The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 264

What happened?

All the people at the scene were confused, even the Golden Phoenix didn't know what was going on?

In fact, they did not see, just after the beauty waiter refused to give Lin Feng wine, Lin Feng quickly sent a message.

However, he did not expect that it would be so fast. Within a minute after the news was sent, someone brought up the wine. The Dragon Tower is indeed the fairyland of the rich and the hell of the poor!

Lin Feng said to the male waiter, "one bottle is one bottle. Let's drink it first. If it's not enough, I'll look for you. You can go down first."

"Yes, sir, thank you very much! Please use it slowly With that, she motioned for the maid to open wine for Lin Feng.

The beautiful waiter looks unbelievable. Is this a mistake?

Instead of opening the wine, she asked the male waiter, "manager Wang, is this a mistake?"

"What's wrong?" That called manager Wang immediately a face condensation, mercilessly glared at the beauty of the waiter, "do not hurry to open the wine? I'll settle with you later for your mistake

The beauty of the waiter scared a spirit, has never seen manager Wang angry with himself, she quickly went to open wine for Lin Feng.

Manager Wang glanced at Lin Feng to make sure that he was not angry and went downstairs.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "90 years of wine, to now these time, conversion down, should sober up 10 minutes and a half, beauty, you give me time!"

Although the beauty of the waiter is still unknown, but did not dare to neglect, quickly took out the mobile phone timing.

The heart of the Golden Phoenix is like a rough sea. What is Lin Feng's identity? How can one hundred bottles of wine go up?

Cai Kun was suspicious and embarrassed. He didn't expect that Lin Feng had the ability to make people drink.

Soon ten and a half minutes passed.

In the middle of the cup, you can pour one third of the wine into the Western cup

With that, he poured out the red wine, only a third of the cup was poured. Then, he gently shook it counterclockwise.

"The sobering process of red wine is an oxidation process. However, this shaking is the second time to sober up. This time, it fully reacts the oxygen in the air with the tannin in the wine to activate the taste. Moreover, slight shaking can make the precipitates in the wine evenly blend into the wine, making the taste of red wine complete!" While shaking, Lin Feng said softly.

Looking at his technique and manner, it is a Western aristocratic feeling, which makes people feel both noble and elegant, but also polite and cordial.

After shaking for a few times, Lin Feng lowered his head to smell the cup: "mellow and fragrant, moderate acidity and astringency, good wine!"

Then he handed the cup to the Golden Phoenix and said, "dear, please accept it with a smile."

Jin Fenghuang has been staring at Lin Feng. Lin Feng's process is not cumbersome. On the contrary, it makes people enjoy it. She even looks at it in a daze.

Until Lin Feng handed her the quilt, she calmed down, and with a smile, took the glass and took a sip.

When the tip of his tongue touches the red wine, Golden Phoenix feels that the whole person has returned to nature. The flavor of all kinds of fruit fermentation, and the smell of rubber wood, etc. in a word, this kind of taste is fresh and beautiful. He seems to be in the scene of red wine brewing, and can feel the feeling of grape growing environment.

Jin Fenghuang was intoxicated with it for a long time and couldn't extricate herself from it. She also drank expensive red wine. However, she had never drunk such a good wine, and even said that it was good to drink, it could not fully express itself. This should be a fascinating taste.

Looking at this scene, Cai Kun was angry and angry. Originally he was going to install x, but all the X were let this boy install it, and he was slapped in the face.

He felt embarrassed, even embarrassed.

But he was not reconciled, and quickly said: "golden beauty, this red wine should be drunk like this, but ah, the red wine should be shaken and drunk. Lin Feng shakes it for a few times. This is not fooling people!"

Said, he also came to a cup, anti clockwise shake for a long time, put in front of the Golden Phoenix, said: "golden beauty, enjoy the face to taste!"

Jin Fenghuang was embarrassed to refuse, so she took a sip.

But as soon as she got into the mouth, she coughed.

A sour and astringent taste, and Lin Feng before the wine, completely different flavor.

She also wondered how the gap was so big?

Cai Kun asked in a hurry: "how, is it that my taste is more fragrant and chokes you all?"

Jin Fenghuang shook his head: "you are so hard to drink, Lin Feng that is super delicious!"

"No way!" Cai Kun said, "you must be talking to him!"

He is not reconciled, to the side of the beautiful waiter said: "you come, you come to try!"

The beautiful waitress was also very curious. Seeing Lin Feng's movements, she really learned a lot. However, seeing Jin Fenghuang said that the taste of the two wines was not the same. She still didn't believe that they were poured out of a bottle? Would it be so different?The beauty came up to her, picked up the empty cup, took a drink respectively, and immediately, the high sentence.

