The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1365

In the green light flashing all over the sky, a figure fell from the sky and chopped down at the head of the man hammer.

When people see it clearly, they can't help but be very surprised.

Because the figure turned out to be Dufeng, the chief of the voodoo tribe.

At this moment, we really understand the power of the voodoo tribe.

Voodoo tribes not only use witchcraft, but also never stop their military training.

Therefore, if you use witchcraft one second, you can switch back to force attack the next.

When Dufeng was about to chop an axe on the head of a wild hammer, a spear was like an arrow piercing the cloud, and "whoosh" projected it.

The sound of "Keng".

The spear smashed Du Feng's axe open, which deviated about half a meter. The axe directly crossed the side of man hammer's body, and slashed heavily on the ground.

Dufeng looks at the source of the spear and finds that it is the spear thrown by the king of trolls.

"Are you not afraid to get into trouble if you, an alien race, intervene in the fight between the orcs Du Feng asked coldly.

"I'm already in trouble. I'm not afraid to do more!" Said trandel.

He is really right. He has already provoked Lin Feng, so he is not afraid to provoke more orcs.

Moreover, if manhammer dies, the orc horde will be defeated, and he will be helpless when facing Linfeng and voodoo tribes alone.

Dufeng said, "well, from today on, trolls will also be enemies of our voodoo tribe."

The king of trolls was so angry that he yelled at the hammer, "do you make mistakes when I hire you orcs for a lot of money? Get your job done

Manhammer was a little ashamed because he had just been saved by the troll king. Hearing this, he came to his strength and yelled, "look at me!"

Then, he picked up the axe Du Feng had fallen on the ground, and he also had his own axe. The two axes swung a whirlwind and slashed toward Dufeng.

"Whirlwind chop!"

Manhammer used his most powerful unique skill, whirlwind chop.

His body as the axis, rapid rotation, two huge and sharp axes whirled out a burst of wind, around a few meters away no one dare to approach.

He is like a meat grinder, as long as someone approaches, he will be cut in half in an instant.

Some witches tried to slow down the speed of the hammer by witchcraft.

But the sledgehammer can move slower, but his rotation speed is not slowed down at all.

A wizard was forced to get involved in his whirlwind chop, and suddenly his blood was dripping and his bones were flying. He could not bear to gamble.

Du Feng again used the magic he had used before. The green light focused on his hand and suddenly flashed towards the manhammer.

However, when the green light hit the whirlwind of manhammer, it was suddenly scattered and disappeared.

"Luke, step on it!"

The orcs held up their axes and hammered, which made them very excited.

Who says witchcraft is good? Take a look at our big chief's whirlwind chop. What can you do with witchcraft?

In an instant, all orcs were boiling with blood and rushed towards the voodoo tribe and Lin Feng's team.

The troll team is also inspired in the middle, also quickly rushed.

For a while, the two sides again had a fierce tussle.

The Witches of the voodoo tribe rely on powerful witchcraft and can still support them. However, there are some loopholes in Lin Feng's team.

Shangguan Ruoxue, yuwenji, Lin Qin and others are ordinary people with low accomplishments. In such a situation, many experts can only protect themselves and have no time to manage them, so they are in danger.

Several female doctors of the real doctor team were killed by each other, and then danger approached Yu Wenji and Lin Qin.

The trolls are very cunning. They like to kill each other's medical team and logistics.

They think that this is the enemy's weakness and the core. As long as they attack, the enemy's morale will be greatly affected.

So the troll team led by the king of trolls wanted to attack the other side's rear team.

Lin Feng also saw the meaning of the other side, if it goes on like this, it is bound to suffer heavy damage.

He quickly retreated to his rear, protecting Shangguan Ruoxue, yuwenji and Lin Qin behind him.

Feel the protection of Lin Feng, Shangguan Ruoxue and yuwenji are at ease a lot.

Look at the troll king, Randall, orders all trolls to attack Lin Feng's place.

Lin Feng felt unprecedented pressure.

Orc and Troll attack together, is indeed into the secret, the most powerful lineup ever faced.

In particular, the trolls are very cunning. They are not as regular as orcs. They are very tactical, which makes Lin Feng very headache.

Seeing that the rear was threatened, Lin Feng and the voodoo tribe fought and retreated, thus losing the advantage of the front line. Many witches of the voodoo tribe were killed by each other, and the white tiger Wuxia buried a cultivator, Chen Xi, the younger brother of the mountain tiger Chen duo.Among the masters of villain Island, yun'er, Chen Meiniang's intimate little sister, also died under the axe of half orcs.

If Lin Feng had not spared no effort to protect the rear, all these ordinary people in the rear would have been killed.

Now they are completely defensive and have no chance to attack.

Although Witches of the voodoo tribe can use witchcraft, trolls can hurl spears from a distance.

Their spears are full of venom, so if they are shot, they will die.

Witches began to use other kinds of witchcraft, more aggressive witchcraft.

After casting a large number of spears, trolls all join the battlefield to fight with the witches.

For a moment, the scene was extremely tragic.

Lin Feng and others are slowly surrounded, and trolls and orcs are gradually narrowing the encirclement circle.

For a moment, the scene was extremely tense.

If you can't break through in a short time, you will be trapped in it until you die. Even two of Jack's men, Jones and bill, are also killed under the troll's spear.

Looking at the wizard around one by one is falling down, Lin Feng's team is also falling, the original team of dozens of people, now there may be more than a dozen people left.

At this moment, Lin Feng was red again.

Because these orcs and trolls have threatened the lives of those closest to him.

His brother, his friend, is what he will do his best to guard.

At this moment, he felt all the burden on his shoulders, a pressure that never before swept through his body.

However, it is precisely because of this unprecedented pressure that Lin Feng suddenly burst out with unprecedented energy.

His five gods seemed to sense his adversity and instantly released a lot of genuine Qi, which was so powerful that even Lin Feng himself was surprised.

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