but Lin Feng caught up with him and defeated him and took the clue back! " Zishu said.

"So the clue of the blood jade lies in Lin Feng, right?" Bai Li Tong Mu Dao.

"Yes Zishu said, and then he asked, "by the way, master, I'll either go and kill Lin Feng myself, and by the way I'll take that clue back. I won't let you down. Lin Feng can't accept my three moves!"

"Zishu, I believe in your strength, but it's not urgent for him to reach the point where you want to start!" she said with a smile

"Master, when shall we do it?" Zi Shu asked.

Bai Li said: "there are four clues to the blood jade. Now there is only one. Don't worry. Lin Feng will continue to look for it. We just need to pay attention to his situation. When the clues of blood jade all appear, we will kill him and take back the clues in his hand."

"The master is so clever that he can work for us!" Zishu has a sinister smile.

"Zishu, you are still too young. There is still a lot to learn. Don't be proud!" Bai Li said with great care.

"Yes, master, I will serve my master and learn from him." Zi Shu said respectfully.


at the same time, in another part of the headquarters of the support group, Mr. Cui called Mr. Tian and said that he had something important to say!

At this time, they were drinking tea on the teahouse. Cui San Ye suddenly lowered his voice and said to Tian Si ye: "fourth, I have made a new discovery recently!"

Fourth master Tian changed a new fan and asked, "what's new?"

"Come on, put your head here, and I'll tell you!" At this time, Cui Sanye's body has just recovered a little, but his action is still very inconvenient, so let fourth master Tian come forward.

Fourth master Tian was very contemptuous at this time. He had been with him for so many years, and the mountain Gang didn't get any better. Moreover, they suffered heavy losses. At this time, the third master was a puppet, so he began to show less respect to him than before.

However, seeing Cui's mysterious face, fourth master Tian thought that he should have found something good, so he put his head together and said, "what new discoveries do you have?"

Third master Cui said: "fourth, I secretly tell you that I found the stone tablet!"

"What?" Fourth master Tian exclaimed in surprise.

"Shh!" Third master Cui covered fourth master Tian's mouth and said, "don't make a noise. I didn't tell anyone about it. I only told you. You should keep it secret."

Fourth master Tian asked in a low voice: "Bai Li Tong Mu and Zi Shu and the dead Taotie all want you to look for that thing? Why don't you tell them when you find it? "

"What do you know?" "They all spend so much time looking for it. It must be very valuable. So when I find the stone tablet, guess what I'm doing

"What's the matter?" Asked fourth master Tian.

"That stone tablet is a very common stone, there is no strange place, so I can't figure out where it is worth. I have been looking for it for months and spent so much manpower to find such a broken stone?" At this point, Mr. Cui raised his chest and said with great pride: "of course not. So I asked people to search around and even dig down to see what is under the stone tablet? Guess what? "

"What's the matter?" Fourth master Tian asked again.

"I found a jade! Crystal clear But I can't tell you that there's a piece of jade on it. I can't know one of them

"You sell it? Are you not afraid of Bai Li Tong Mu? When they know about it, will they trouble you? " Fourth master Tian asked.

"I'm afraid of his ball. As long as you don't say it and I don't say it, who knows?" Cui San ye said: "they are such bastards. They don't pay much attention to Cui Bing. Even if they are handed over to them, they won't get much benefit. So I'd better sell them directly. Maybe I can make a lot of money!"

After hearing this, fourth master Tian's eyes were turning around. He raised his thumb and said, "Oh, Third Master, you have brains. You have brains. You have brains! Have you sold it now"It's done!" "Sold to Songjiang city!" said Cui

"Ah? So fast? To whom? How much did it cost? " Fourth master Tian said with flashing eyes.

Seeing the urgency of fourth master Tian, the Third Master of Cui could not help feeling a little upset and said, "what are you doing so carefully? You don't have to know these. I'll reward you when I get the money. I won't treat you badly if you mix with me! "

Fourth master Tian was very angry when he saw the old man's posture. However, he took a deep breath and soon suppressed his breath. He said with a smile, "Third Master, do you take me as a brother? If you take me as your brother, tell me! "

On hearing this, Mr. Cui became angry and said, "my brother still knows how to settle accounts. Of course, I take you as my brother, but you'd better not ask about some things!"

On hearing this, fourth master Tian was very angry. He thought to himself, you Cui Laosan, you are my brother in the ordinary days. At the critical moment, you will treat me as an outsider, and your brother will account for it. I believe you are a ghost. You bad old man is very bad!

But fourth master Tian was very deep and did not show any dissatisfaction. He fanned the Pu fan and said, "good, good, Third Master, you are the master."

Then the two sides stopped talking about it.


Songjiang, Tiancheng entertainment club.

Zhu Wenhao said to Zhu Tiancheng, "uncle, that Tang Dongsheng is also too hateful. He even robbed your woman!"

"Hum!" Zhu Tiancheng said, "I will make him pay the price! As long as Lin Feng dies, he won't have anyone to rely on. I'll kill him then! "

"Mm-hmm, absolutely!" Zhu Wenhao flattered and then asked, "by the way, why hasn't Ren Changfeng come back?"

Zhu Tiancheng looked at his watch, but he was also a little strange. It was almost evening. After a day's visit, why didn't he get a message?

At this time, he heard someone running in and said to Zhu Tiancheng, "boss, Ren Changfeng is back!"

"Great!" Zhu Tiancheng and Zhu Wenhao looked at each other and said, "bring Lin Feng's head to me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!