Cai Kun asked the beauty waiter: "how about, or my good drink?"

The beauty pursed her lips and said directly, "no, it's his good drink."

Then she said to Lin Feng eagerly, "can I have another sip of your one? Really good to drink

After that, I suddenly felt that I was not right. I was a waiter. How could I ask the guests for help? After that, I would be scolded.

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "drink, come on, I'll pour you some more!"

The beauty took a look at Lin Feng gratefully and drank it down.

At this time, the more she looked at Lin Feng, she did not know why. At this time, she was disgusted with Mr. Cai.

At this time, Cai Kun's teeth itched with hatred, and he said, "it's impossible. You all come together to cheat me. It's all from a bottle. Even if there is a difference, it can't be so big!"

"Don't believe you can drink it yourself?" Lin Feng gives the glass to Cai Kun.

Cai Kun skimmed his mouth, drank it, smashed it a few times, and was still in the end.

Then he took another sip of his own, and immediately frowned, "what's going on?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "although you know something about wine, it's just a little bit. How can you shake the wine better? There is a golden ratio in the number and time of shaking for each type of wine in each year. However, if you shake a 90 year old wine excessively, it will lead to excessive oxidation and increase the acidity and astringency. How can you drink it well? "

Lin Feng a word awakens the dreamer. Suddenly, the Golden Phoenix and the waiters and beauties on one side all look at Lin Feng with admiration.

Cai Kun gnawed his teeth, but could not find any reason.

But Cai Kun has another characteristic, that is, he will never give up until he reaches his goal.

Especially in the aspect of chasing girls, he has not failed so far. This time, he is also determined to win the Golden Phoenix, so it is impossible to admit defeat.

He took a deep breath, relaxed smile, and said: "Oh, don't say, Lin Feng still knows something about wine!"

Then he changed his words and said: "but this society depends on the strength of the speech. No matter how much you know, you can only talk on paper. For example, I can take golden beauty to the eighth floor for dinner today. After two months, when I become a regular, I can go to the ninth floor! That's the top floor

Said, he looked at the Golden Phoenix, said: "golden beauty, when I can go to the ninth floor, I will take you to ha! By the way, I heard that there is a dome restaurant on the top of the ninth floor, which is most suitable for watching stars at night. I'll try my best. It won't be long before I can take you to the dome restaurant. Do you expect it? "

When he said this, he said that the Golden Phoenix was in his heart. Every woman had a romantic dream. Although the Golden Phoenix was mature and stable, it also had the thoughts of a little girl. It was said that the dome restaurant was very beautiful. Lying there, he felt that the whole universe was in front of him, like a dream.

Jin Fenghuang has been working hard for so many years, but he can't go to the dome restaurant. This is a pity for him.

Seeing the Golden Phoenix's eyes shining, Cai Kun said with a smile in his heart: "hum, sure enough, I caught the chance!"

Since he was so interested in seeing the Golden Phoenix, he struck while the iron was hot and said, "well, I'll try to take you up today."

Now, can I apply for SVIP dome

"I'm sorry, sir. You need to make an appointment in advance." Said the pretty waiter.

"Just give me face. I'm a super member! Even super members have to make an appointment? " Cai Kun said with a loud voice.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't help it either, because there are rules for the Dragon Tower. Besides, you can't even go to the ninth floor for the time being, let alone go to the dome restaurant!" Said the pretty waiter.

She also had some helplessness in her heart. Originally, she wanted to save Cai Kun some face, but Cai Kun refused to let go and played big cards. She told the big truth.

Originally, you can't even go to the ninth floor, but you still want to go to the dome restaurant. Isn't that a joke?

Listen to the beauty of the waiter so said, Golden Phoenix can not help but a little disappointed, this time, can not go.

But Lin Feng laughed and said, "Oh, I want to go to the dome restaurant to see the stars."

As soon as Cai Kun heard this, he immediately retorted: "you? You still want to follow me to the dome restaurant. Don't dream. Even if I can, I won't take you! Today I can take you to the eighth floor. It's your ancestral grave that smokes! "

"Mr. Cai, don't get excited! I think you are mistaken! " Lin Feng was not anxious or annoyed. He said slowly, "I want to go up and see, not follow you up!"

With that, he turned his head and asked the Golden Phoenix, "honey, do you want to go to the dome restaurant and see the stars?"

The Golden Phoenix nodded unabashedly, but her face was disappointed. She knew that thinking and being able were two different things.However, Lin Feng said to the waitress: "Miss, the dome restaurant is open, I want to take my dear upstairs to see the stars!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!