The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1381

Now that he knew there was a way to come back from the dead, Lin Feng was like beating chicken blood.

Originally, he was still sad that his brother had died. Even if he survived, his life was still dim.

However, at this moment, he had a new motivation. He not only had to get the blood jade, but also had to gather all the artifacts to fulfill the desire of resurrection.

At this time, Lin Feng also suddenly remembered one thing, he finally understood why the vampire has been staring at his family inheritance of blood jade.

The vampire is a sealed race. It is said that Douglas, the great priest, is from a secret place. Douglas thinks that the race of blood clan is too cruel, so he chooses to seal the ability of blood clan, which makes the blood clan unable to give full play to its ability.

Moreover, they are afraid of the sun and can only survive in the dark and humid corner.

For thousands of years, this has made the blood clan suffer a lot. The blood clan must want to find all the artifacts, call on the gods to return, and then untie the seal of the blood clan.

So it's just one thing that the blood clan wants to find blood jade. They must also be looking for other artifacts.

But now most of these artifacts are in secret places.

Lin Feng pinched his fingers and calculated that it was not the case. The crown of God King and the casting of SASS were in the secret realm, while the anger of the burning sun, the heart of blood and jade, and the ring of stars were in the world.

But the anger of Yan Yang and the heart of blood jade have returned to the secret realm, and now only the ring of stars is in the world.

The heart of blood jade is blood jade, and the ring of stars is star drill.

No wonder a fake Star Diamond was sold at such a high price at the auction.

It turns out that star diamond is also a gem with the same magical function as blood jade.

Therefore, the star drill must be in the salivation of blood clan and some people who are plotting evil.

The others are in the secret place. There are two kinds in Lin Feng's hands. Comparatively speaking, Lin Feng has more control.

So now it's up to us to see whether these other artifacts no longer in Lin Feng's hands will fall into the hands of the enemy.

For his brothers and sisters, Lin Feng will not let those artifacts fall into the hands of others.

So at this moment, Lin Feng began to make calculations. He not only wanted to find the blood jade and the crown of the God King, but also to find the Star Diamond.

However, it is very difficult to find the star drill, because Lin Feng is in the secret place, and the star drill is outside the secret place. How can we find it?

As he was on his way, Lin Feng was thinking about this problem.

He looked at Qingfeng with a dignified face, and suddenly remembered that Qingfeng was also a person who had lived for hundreds of years. It was estimated that he would know more.

Lin Feng stirred the breeze and said, "Hey, old man, ask you something!"

Qingfeng looked at Lin Feng with a puzzled face: "your brothers have both died. How can you be so happy? I'm not happy! "

Lin Fengxin said, of course I am happy, because I know I can save my brother.

But he didn't say it. He just asked Qingfeng in a low voice: "Hey, old man, I ask you, have you heard of Star Diamond?"

"Of course I have!" Qingfeng said without hesitation: "what do you ask this for?"

Lin Feng was happy in his heart, and quickly asked, "how do you know the star drill? Do you know where the star drill is?"

Qingfeng said, "you should know the old man Chen of Wu Wang Zong? That's my nephew. He knows Star Diamond better than me

Qingfeng said that, such as Lin Feng, suddenly open.

Yes, the fake Star Diamond was auctioned in Songjiang city. Mr. Chen sold it at a very high price. He didn't know him yet.

Later, when he arrived in Kyoto, Lin Feng met Chen Lao, who was also the patriarch of Wu Wang Zong.

But he did not pay attention to the star drill.

Now think of it, Mr. Chen does have some relationship with Star Diamond.

Lin Feng is very excited by the news, but he can't go out now. He can't ask Mr. Chen. But Qingfeng is here. Qingfeng is Chen's uncle and has a voice.

"Old man, tell me quickly, what is the relationship between Star Diamond and Mr. Chen?" Lin Feng asked.

Qingfeng said, "why do you ask this? Take care of your business! You are so idle

Lin Feng found the old thing stubborn, secretly said: "old man Qingfeng, I ask this is very useful, because my brothers can revive, it depends on this thing!"

"What? Can it be revived? " The breeze was startled.

Lin Feng quickly let the breeze close, said: "don't shout, it can be revived! But it needs a star drill

Hearing Lin Feng say so, Qingfeng old tears: "I really like King Kong this child, and red scorpion is also a good child, I like all of them!"

"Don't talk nonsense, say something useful!" Lin Feng said.

Qingfeng said: "in fact, the Star Diamond is not related to my nephew, but to Emperor Wu! At the beginning of its establishment, the clan of King Wu was founded by a family surnamed Guo! "It is said that the Guo family has an ancestral treasure called Star Diamond, similar to a ring.

This star drill has a very magical function. It can make people stronger quickly.

Therefore, the star drill became a favorable weapon for the Guo family, and the Guo family became very powerful. Finally, they established a sect and established the wuwangzong.

Therefore, the star drill is also from that time, is the treasure of zongmen.

But the Star Diamond is the treasure of Guo family, so it is only spread in the blood of Guo family.

Later, during the period of the Republic of China, wars broke out, and the star diamond was lost. In order to find the Star Diamond, the Guo family set out to find the Star Diamond.

However, they could not ignore the clan, so they appointed a family to be in charge of wuwangzong, a branch of Chen's taijimen.

Therefore, the surname of Wu Wang Zong was Chen in modern times.

But the Chen family did not forget that zongmen belonged to the Guo family and had been supporting the new people of the Guo family.

But the Guo family have been looking for Star Diamond. If they can't find it, they won't come back to take over wuwangzong.

"So now there are no Guo family members in King Wu's clan, are they?" Lin Feng asked.

"There are, very few!" The breeze said, "as far as I know, there is only one."

"Who?" Lin Feng asked.

"The one next to you!" The breeze pointed to the back of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked back, suddenly a burst of joy.

Because behind him, he has always been the master of his close Bodyguard: seven kill!

"Seven murders are Guo family? Isn't the Star Diamond their heirloom? " Lin Feng said happily.

"Yes Seven kill talk!


Lin Feng was shocked.

Seven kill is a woman! Lin Feng didn't even know. He always thought that seven kill can't speak, but this magnetic female voice, let Lin Feng a moment confused! The brain almost short circuited

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