The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 270

"How deep is the lake?" Lin Feng asked.

"No specific measurement has been made, but at the deepest place, there is a depth of more than ten meters!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Have you seen it under the water? Is it grass or mud or something else Lin Feng asked further.

"At that time, I went down to see that there was a lot of silt and serious water seepage under it, so later I asked the workers to lay a layer of bricks under it. Now it's much better, otherwise the water would not be so clear!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Oh Lin Feng asked again, "did the workers who went down to pave bricks at that time see any unusual scenery or abnormal situation?"

The Golden Phoenix thought about it carefully and said, "it seems that there is no such thing! By the way, why do you ask? "

Lin Feng said, "Oh, I just ask casually. The investigation must be meticulous."

Lin Feng did not say that there might be clues in the headquarters of Golden Phoenix. He did not believe in Golden Phoenix. He was afraid that the people around him would know and easily leak out, so that the headquarters of the order of Phoenix would never be peaceful.

Golden Phoenix nodded and said, "all the investigation is finished. Now go to my office to have some tea and talk about your opinions after investigation."

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded.

At this time, Golden Phoenix's phone rang, it was yu'er.

She picked up the phone, the jade said: "elder sister, someone is looking for you!"

"Who wants me?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"A man named Cai Kun is waiting for you in the reception room on the first floor." Said yu'er.

Golden Phoenix sighed, rubbed his temple and said, "OK, I know!"

"Who is looking for you? Shall I avoid it? " Lin Feng asked.

Golden Phoenix a look at Lin Feng, eyes a bright, fortunately today Lin Feng in, can continue to pretend to be his boyfriend, save let him entangle again!

"Of course you don't have to avoid it. You're my boyfriend. You forgot?" Golden Phoenix smiles softly.

Lin Feng also giggled: "the original person looking for you is Cai Kun!"

"You're smart, that's him!" Golden Phoenix said: "go, you go with me!"

When they came to the reception hall on the first floor, they saw Cai Kun sitting in it.

Seeing the Golden Phoenix coming, Cai Kun immediately stood up with a smile. However, seeing Lin Feng behind him, he immediately felt a deep disgust.

Are they so good? Can we be inseparable?

But I'm going to break you up today, Lin Feng. Your good days are over!

Seeing the Golden Phoenix walking into the room, Cai Kun looked up and down at the Golden Phoenix, and then said with a bewildered look on his face: "JINDA beauty, are you so busy? I've been waiting here for a long time

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!" Golden Phoenix politely said: "what can I do for you this time?"

Cai Kun said, "I just came to see you."

"Oh, you see it now?" Golden Phoenix smiles.

In fact, the implication of Golden Phoenix is that you can go after reading it.

But Cai Kun refused to give up, and said, "Hey, Jin Mei, at least we have a class, so you receive me?"

"How else can I receive you?" Golden Phoenix asked.

"Golden beauty, don't forget that we still have close cooperation when I come back to the top." The threat in CAI Kun's words is very obvious.

Hearing this, Jin Fenghuang frowned. If it wasn't for Cai Kun's position in the relevant departments, Jin Fenghuang would have fallen out with him.

But helpless, his own industry in the future will have to rely on his help, so the Golden Phoenix dare not be too overbearing.

"Well, we are all our own people. I'm sure we will help more in the future." Cai Kun deliberately eased the atmosphere.

"Well, thank you first." Golden Phoenix reluctantly smiles.

At this time, Cai Kun looked at Lin Feng behind the Golden Phoenix and sneered: "by the way, you little boy friend follows you every day. Doesn't he have to go to work?"

Since he knew that Lin Feng was a longta ssvip yesterday, he went to inquire about Lin Feng's identity. At last, he found that Lin Feng was only a security guard of Dongsheng Group, so he came here with full confidence.

"Oh, if I want to go, I don't have to go if I don't want to. Thank you for your concern!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, a man, when he comes, should focus on his career. Otherwise, most of the man will be abandoned! It's not good to always think of a soft meal! " Cai Kun, with an educational tone, deliberately humiliated Lin Feng.

"Oh, it's OK. I can eat soft rice. I like it. Don't worry about it!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Cai Kun bit his teeth and suppressed his anger. Instead of paying attention to Lin Feng, he turned to Jin Fenghuang and said, "Jinmei, in fact, I'm here to take you out for fun."

"Go out and play? What are you going to play with? " Asked the Golden Phoenix."I heard that the eastern drag racing party organized a racing competition this afternoon. I can take you to have fun!" Cai Kun said.

"Is it?" The Golden Phoenix's eyes brightened.

She likes racing very much, but she is not good at driving. Unexpectedly, Cai Kun also likes racing.

"Of course, I'm very well informed. I got the news this morning. I heard that all the contestants in this competition are very good, especially a female contestant named Wei Yichen, who is called the queen of the drag racing party. It's very powerful!" Cai Kun said.

Hearing that they were members of the drag racing party, Jin Fenghuang couldn't help but be more interested. In the past, because the God of fire controlled the drag racing party, she didn't like the behavior of the God of fire, so she didn't have much contact with the drag racing party. But now the Huoshen election is defeated. Now the main person is Chen Da. Chen Da is not bad, so her impression on the drag racing party is much better.

"Alas, it's a pity that I'm not good at driving!" Golden Phoenix sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I'm a good driver." Cai Kun said: "I often take part in this kind of competition abroad. Today, I will take you to drag racing, and you will sit in the co pilot's seat. I will let you experience a quick pleasure, how about it?"

The Golden Phoenix was itching. She took a look at Lin Feng and said, "well, take Lin Feng and let's go for a race together."

Cai Kun's face turned cold and said, "he can't drive a car. What can I do with him? A burden

"Let him have a look, Lin Feng, do you like to watch drag racing?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Like it!" Lin Feng Road.

"Take Lin Feng, or I don't want to go!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Oh, you..." Cai Kun began to frown.

However, when he thought carefully, Jin Fenghuang and Lin Feng didn't know how to race cars. He could install B in front of them. Although he was not a fierce driver, he was confident that he could conquer them.

Lin Feng in particular, this time is not as simple as drinking. If you want to show off your knowledge, it will be useless.

When the time comes to humiliate him severely, and then kick him out of the game, and the Golden Phoenix ride in the car, double night double flying, is not happy.

Thinking of this, Cai Kun Yin Yin smile.

"Well! Then I'll take him! " "But Lin Feng, I have to remind you that I drive very fast. If you don't get used to it, you can't quit in the middle of the way. If something happens, I won't be responsible for it!"

"Good!" Lin Feng said.

Cai Kun looked at his watch and said, "it's almost time. We have to go for a while on the way. Let's go now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!