The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 427

According to Tang Dongsheng, Tang Dongsheng, Zhu Tiancheng and Su Qing all went to the same university in Songjiang.

Su Qing was the school flower at that time and a goddess in the hearts of many boys.

Zhu Tiancheng is their senior student and President of the student union. Zhu Tiancheng is also very popular with the opposite sex.

Therefore, Zhu Tiancheng thinks that he and Su Qing should be made by heaven and earth. After they have harmed many girls, the more he feels that there is no meaning, so he focuses on Su Qing.

Su Qing's character was arrogant at that time, and she didn't pay much attention to the opposite sex. Because of her pure and beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, Zhu Tiancheng was obsessed with it!

Zhu Tiancheng began to pursue Su Qing crazily, and took advantage of his power and relationship in the school to draw Su Qing into the student union, trying to create opportunities to be alone with Su Qing.

At that time, there was another person who attracted more attention in the student union. He was the president of the Foreign Press Association, Tang Dongsheng.

Tang Dongsheng is upright and warm, so many girls like him!

Zhu Tiancheng gets Su Qing to the student union, but he doesn't expect to catch up with Su Qing, but Su Qing gets closer and closer to Tang Dongsheng.

Zhu Tiancheng was very angry at the scene. He drove Tang Dongsheng out of the student union. Then he made a series of tricks, such as hero saving the United States, and attacked Su Qing fiercely.

However, Su Qingren was very smart. He had already seen through the essence of Zhu Tiancheng. He was still obsessed with Tang Dongsheng, so he resolutely left the student union.

At that time, it happened to catch up with Zhu Tiancheng, who graduated from the senior year. Zhu Tiancheng thought that if he didn't win Su Qing again. The opportunity behind is even more remote.

So on the night of the graduation party, Zhu Tiancheng asked someone to give Su Qing medicine and dragged her to his room. He wanted to rape Su Qing.

At this time, he was discovered by Tang Dongsheng and had a fight with Zhu Tiancheng. Naturally, Zhu Tiancheng had no chance to start.

Zhu Tiancheng thus held a grudge against Tang Dongsheng, and the two became tit for tat enemies.

Later, Tang Dongsheng and Su Qing became male and female friends. In their senior year, they had a good time, and their relationship became more and more hot. Others said that they were talented women, which made people envious.

But in the summer when Tang Dongsheng and Su Qing graduated, Zhu Tiancheng appeared again.

At that time, Zhu Tiancheng had been living in the society for a year and knew a lot of big brothers of the underworld. He also became a small leader himself. With a few younger brothers, he went to the grove where Su Qing and Tang Dongsheng were dating. Then he had Tang Dongsheng tied up. He wanted to rape Su Qing.

Seeing Su Qing pressed under Zhu Tiancheng's body and his clothes almost torn apart, Tang Dongsheng was infuriated and broke free of the rope and punched Zhu Tiancheng in the face.

Zhu Tiancheng got dizzy and fell to the ground. He was so angry that he stood up to beat Tang Dongsheng. However, he slipped and fell to the ground directly. One eye was blinded by the dead branches on the ground.

One eye of Zhu Tiancheng has become a blood hole. It looks very terrible. When other people see Zhu Tiancheng like this, they are scared away. Tang Dongsheng lists Zhu Tiancheng as a policeman, and Zhu Tiancheng is lucky to survive.

But from then on, he became blind.

But this one eyed blind man brought Zhu Tiancheng a different fortune. It was also because of this one eye that he mixed up.

Every time he saw people, he would say to others that this was the disability caused by his participation in gang fighting.

When people heard about it, they were in awe, and the one eye looked terrible, which made him naturally have a kind of attractive momentum.

His younger brother was very afraid of him and respected him. He said that he was killed in a fight, and his eyes were blind. He was told that it was a gang fight. In order to save the eldest brother, he lost an eye and his words were both central and fierce. Therefore, everyone respected him as a big man behind his back.

After Zhu Tiancheng, he made great progress all the way to achieve his status today.

Later, Tang Dongsheng and Su Qing returned to their hometown Jincheng to avoid Zhu Tiancheng.

However, Zhu Tiancheng has always held a grudge against Tang Dongsheng. He even feels that the hatred between him and Tang Dongsheng is a deep blood feud. More than 20 years later, he still hates Tang Dongsheng to the bone.

However, everyone thinks that Zhu Tiancheng is too much. Originally, they are two lovers. You have to intervene. He is just a scoundrel!

After listening to Tang Dongsheng's words, Lin Feng is this feeling.

"Zhu Tiancheng is such a scoundrel. He thinks that others owe him. This kind of person really owes him something to clean up." Lin Feng Road.

Tang Dongsheng's face was full of sadness. He didn't want to talk about it. Whenever he talked about it, he would recall Su Qing, and the sadness would come to his mind.

After listening to the stories of Tang Dongsheng, Su Qing and Zhu Tiancheng, Su Jing was more sure that Zhu Tiancheng was a personal scum.

But now it seems that they have nothing to do with Zhu Tiancheng.

Yu Lan looked anxiously at Tang Dongsheng and said, "Tang Dong, now we have angered Zhu Tiancheng. Next, there must be a storm coming. Should we prepare something?"Tang Dongsheng said: "if it should come, it will come, and it can't be stopped. The enmities between Zhu Tiancheng and me will be settled sooner or later, but I'm worried about Xiaojing. Zhu Tiancheng is a man of all kinds. If he can say that in person, he must have done more than that, so I'm afraid that he will poison Xiaojing!"

Then he looked at Lin Feng and said, "so, Lin Feng, I beg you for one thing. Please protect Xiaojing at all times. I have great trust in your ability."

Lin Feng is crooked mouth a smile way: "I protect to when is a head?"

"This Tang Dongsheng did not know the deadline.

However, Lin Feng said: "Zhu Tiancheng has also poisoned me, so we can't blindly defend. The other side will be more and more powerful. In my opinion, we have to fight back!"

"Counterattack?" Yu Lan was surprised: "how to fight back? The strength of the other side is obviously superior to us, and he can't get close at will! "

Lin Feng said, "Oh, Mr. Yu, why are you so violent? How can you do something, so bloody, so bad! "

Yu Lan, covered with black lines, said, "I am violent?"

Lin Feng said, "yes! For such a person, we should use a reasonable way to make him realize his mistakes. We should use selfless love to influence his killing and cruelty! I believe that there is truth in the world. We should be a noble person who can infect others

The black line on the forehead of Yulan was aggravated again.

Lin Feng said: "well, I believe I can, my positive energy, will certainly influence him, so I decided to go to Songjiang city and have a long talk with him!"

"Lin Feng!" Yu Lan dissuaded him: "your way is very good, I like it very much, but it doesn't work at all. Lin Feng, I don't mean that your idea is wrong, but..."

"I know that if you save face for me again, it's just bullshit, right?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Alas Yu Lan did not deny that: "you think, so a rogue leader, how can you listen to reason, how can you be influenced?"

Tang Dongsheng also felt that Yu Lan's words were reasonable. He quickly said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, we still have to think about the Countermeasures for this matter. Don't be rash first."

I don't want you to calm down for a moment, Lin Feng

"Good!" Lin Feng smile: "then I will go first!"

With that, Lin Feng got up to go.

"Where are you going?" Yu Lan asked.

"Go and calm down!" Lin Feng said, "I'll go to Songjiang to calm down, and then I'll talk to Zhu Tiancheng again."


There's a lot of black people in the room! , the fastest update of the webnovel!