The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1399

"Well, if you have to fight, I will continue to accompany you!" Lin Feng said, "if you want to win, I will not only let you go, but also say that I want to let you go."

"Yes!" The princess answered without hesitation.

For the princess, she was eager to prove her strength, so she felt that if Lin Feng put down her artifact, he would surely win.

To put it bluntly, I didn't think I would lose at all.

but the Centaur on the side has already seen the clue. He said, "Your Highness, you have to work hard. The strength of this knight is very rare."

The princess is very proud to say: "put down the artifact, see how many catties he still has?"

When Lin Feng put down the artifact in her hand, the princess started to stab Lin Feng with the sword in her hand.


Lin Feng suddenly hands up, a strong airflow and energy, from the feet of the rise, directly lifted the princess once again.

The princess didn't even touch a hair of Lin Feng, so she fell back again and flew out.

This made the princess very shocked, but she was born not to admit defeat.

After a few somersaults to the ground, she jumped up again and rushed to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng laughs and does the same again. The princess's body is not close to Lin Feng. She is attacked again.

"What's going on?"

There was a chagrin on the beautiful face of the princess.

"Princess your highness, the other side is too strong, he has not started, only by relying on the aura of the whole body, you have been unable to close. If you insist on fighting, you must lose! " Said the Centaur.

"I don't believe it!" The princess's strong desire to win was aroused, and she came forward again with her sword.

Lin Feng has no choice but to smile. The girl looks like a tendon. She doesn't bump into the south wall and doesn't look back!

Then give her a lesson!

Lin Feng dodged the attack of the princess.

But at this moment, Lin Feng started the phantom step, appeared behind the princess, patted the princess on the shoulder: "Hey, don't bother, you won't be my opponent!"

"I killed you!"

The princess became angry and slashed Lin Feng with her sword.

Lin Feng's figure flashed again. He hid behind the princess and patted the princess on the back again: "if you continue, I'm going to do it!"

"You die!"

The princess turned back and cut again.

However, one of his long swords was grasped by Lin Feng and could not be pulled out.


With a little effort, Lin Feng broke the sword. Then, with his hand extended, the tip of the sword reached the princess's throat: "if you were a living person, you would have died several times already!"

Lin Feng said: "this kind of clumsy fighter should also show off cleverly?"

"How could you say I'm clumsy?" The princess trembled with anger.

"Isn't it?" Lin Feng said, "don't you feel the gap between you and me?"

The princess was silent this time.

Yes, just now I was like being played a trick. If it is, it's really impossible!

This shows that their own strength and the other side, too much difference.

But the princess was very strange: "at that time, no one was my opponent in all the kingdoms of mankind, and the man was not useful. Is human progress now? There are brave men like you

Lin Feng said: "no, not at all. In fact, the human beings in the Kunlun continent are still like that. I am not from here. I came here from the outside of the Kunlun continent."

"Oh? Human beings beyond the secret realm? " The princess's eyes filled with this strange look: "are all human beings beyond the secret realm as strong as you?"

"No, they are not as good as you!" "I'm a stranger," Lin Feng said

"In other words, you are the strongest among all the people at home and abroad!" Said the princess.

"I should be the best, except for those who succeeded in passing through the robbery to become immortal." Lin Feng said.

The princess's eyes suddenly filled with worship: "then, can you teach me?"

"Wow, your Highness has this day!" The Centaur cried in surprise, "Your Highness, you finally have someone to believe in."

The princess took a look at the Centaur and said, "what's your name?"

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng, can you be my master?" Asked the princess.

"I don't have time now!" Lin Feng said.

"That's what you promised me. You'll teach me when you have time." The princess was excited.

"Let's talk about it later. If you lose now, you have to fulfill the agreement!" Lin Feng said: "give me a baby, and then release!"

The princess obviously didn't want to let Lin Feng go, so he turned his eyes and said, "well, I'll give you a pearl. This pearl is a beautiful mirage pearl. He can make you look the most beautiful.""Is this amazing?" Lin Feng said, "but Guangmei doesn't work. I want to be real!"

"This pearl contains powerful energy. If you want to get them, you can eat it. However, what kind of energy is in it depends on your luck. It's like a lottery draw!" Said the princess.

"That sounds good. Just him." Lin Feng said.

Carrying the Pearl, Lin Feng continued on his way.

Looking at Lin Feng's blurred back, the princess turned out a shell from the treasure chest.

She chuckled to herself: "hum, let you go so heartless, this pearl and shell are one, where you go in the future, I can find you!"

。。 。。

Lin Feng comes to the ninth floor.

Suddenly he remembered something.

There are twelve gods in this pagoda. There is a race in the pagoda, which is centaur.

Was that Centaur, too, a God.

Lying trough, careless.

I knew I would have ordered something from centaurs!

But now it's OK. The province has to go through the half man race.

The ninth layer is very dark. As soon as you come in, you seem to enter the boundless black hole.

At this time, a voice sounded coldly on top of Lin Feng.

"Human beings, give up the struggle and give your soul to me, and I will give you the power to live forever!"

As soon as Lin Feng listened, he knew immediately that the master of this floor should be a devil.

The devil likes to deceive others to sign a contract with him. Once the contract is signed, your soul will be sold to him. He can give you strength, but at the same time, you will become his servant.

Lin Feng suddenly lifted a spirit stone in his hand, and then the aura of his whole body fluttered in all directions. The aura produced a heat energy and light energy, which instantly made this layer as bright as day.

Seeing that he had no place to hide, the devil flew directly from the top of his head and dived towards the forest peak.

The appearance of the devil is somewhat similar to that of the vampire, but the body is too large, and the body is much stronger.

Lin Feng had already felt that the devil was on his head, so at the moment when the devil flew down, Lin Feng did not dodge. When the devil was only a few centimeters away from him, his head suddenly shrank downward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!