The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1382

Seven kill is really hidden. Great.

He didn't speak all the way. No matter what happened, he was the lowest existential person. Even when his life was at stake, he never asked for help.

Moreover, she had been wearing a large black cloak and a white mask. She could not see her appearance or hear her voice. Her figure was not very obvious. Therefore, Lin Feng did not think that she was a woman.

At this moment, the crisp and magnetic sound makes Lin Feng feel like a spring in the mountains.

"Seven kill, why are you dumb?" Lin Feng asked.

"Like you, I am the guardian of the artifact, but I am different from you in that I am entrusted by old Chen to help you!" Seven kill said: "if I reveal my real body, the guardian of blood jade and Star Diamond, all together, will become the target of public criticism in an instant."

"Well, it makes sense." Lin Feng said: "low key for survival."

"Yes Seven kill nodded: "but now in the secret place, I don't need to cover up. Since the elder Qingfeng has pointed out my identity, I don't plan to hide any more!"

Seven kill finish, directly take off his mask.

A pair of beautiful faces of the country and the City show up in an instant.

The beauty of this face makes the world colorless and the sun and moon dim.

Although Lin Feng is well-informed, he has never seen such a beautiful woman.

"I didn't expect you to have a good voice and your appearance is so high!" Lin Feng is telling the truth.

"Thank you for the compliment Seven kill said: "the person who practices, must be able to eliminate their own physical discomfort, appearance is also from practice!"

"Modest, I think you are a natural beauty!" Lin Feng said, "but I don't understand one thing. Why did Mr. Chen choose you to help me? Does blood jade have much to do with Mr. Chen? "

Seven kill said: "in fact, the blood jade has nothing to do with old Chen, and it has nothing to do with me. But one thing I'm sure is that our two responsibilities are the same. As long as your blood jade is not taken away, there will be many eyes staring at you instead of me. If your blood jade is not preserved, the rest will be, It's just me, and I'm going to be under a lot of pressure. "

"So Mr. Chen is going to ask you to help me stabilize the situation, and then you can better protect yourself!" Lin Feng said.

"Positive solution!" Seven kill way.

"Since all the words have been said here, I would like to ask one more question, have you found your Star Diamond?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's basically found. If I want to get it, I can go at any time!" Seven kill is not hidden, anyway, we do not know where the star drill.

Lin Feng nodded and felt more relieved.

Fortunately, the stars are in your own hands. In this case, if you get the blood jade and the crown of the God King, cooperate with your burning sun's anger and the casting of SASS, and then go out to the secret place and use the seven kill star drill, you can combine all the divine tools and summon the ancient gods.

Those who died for themselves can be reborn again.

It's exciting just to think about it.

But Lin Feng didn't tell anyone about this idea.

And he has always had in his heart one of the greatest enemies, that is to destroy.

Mie not only took Jin Waner away, but also persecuted her parents. She also killed her two brothers. This kind of blood feud is so deep that we can't live together.

So Lin Feng vowed to kill him.

Lin Feng chatted with Qisha and continued on his way.

Now that Yu Wenji's whereabouts are unknown, it is estimated that she is still in Mie's hands. When the red dress runs away, he will have no chips to exchange with Mie, and he can only rely on his strength to win an overwhelming victory.

Along the way, Lin Feng was also on the way. Xuantian pagoda gradually appeared in people's eyes, but the road seemed to be close, but it was far away.

And along the way, there are still occasional ambushes, and even the remnant evils of trolls.

In order to avoid a long night's dream, Lin Feng chose not to stop all the way down the south. Finally, after three or four hours, he came to Xuantian lake.

It has to be said that Xuantian lake is really a beautiful scenery in the world.

All around the white sand beach, like a girl's skirt wrinkles, layer by layer extend to the distance.

The water quality of Xuantian Lake in the middle is very clean. You can see the grass and trees under the water through the water surface. The water is clearer than mineral water. It makes people feel that the water is just a kind of gas and can not carry the weight of human beings.

Because it is too clear, I feel embarrassed to go to the lake, afraid of blasphemy.

Although there is no vegetation around Xuantian lake, there are all kinds of plants and plants under the water. The depth of Xuantian lake is hundreds of meters by visual inspection, but it does not show green or blue because of the depth of water, but clearly shows all kinds of underground plants.

This is impossible in the human world.

In the center of Xuantian lake is a towering 11 story pagoda, which is Xuantian pagoda. According to the map, blood jade is in the pagoda.Lin Feng looked at the map carefully and was quite excited.

"Ten years, ten years! Father, mother and son have helped you to fulfill your last wishes and take the blood jade inherited from our family Lin Feng's voice trembled.

When he was ten years old, he was picked up by Lao Hu and lived a life of purgatory for ten years.

The purpose of these hells is to fulfill the last wishes of my parents at that time.

So at this moment, Lin Feng felt that everything was so real, but also like a dream, let him shuttle between reality and dream.

Lin Feng is quite excited to see, people are not good to disturb, are quietly waiting for Lin Feng to express his feelings in the heart.

Finally arrived at the destination, this road adventure and hardship, at this moment, finally want to finish.

But as everyone knows, the most difficult is the last battle.

There are twelve gods in the pagoda, which are not fuel-efficient lamps, so it is likely that they will fail in the last level.

At this moment, Lin Feng heaved a deep sigh and said: "everyone came all the way, hard work. Today, Lin Feng is very grateful to you. This last battle, if you don't work hard, I can go by myself. I hope you can show me the wind here. If there is danger, retreat as far as possible, don't be obsessed with war, and wait for my safe return!"

When they heard this, they were moved and tearful.

In the end, Lin Feng or a person to carry all.

"Boss, I'll go in with you!" Said the mouse.

"My own business, I'll take care of it myself." Lin Feng said.

"Are you going to swim there? The lake is very wide, and the pagoda is in the center of the lake! " Shangguan Ruoxue said.

"There are boats on the lake!" Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!