The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 310

"Ah Gao Qingshan is covered with black lines and is speechless.

Lin Feng just felt that the medicine was too complicated to explain to him.

In fact, this medicine has no name, but it is very precious.

This is a gift given by the pharmacist to Lin Feng when he retired. The marvelous effect of this medicine is that even if people die of breath and take this medicine, they can live and say their last words before leaving. It's so amazing!

But if the ordinary people received serious injuries, they could not hold on. If they took this medicine, they could also persist for a day and a half.

It belongs to a kind of active drug to delay death, and its composition is very special. It was developed by pharmacists with a lot of thought.

So Lin Feng is too lazy to explain.

Hearing Lin Feng's remark, Gao Qingshan felt that he was not authentic enough. He thought too much about academic research and put the patient aside.

He said quickly, "good medicine, good medicine! Doctor Lin, in your opinion, what should I do with the illness of Mr. Wei now? "

He is really no good way, can only rely on Lin Feng.

"Call two nurses to come over first, help the old man measure blood pressure, do whole body massage, dredge blood!" Lin Feng said.

"What's the use of all this?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"I'll explain it later. Go and get someone else." Lin Feng Road.

"Good!" Gao Qingshan rushed to call the head nurse. The head nurse sent two trusted nurses.

Two little nurses, one named may and the other Feifei, were both medical university students who had just graduated. They were very beautiful and worked very seriously.

After entering the door, they saw Gao Qingshan and said nervously, "good president" "good president!"

"Well, get to the patient!" Gao Qingshan said, and then told them what they needed to do.

Two little beauties of nurses timidly to the old man's hospital bed, one of them took blood pressure, the other began to press his arms and legs, relax tendons and activate blood circulation.

Wei Hao didn't know that there were so many beautiful nurses in the hospital. His eyes flashed and he coughed and said, "what are the names of these two beautiful nurses?"

"Just call me may!"

"My name is Feifei!"

"Oh, my dear, that's a nice name!" Wei Hao color fan said.

"Wei Hao, if you want to get a girl, you go to the wrong place. Go downstairs and turn left for three kilometers. There is a red light district. That's where you like. Go!" Lin Feng Road.

"Lin Feng, what the hell do you mean?" Wei Hao saw Lin Feng tear him apart. His face was red and his neck was thick.

"What do you mean? Your grandfather is dying. Are you still chatting with beautiful women here? What else do you mean "You are a real grandson," Lin Feng said

"Who the hell do you curse?" Wei Hao rage way.

"Shut up! Beast Wei Yunhu couldn't see it any more and rebuked Wei Hao.

When is it not good to pick up girls? At this time, do you have any brain?

Wei Hao didn't say anything, but he thought, anyway, this hospital is invested by Changsheng Group. When I came back, my brother-in-law asked two beautiful women. They still went out with me?

Thinking of this, Wei Hao didn't worry. He took a look at the two girls. Seeing that the two girls looked at him a little shyly, he was even more proud. He felt that this had been done, and he would wait for the net to be collected.

At this time, Gao Qingshan came back to Lin Feng and said respectfully, "Mr. Lin, what should we do now?"

"If you want to cure this disease thoroughly, you need a lot of herbs to recuperate, but now the top priority is to let the old man wake up!"

"Yes, that's right." Gao Qingshan is in line with Tao.

"I took the medicine for the old man, but his life is still in a coma because of the accumulation of Qi and toxin in his body, which has not been discharged." Lin Feng Road.

"Toxin deposition? Where did it come from? " Asked Gao Qingshan.

"I have put a needle into Baihui acupoint to mobilize the energy in his body and block it to let him store it. But everything is a double-edged sword, with advantages and disadvantages. Although this needle can store energy, it will flow, run and consume in the body, which will produce a series of wastes, namely toxins. This needle is not only blocked Energy, the same toxin is blocked, can not be discharged! Then the toxin also eroded the body, so the old man is still in a coma Lin Feng said.

"Oh, oh, I can understand that!" Gao Qingshan said.

Lin Feng said: "so, this period of time, the old man not only can't defecate and urinate, even fart will not put a!"

"Well, indeed, the nurses in our hospital reported to me that the old man did not have any excretion behavior, and we have been very worried about it. So it is!" High Castle Peak Road.

"Well, don't worry about it. If the old man farts and defecates, he will probably be discouraged, and that person will not be able to do so." Lin Feng said: "so today I took my medicine, the old man was in a coma. It's not a problem. Now the most important thing is to clean up the toxin!""How do you clean up now? Let the old man defecate? Or what? " Gao Qingshan asked respectfully.

"I'll deal with this later! Don't worry Lin Feng Road.

"OK, OK!" Gao Qingshan said.

This series of dialogues made may and Feifei confused. They looked at Lin Feng, who was young and about his age. How could the Dean be so respectful to him?

What's more, the Dean even asked him everything. It felt like the students were talking to the teacher. It was so strange!

Although may and Feifei are very surprised, they don't dare to neglect them and do their duty seriously.

Two beauties seriously stare at Lin Feng, Wei Hao looked in the eyes, a burst of anger in the heart, the heart said Lin Feng, you just pretend it, I see you he can be installed to when.

At this time, may exclaimed to Gao Qingshan: "Dean Gao, the patient's blood pressure is low!"

Gao Qingshan panicked and looked at Lin Feng for help.

Lin Feng calmly waved his hand: "don't worry! This is OK! "

When Wei Hao heard this, he felt that he had grasped the opportunity to refute and quickly said: "is the blood pressure on the low side still need not be concerned? Is the heart not to beat also need not tube? It's my grandfather lying there. My grandfather is the chairman of Changsheng Group. He invested in this hospital. Do you treat my grandfather like this? Is it too much fun? "

The meaning of Wei Hao's words is very obvious. It is mainly for two little beauties to listen to, so that the two little beauty nurses can know what he is, so as to prepare for the girls in the back.

Wei Yunhu, on the other side, was very angry. How could this son of a bitch talk so much today? Usually his grandfather is ill and doesn't even show up. Today, he can't even get rid of him. It's really strange!

"Xiao Hao, if you say these words again, I will let white tiger drive you out!" Wei Yunhu said.

"Hum!" Wei Hao snorted coldly, but I had to be present. I had to be there. I had to pretend to be in front of two beautiful nurses. I had to find a chance to destroy Lin Feng and let him destroy this all his life!

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to Wei Hao at all, but said to Gao Qingshan: "I'm going to test the toxin properties of the old man now!"

"Toxin properties?" The chief of the high court was surprised.

"Yes! In ancient times, there were five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. This kind of thing is not groundless. Toxins can also be classified according to this. Only when I know the properties can I use medicine to help the old man clean up the toxins! " Lin Feng Road.

Gao Qingshan has heard about it. He heard that not only toxins, but also Chinese herbal medicines also have their own attributes. Most of the Chinese herbal medicines belong to the nature of wood, some of them belong to water, and some belong to the nature of fire, which is dry and hot.

However, Gao Qingshan always thought it was someone else's bullshit. Today, Lin Feng said that he began to pay attention to this issue.

So Lin Feng said that the nature of the toxin was easy for Gao Qingshan to understand.

"How can we measure the properties of toxins?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

Blood pressure, body fluid and so on, their hospital can do, but how to measure the five elements attribute? It's a problem for them!

Lin Feng is a bad smile, said: "well, it is simple to say, I can operate, but I need a person to help, preferably young men!"

Said, he looked at Wei Hao: "or you come to help me?"

"What are you going to do?" Wei Hao asked.

"Nothing!" Lin Feng bad bad smile: "let you for your grandfather, do a little sacrifice!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!