The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 272

The starting point of the field is an abandoned factory.

By this time, the abandoned factory had been renovated, full of bright graffiti.

There are all kinds of motorcycles in the wide field of the factory. There are modified Harley motorcycles of rioters, mass production original sports cars of the second generation of the rich, and all kinds of modified racing cars, which are dazzling.

And it is worth mentioning that since Chen Da took office, he has made great contributions to the drag racing party.

In particular, with the help of Wei Yichen and V University, they improved the track, built a special venue for drag racing, and the whole process of video monitoring, through the large screen can watch the whole race.

In this way, there will be no public impact and the time of racing will not be controlled.

In the past, drag racing parties used to ambush in the daytime and come out at night, which is their most popular moment.

Because there are few cars on the road at night, especially in the suburbs, there are almost no cars, so the racing party can gallop on the track as much as possible.

Now, this track is a part of the abandoned road in Lingyun mountain, which has been renovated, and some racing elements and monitoring equipment have been added. Today is also the first race of the new track. Therefore, Wei Yichen is on the stage in person, Chen Da and V university are the judges. Later, they will watch the competition on the big screen in the judging panel.

There are some members of the drag racing party who come to participate in the competition. In addition, there are also some hot blooded young people who love racing.

There are requirements for competition, for example, the car must be a racing car, and the age should not be more than 60 years old, etc.

CAI Kun checked the conditions in advance, and he basically met the requirements. So it's easy to sign up for the race. After registering at the entrance, the driver drove the car to the abandoned factory, because all the racing vehicles will get on the track from here.

Once entering the abandoned factory, all kinds of super cars and refitted cars compete with each other. The roar of motors is endless, and the Golden Phoenix is shining in front of you.

Because Golden Phoenix had a sun hat and sunglasses today, no one else recognized her.

When Cai Kun saw Jin Fenghuang looking around, he could not help feeling a little proud. He said, "I have to say, the racing culture of Jincheng is really powerful. If you look at the whole China, Jincheng's racing array is definitely the top three!"

"Wow, so good?" It's rare for Golden Phoenix to be like a little girl, showing surprise.

Seeing the performance of Jin Fenghuang, Cai Kun is even more proud. Although he has searched these online, and many of them are made up by himself, he is absolutely enough to deal with drag racing Xiaobai such as Jin Fenghuang and Lin Feng.

So the confidence in his heart was even higher, and he continued: "well, although they are very powerful, but compared with me, the level is still worse. When I was abroad, the track environment was worse than this, flying suspension bridge, half lane, continuous right angle bend, it was hell mode, but I also easily won the final victory!"

Cai Kun is more and more boasting, and Jin Fenghuang is a little skeptical. However, he feels that what he said seems to be true, so he just smiles with a smile.

At this time, a modified sports car stopped by. The car was refitted very cool, with two wings on both sides, but on a closer look, the wings were a row of exhaust pipes from short to long.

"Wow, this car is so interesting. Why does he have a row of exhaust pipes on both sides of the body?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

She felt that Lin Feng should not know these questions, so she asked Cai Kun directly, so as not to ask Lin Feng and he would be embarrassed again!

But Cai Kun didn't know what the exhaust pipes were for. He thought about how to fool the matter.

At this time, but listen to the side of Lin Feng said: "the two rows of exhaust pipes, in fact, is to connect the rear motor of the car, the role is to strengthen the cooling effect!"

"Oh, that's it Golden Phoenix is very surprised, how does Lin Feng know so much!

However, Cai Kun felt that he was losing face. He could not let the racing white get the upper hand, so he directly retorted: "how can it be? If the exhaust pipe heats up, it is usually under the car. How can it be placed on the side of the car?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the sports car has a powerful engine, thousands of degrees of internal combustion engine operation, if the emission rate of high-temperature exhaust gas is low, it will affect the performance of the vehicle. The position of the exhaust funnel is a little higher. It uses the car's own aerodynamics to let the wind take away the high-temperature waste gas and improve the performance. Haven't you heard of the principle of overheating air rising?"

"Ah Cai Kun was said to be stunned.

Lin Feng continued: "and his car is refitted from the Porsche 918. Its body structure is very suitable for placing the exhaust pipes on both sides. On the one hand, it can increase the emission power. On the other hand, it can also make the high temperature waste in the process of emission, and keep it away from the body as far as possible!"

Jin Fenghuang was stunned by the audience. When Lin Feng said these things, he was just like a car expert.

How can Lin Feng know so much about wine and cars?

However, Cai Kun was a little anxious. He put down the window, looked at the refitted car carefully, and then deliberately retorted to Lin Feng: "what are you talking about? The exhaust pipes on both sides of the car are obviously useless. They are just decorations"Shut up, he? How can it be decoration? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand it, stupid B!"

At this time, a strong man with a height of more than 90 meters got off the car, wearing a black leather jacket and tattoos all over his neck. He scolded Cai Kun fiercely.

Cai Kun was so scared that he didn't dare to speak. He quickly raised the window.

"You see, people say it's not decoration." Lin Feng gloated.

At the beginning, Jin Fenghuang was not sure who was right. Now it seems that Lin Feng is right. She is curious. Lin Feng can't drive. How can she understand all these?

In order to save face, Cai Kun quickly said, "Oh, I was just joking with you. Would I not know this? How can the exhaust pipe be an ornament? Do you really believe it

Lin Feng took a look at Cai Kun and thought that this man is really brazen!

Cai Kun hated Lin Feng's teeth itching. He said that the boy had a wide range of knowledge, but driving was a practical operation. It was useless to know more knowledge.

So Cai Kun said to Jin Fenghuang in a hurry: "these are not important. I'll take you to enjoy the process of drag racing. That's cool. Let's make sure you, JINDA beauty, fly up

When he said this, the Golden Phoenix was looking forward to it and said, "can you sprint for the championship?"

"Of course Cai Kun looked confident, but then he took his words back and said, "well, I brought you to drag racing just to let you feel the atmosphere. It doesn't matter what the position of the race is. You don't care too much about it. It's about enjoying the atmosphere of racing."

Cai Kun's Pagani is for women. When it comes to racing, he can't do it at all, so in order not to make a fool of himself at that time, he found himself a step down in advance.

The Golden Phoenix is not happy. Originally, racing is the best way to feel the atmosphere if you don't compete for the championship?

Just then, an old-fashioned Santana came in.

The woman in the car, dressed in a Black Gothic service, with a braid on her head, and a beautiful face in the high collar room attracted almost everyone's attention.

Santana has also been converted into a convertible model, all painted in pink paint, very girly, with eight exhaust hoods behind her.

"Boom With the roar of a motor, Santana rushed into the abandoned factory with amazing momentum.

It was Wei Yichen who came!

The crowd cheered loudly:

"Wow, here comes the racing queen!"

"Here comes the racing queen!"

Seeing Wei Yichen coming, Cai Kun took the opportunity to boast to Golden Phoenix: "you see, that's the racing queen Wei Yichen. His old Santana obviously spent a lot of money to refit. This woman is very powerful. I heard that she is already a semi professional driver. If I don't fight for the Championship today, she must be the hot one to win the championship!"

Golden Phoenix pursed her lips and did not speak.

At this time, on the main stand, the host announced with a microphone: "the competition time has also ended. Now, please prepare for the competition, and the competition will start immediately!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!