The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 271

Cai Kun previously said that he drove a Pagani 2h, but Lin Feng was still a little shocked because there is only one Pagani 2h in the world.

But today, when I saw the silver and black Pagani opened by Cai Kun, Lin Feng wanted to laugh. This is the cheapest one in Pagani, that is, the price of general medium and low super sports cars.

But he didn't expose it, so he thought he didn't know.

There were only two seats in this car, but the middle of the seats could be concave. Lin Feng was in good shape, so he squeezed in the middle, just like he had gone to the back row.

After getting on the bus, Cai Kun praised his car, saying how powerful the engine is and how hi the stereo is. As soon as Lin Feng heard this, he knew that he didn't understand cars. Otherwise, such a sports car, he seemed to be commenting on a family car.

Golden Phoenix doesn't know a lot, so she just smiles a little to show appreciation!

Cai Kun drove carefully all the way, as if he were afraid that his car would be scratched.

A super coupe, 60 yards in length, Lin Feng is also drunk.

he gets the hat of his Hoodie up and buckles it on his head to sleep.

Golden Phoenix is also wearing a sun hat, sunglasses stuck in the eyes, squint eyes.

After a while, Cai Kun felt super boring. They didn't give face at all. They both fell asleep!

"Ah, ah, ah!" Cai Kun called a few times: "Why are you all asleep? You have no respect for me

"No, we are afraid of your distraction." Lin Feng said.

"You said that to a racing driver? How can I be distracted? I drive slower just to take care of you. First, I can talk to you. Second, I can slow down. You can't get used to it! " Cai Kun said with a face full of comparison.

"Oh, you are so good!" Lin Feng said.

"Of course See Lin Feng a face worship, his face is raised, almost take nostrils to see people.

"Cai Kun, you can either drive faster, in this case, we are a little sleepy!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Well, you're on your way!" With that, Cai Kun stepped on the accelerator and drove to 80 yards on the wide asphalt road.

"How about it? Is it OK? " Cai Kun said.

"Well, it's OK." Golden Phoenix said.

Because Jin Fenghuang usually drives 70 yards at most, and only the driver can drive more than 80 yards. Therefore, he is satisfied with CAI Kun's speed.

But Lin Feng's heart is a sneer, the performance of such a good car, in this speed limit of 120 wide road, even drive 80, and then boast to others, this CAI Kun can really install ah!

Seeing Lin Feng's disdain, Cai Kun said, "Lin Feng, can you drive?"

"A little bit," said Lin Feng

"Do you know how to race? Driving and racing are not the same thing! "

"Oh, I don't understand!"

"So you don't usually come into contact with racing?"

Lin Feng nodded. He did not contact racing.

Cai Kunxin said, "well, since you don't understand, it's easy for me to do it later. See how I can set off my great image in front of you!

He heard from Taotie yesterday that Jin Fenghuang likes racing, so he collected some information about racing in Jincheng. He not only learned that there would be a racing race in the East District today, but also heard about a man, a mysterious figure in the racing party.

Others call him, Erlongshan chariot God.

It is said that he is good at driving, but he does not seek fame and wealth. After winning the race, he disappears in the public's view. He is the kind of man who comes and goes like wind.

While driving, Cai Kun said, "have you heard of Erlongshan chariot God? That man had a refitted Santana and won all his Bugatti super sports cars. It can be said that he is a myth in the racing industry. Moreover, he is quite mysterious. He won the race and left without seeking fame and wealth! "

On hearing this, Lin Feng almost laughed out, and he casually invented the name. He even took it out and said it.

"Two dragon mountain chariot God?" Jin Fenghuang frowned: "I've heard of it. I've heard that the skill of driving is very good."

"And you, do you know the God of chariots?" Cai Kun scornfully asked Lin Feng.

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it!" Lin Feng said.

He didn't want to leak too much in front of CAI Kun, because he didn't know what Cai Kun wanted to do when he suddenly mentioned his name?

When Cai Kun heard this, he was overjoyed. These two people are really Xiaobai in the drag racing industry. It seems that I can fool them casually today.

Cai Kun suddenly said with pride: "Hey, I didn't want to say anything, but I think it's necessary for me to tell you something about me. In fact, I'm the chariot God of Erlongshan!"

With that, Cai Kun grasped the steering wheel in one hand and patted himself on the chest with the other.

This almost makes Lin Feng nauseous and vomit. Man, you are the God of chariots. Who am I?

However, Lin Feng didn't break him down. He came here to have fun and relax. There's no need to be serious with him for the time being!"You are Erlong mountain... The chariot?" Jin Fenghuang was surprised: "didn't you come back home last week? It seems that the car God has been in the air for months? "

Caikun said calmly: "ah, I know you will have such questions, but it is true that I am close to my motherland. When I am abroad, I have a vacation occasionally and come back to see it. So when I itch, I went to Biao a few, but I didn't expect to be sealed up by them. Alas, I am ashamed!"

He said it as if it was true. When he said this, he still smiled hard, and then said seriously: "but I am a low-key person. Even if they sealed up the car God, I don't make a public announcement. So many friends outside the racing circle don't know me!"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" Golden Phoenix suddenly scratched his eyes to see Caikun, and he was randomly shot a few, and was sealed by others. It is not very good Cai Kun's technology!

Cai Kun saw the eyes of Golden Phoenix flashing the eyes of worship, and a moment of pride in his heart said, "ah, low-key, low-key, there must be no saying I am a car God, I don't like the feeling of being surrounded by everyone, I like to be quiet!"

"Well! Have personality! " Golden Phoenix nodded.

Lin Feng shook his head and laughed. Cai Kun was not surprised to bubble girls. It was all based on this kind of tricks.

Alas, I don't know how many girls have been cheated so far, looking at the skillful appearance of this guy!

Cai Kun sold his knowledge there all the way. It was like real. He said how powerful he was abroad. He said he never lost abroad. Today, facing the domestic players, he may let them a little bit. After all, everyone is Chinese!

But then, it will be a good time to let them, if they are unhappy, they will kill the championship all the way.

These words make Jin Fenghuang say a daze, jinfenghuang has too few friends who are extremely windracing around. She likes racing, but as the leader of Phoenix society, she still needs to be stable everywhere. So she has few opportunities to witness the birth of the racing champion. She is very looking forward to sitting in Caikun's car today and can win a racing champion.

At this time, Caikun has already drove the car to the competition site. Not far away, several kids of the racing party are registering each vehicle entering the site.

But the most attractive thing is the long hair beauty sitting on the locomotive. The woman makes a leather suit, long hair and waist, a slightly exaggerated wide belt, and is slung around the waist. It is the goddess of racing party, v-da!

Seeing v-big, Lin Feng quickly buttoned his hat on his head and said to jinfenghuang, "the rule of racing, two seat sports car, two people at most, so you come over a little bit, and block me first!"

He didn't come to racing today, so he didn't want to be seen by familiar people. He didn't see Wei Yichun's skills for a long time. So he wanted to sneak in today to see if Wei Yichun's car skills have made progress. , the fastest update of the webnovel!