The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 274

This strong recoil force directly overturned Cai Kun. The back of his head hit the car body behind his head, and with a "bang" sound, he made a big bag.

"Oh, my trough!" Cai Kun covered the back of his head and cried out with pain.

But golden phoenix is nothing. Just at the moment when she started to rush out, her brain was dizzy with a strong sense of pushing her back, and then some hot blood surged up. This feeling was quite exciting.

Lin Feng's car rushed out, directly maintained the speed of 140kmh, and drove smoothly on the road.

Jin Fenghuang slowed down. She recalled a series of movements of Lin Feng just now. She felt that she was so professional. Isn't Lin Feng not able to drive?

At this time, Cai Kun also slowed down. When he saw Lin Feng start, he also pressed the ejection start button. Then he recalled the huge momentum at the beginning. He knew that Lin Feng's start was the correct racing start.

And I've been driving on the road all the time, and I've forgotten to even start the ejection. Just now, Lin Feng blew the accelerator and started in the second gear, which is the most standard and fastest way to start. Cai Kun checked it on the computer last night!

But he can't let Lin Feng install B. He has to keep loading B all the way.

He seized the opportunity and said, "Lin Feng, you have done a good job. This is the right way to start. I want to start like this just now, but you don't understand it, so choose the simplest way to start."

Lin Feng ignored him, but asked the Golden Phoenix: "honey, do you want to speed up?"

Golden Phoenix a little bit to feel, a look forward to ask: "is it OK?"

"Of course Lin Feng smile, the accelerator again added some, the speed of the instant increase, is 150 per hour.

"Whoa Lin Feng still roared, and then asked: "cool?"

Golden Phoenix said: "cool! How cool

But Cai Kun's face was very embarrassed. He looked at the scenery around him cautiously and said, "don't be so fast. It's a bit over speed."

However, Lin Feng ignored him, the foot again forced, "hum" a sound, the car speed is close to 160 per hour.

"Ah - slow down, slow down, look at the front, oh, slow down, slow down quickly..." Cai Kun was in a mess.

He didn't drive so fast. He felt like he was going to take off. He was very flustered.

However, not only did Lin Feng ignore him, but even Jin Fenghuang couldn't hear him. Jin Fenghuang opened his arms and cheered with ecstasy: "Wow, yeah! How cool

There was a small turn ahead. When Cai Kun looked at it, his face turned white. He called out, "slow down, there is a turn ahead. Ah, slow down. I'm going to hit you, ah --"

Lin Feng didn't slow down at all. When he got to the small corner, he just swung his tail and turned around. He threw Cai Kun behind him directly to one side and knocked on the seat back.

"I said the chariot God of Erlongshan, are you ok?" Lin Feng asked Cai Kun.

Cai Kun said with a bitter face, "slow down, slow down!"

However, at this time, Lin Feng said: "now starting to overtake, you are ready!"

The Golden Phoenix sunglasses were all taken off, with a look of expectation, and eyes full of light.

Lin Feng turns on the stabilizer system of the rear wing. Because the weight of the body will float if it accelerates again, it will surely float. Therefore, if you open the stabilizer system, the tail will depress the air flow and make the body more stable.

Then, Lin Feng accelerates again, and the speed of the car has reached 180kmh.

At this time, the car is like a meteor, passing a shadow on the ground, galloping forward rapidly.

Before long, he caught up with the car in front of him. Then Lin Feng started to bow from left to right. He kept pressing various buttons at his feet, and then the accelerator and brake were constantly switching. The car was in the car of that group of races, like a silver snake, flying forward.

And the speed of the car did not decrease at all, and it surpassed seven or eight cars in an instant.

"How can you be so handsome?" Jin Fenghuang looks at the movements of Lin Feng, which is really cool.

But at this time, Cai Kun's face was pale, and his words were not sharp. His heart trembled when he saw his car in the group of racing cars, speeding around and avoiding.

"Lin Feng, don't drive so fast, ah - I can't, ah, I'm going to run into it! Ah - don't make a turn every time you're about to hit Cai Kun was so scared that he couldn't calm down any more.

However, Lin Feng's speed did not decrease, but increased, and in an instant exceeded more than a dozen cars.

Cai Kun completely felt what was surrounded by fear. He looked at the scene passing by quickly. He was dizzy and didn't dazzle. He yelled: "ah, Lin Feng, you son of a bitch, you want to frighten me to death. Ah, don't don't, ah -- I'm going to die."

CAI Kun screamed in the back. He was so big that he never took such a fast car, and he was still here He couldn't bear the rush of so many racing cars.

However, the Golden Phoenix was ignited. She never thought it would be so exciting and so hot. It was just too explosive. The Golden Phoenix found the passion that had not been seen for a long time, and immediately felt that her whole body was burning."Whoa, haha, whoa --"

The Golden Phoenix yelled wantonly and released his full passion. This feeling is just too high!

At the same time, on the big screen outside the stadium, everyone is paying attention to the Pagani.

The host took the microphone and yelled: "you see, this Pagani is like a black horse. When it started, it still let all the vehicles fall behind, but it didn't take long to catch up! How fast

"You see, he's starting to overtake!"

"Wow, it's so fast, it's flowing. This Pagani is amazing!"

People around him also said, "who drives this car? Why is it so powerful here? This skill is no less than the racing queen Wei Yichen

"Yes, I think it's more fierce than Wei Yichen. You see, it's more than a dozen cars in a moment. If it goes on like this, it will be all over soon!"

And at this time, the V big on the stand, carefully looking at the Pagani on the big screen, suddenly, his eyes exude a touch of fine awn.

Chen Da asked in one side: "V big, did you see that this person's car skills are too fierce, is it Jincheng to master?"

V big did not speak, she was staring at the big screen, afraid to miss every moment.

At the same time, on the track, Lin Feng has more than dozens of cars.

Jin Fenghuang and Cai Kun called all the way.

Lin Feng accelerates again and overtakes the vehicles ahead.

Cai Kun was already hoarse at this time, and he begged for mercy in pain: "I beg you, Lin Feng, please, slow down quickly. My heart can't stand it, ah - don't don't - ah - lie in the trough!"

Cai Kun was like a child, crying and crying.

He knew that he was disgraced this time. In front of the Golden Phoenix, he was so rude.

But there is no way, he can't control it. The speed is too frightening. If he feels a little careless, he will lose his life.

He has a bright future ahead of him, but he doesn't want to die so young!

However, at this time, Lin Feng said, "there is only one car left ahead."

"What?" Jin Fenghuang was shocked. Although he saw that he was overtaking all the way, he didn't expect to catch up so soon. Moreover, there was only one left?

"Yes, the one ahead is Wei Yichen's Pink Santana!" Lin Feng said.

But in my heart, I want to accompany you to play, see your recent car skills, in the end how much? , the fastest update of the webnovel!