The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 275

Lin Feng thought of this, he free a hand, in the car's console crackled a click.

At this time, the whole Pagani changed to the naked eye.

I can see that the range of the rear wing is smaller, and it is lower again. The side wings are also used on both sides of the car, and the pictures of the driving computer are not the fuel consumption and mileage before. At this time, they become a group of incomprehensible patterns and figures.

Some changes have taken place in the interior system of the car, including the chassis system, hydraulic system, and condensation system, etc.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?" Seeing these changes, the Golden Phoenix asked.

With a faint smile, Lin Feng said, "Oh! Just now I have turned on the racing mode and the real strength of Pagani can come out completely at this time! So now, we're starting to race! Ha, sit tight

"What?" Both Jin Fenghuang and Cai Kun were shocked.

Was it still in normal driving mode just now? Will this really be a race car?

How cruel is Lin Feng?

Jin Fenghuang is more and more surprised at Lin Feng.

This man has reached an amazing height in terms of military force, literary talent and self-cultivation. Moreover, today's driving skills are even more superb. This man is simply unfathomable. How long will he have to excavate before he can see all of him?

At the same time, Cai Kun was desperate.

The speed just now, I was almost scared to urinate, but it was just a normal play. So this time I really started racing. How terrible?

"Lin Feng, you stop, I want to get off, I don't play, I don't play!" Cai Kun was almost crying.

"I'm sorry, my Erlongshan chariot God, you can't get off the bus yet. Getting off the bus will delay me to win the championship!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Win?" "Can you win the racing queen?" the Golden Phoenix said happily

"I'll try it!" Lin Feng said.

"Good, come on!" Golden Phoenix is full of expectations.

When Pagani is ready to adjust everything, Lin Feng steps on the accelerator, and the sound of "boom" frightens Cai Kun.

I didn't expect that Pagani's real voice was so terrible. He had been driving this car for more than a year, and he didn't seem to understand the car at all. Today, this car is in the hands of Lin Feng, but he is like an obedient child. He is obedient and obedient!

Cai Kun felt a deep sense of shame.

But without waiting for him to reflect, Lin Feng's car suddenly accelerated again and sped forward.

Then, the Golden Phoenix found that there was a pink Santana, which was Wei Yichen's car.

At the same time, Wei Yi Chen through the rearview mirror, saw behind Pagani.

"Why? Is someone catching up? " Wei Yichen a pick eyebrows, heart said no one to catch up with, really no meaning, this time fun, come on, fight young.

Wei Yi Chen behind the light blue lens, a pair of big eyes full of fighting spirit, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, a serious face.

At this time, there was a small turn in front of him. Wei Yichen threw his tail away and drove over. However, as soon as the turn was over, a right angle curve suddenly appeared in front of him.

This right angle bend is very sudden, it is a place to test racing drivers.

Because of the small curve in front of you, you can't see this curve. When the small curve is crossed, this sharp right angle corner will appear immediately. Many drivers are unprepared and throw out directly from the curve and plunge into the bushes nearby.

Even a lot of veteran players can only slow down and cross the corner slowly.

But this is very time-consuming. Even one second is precious in the racing industry. What's more, if the snail's speed crosses the curve, it's tantamount to giving up!

As Wei Yichen participated in the whole process of renovating the track, she was deeply impressed by the right angle curve and had been prepared for it.

So in the small turn, she began to slow down a little. When she got to the big right angle corner, she knew the direction and angle of the turn, so she lowered her speed a little bit, and then she went straight to a drift to cross the corner easily.

Although the speed has been reduced twice, a set of movements is still flowing without any stagnation. Moreover, the speed is only reduced by less than a quarter, and the speed can be raised immediately.

Wei Yichen after the track, attracted outside the people cheered.

"Wow, fierce, worthy of being the racing queen. The two corners are handled just right!"

"Yes! If I were, I'd probably fly! "

At this time, the host yelled: "you see, that Pagani has caught up, wow, it's incredible that his speed has reached 200kmh. If we keep going at this speed, we will soon catch up with Wei Yichen, our women's drag racing net!"

People listen, but also hold their breath, staring at the big screen.

But at this time, some people questioned: "the two corners are very difficult, Wei Yichen to go, this person, not necessarily to go through!"

"Yes, if you don't deal with these two corners properly, it is likely that the car will roll over, and all the previous efforts will be wasted!"The host said, "well, what you said is reasonable. Can Pagani cross the corner safely? Can he keep up with Santana safely? Please keep your eyes open and wait and see! "

On the track.

At this time, Lin Feng has already entered the small curve, but the speed has not decreased at all.

"Oh, Lin Feng, you can't stop the car for me. Please, my heart can't stand it." Cai Kun cried and howled, his face as white as paper.

"Honey, give him a plastic bag so he doesn't throw up on the car!" Lin Feng said, a foot on the clutch.

This is his habit of racing. No matter what kind of curve he crosses, he will do this action, because you never know what kind of road conditions will be in front of him after the curve.

Lin Feng can always prepare for a rainy day and make some precautions in advance.

Jin Fenghuang didn't find the plastic bag. At last, he took out a waterproof bag containing mobile phone from his bag and gave it to Cai Kun. He said, "don't yell, bear with me! It's a bit of a man! "

Cai Kun felt that he had been greatly insulted in his heart. He just wanted to reply, but looking ahead, he saw a right angle bend.

He was about to collapse again, shouting in his hoarse voice:

"I'll wipe, slow down, slow down, there's a right angle bend ahead, and I'm going to hit it!"

"Why do you speed up? Do you, ah - I don't want to die - ah - "

CAI Kun's face was green with fear, and he clung to the door handle with both hands, and the whole person collapsed completely.

But Lin Feng Li did not pay attention to him. His habit of stepping on clutch was not a white one. He stepped on the clutch and pushed the gear to the maximum manually, which accelerated suddenly.

"Crouching trough - finished --"

CAI Kun was desperate. He was about to fly out of the corner in such a hurry. Instead of slowing down, he accelerated. He should not give him the steering wheel. All of a sudden, he was destroyed!

Golden Phoenix also suddenly nervous up, how to return a responsibility, cross the corner not all decelerate, how to still accelerate? Is Lin Feng too nervous to brake the accelerator?

Not only did Jin Fenghuang think so, but the audience, especially Chen Da and V Da, didn't understand what happened to Pagani?

People look at the big screen, that Pagani has just turned a corner, the front of the car has not been adjusted, and then there is a 90 degree right angle curve in the opposite direction. In this way, it is more than 90 degrees simple.

This curve, to be less than 90 degrees, is about to turn around. This is even more difficult.

It's over. At this time, Pagani is still speeding up. It seems that it is going to be scrapped! , the fastest update of the webnovel!