The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1364

Orcs from the voodoo tribe have joined the fight.

This battle is unprecedented. Although there are no thousands of troops, only the battle of hundreds of people has already made this land lament.

The battle song plain is as the name says.

Once the battle starts, it is very difficult to stop, and the battle has once entered a state of intense heat.

With the addition of voodoo tribe, Lin Feng's team is even more powerful.

And the orc tribe, because of the troll's participation, also appears to be a tiger.

Once again, the two teams stood up. For a while, the sky and the earth turned pale, shouting and howling, interwoven and played.

The animosity between the voodoo and Orc tribes is deep-rooted, and they are very jealous when they meet each other.

So we can imagine the severity of the battle.

And the troll clan aimed at Lin Feng and wanted to kill him. So the troll's soldiers waved spears and rushed to Lin Feng one after another.

Lin Feng is not afraid of these trolls. He is just worried about the people around him.

The battle became more and more fierce, and almost all the people in Lin Feng's team and logistics department were killed, and there were few people left in the seventh army.

The rainforest regiment led by v-big was almost destroyed. However, with the help of several experts from Beiye linger and villain Island, v-big survived.

Japanese general also died in the battle. Yuwenji, Lin Qin and their medical team suffered heavy losses for a time.

However, after the voodoo tribe members joined, the doctor team got good help and relief.

Lin Feng had brought such a team into the secret place, just to create a chaotic scene, so it was inevitable that someone would die.

As long as the people close to him do not die.

The orcs of the voodoo tribe are also very powerful. They use witchcraft and curse to make the orcs and trolls' bodies seem to be filled with lead. Their movements become extremely slow, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

This is the ebb and flow.

Lin Feng's team at this time, inspired by morale, began to take the initiative to rush into each other's camp to fight.

For a moment, there were howls everywhere. Although the orcs and trolls were very strong, they could not resist the curse and were attacked by the human cultivators, so they could not support it.

Half of the orc tribe was killed and wounded, and the troll army also lost many soldiers. Seeing that the situation was difficult to control, the troll king, trump, was furious: "manhammer, your tribe has accepted my money. Please take out your 100% ability and don't let me down!"

But for now, manhammer has used 100% of its power.

They found that Lin Feng and the voodoo tribe cooperated with each other very well. The voodoo tribe people stood behind Lin Feng and performed witchcraft, and Lin Feng could well resist their attack on the voodoo tribe.

The doctors of the voodoo tribe are also constantly treating the wounded. They have formed a good circle of conscience.

However, Orc and Troll tribes are still in the melee stage.

They kill and chop at the sight of people, relying entirely on their large number of soldiers and choosing the sea of people tactics.

But as it went on, they found that their number of soldiers was falling sharply.

"Take your soldiers, break through each other's first line of defense, and kill their sorcerers!" he yelled at the sledgehammer

Only by killing the sorcerer first, they lift the curse, can they recover all combat effectiveness.

However, the first line of defense is composed of Lin Feng, Qingfeng, Qisha, Baihu Wuxia and the experts of villain island.

The cursed orcs and trolls are slow and powerless to break through the defense lines of Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng is also full of resentment, killing.

Everywhere he went, blood was splashed everywhere, and his limbs and arms were broken in all directions.

He also won't give the troll a chance to regenerate his severed limbs. A Shield Bash is enough to make the troll bloody.

In this way, the number of trolls and orcs dropped sharply.

Looking at the scene, both Randall and manhammer were very anxious.

In spite of the fighting rules of the race, manhammer rode his fierce kodo beast and rushed to the defense line of Linfeng.

When orcs fight, it's taboo for the chief to go out in person. If the chief makes a mistake, the other orcs will become a mob and run out of battle.

However, at this moment, manhammer did not care about it. He was thinking of breaking the line of defense and opening a gap for his tribal warriors with his own ability.

However, manhammer underestimated the witchcraft of the voodoo tribe.

When he approached Lin Feng's defense line, he felt as if his whole body had been drained of strength. Even the kodo beast in his crotch was very weak, and every step was very difficult.

"Is this the power of witchcraft?"

Manhammer didn't believe in evil. He swung his hammer and jumped off the back of kodo beast. He wanted to change the situation with his own strength.

But it is obvious that Lin Feng is the only one who can change the situation with his own efforts.When brute hammer rushed to Lin Feng's defense line, he was just in front of him.

The two leaders finally met head-on on in the battlefield.

"It's the coward's way to use witchcraft. You're all cunning and cowardly. Watch me kill you!"

Lin Feng sneered: "on the battlefield, there is no lack of deceit in the war, blindly advocating brute force, that is the courage of every man, sooner or later it will perish!"

Lin Feng's words are very popular with voodoo tribes. They just think that orcs should not only use brute force to learn witchcraft.

The chief of the voodoo Tribe said to Lin Feng, "let me come. I'll end the grudge between me and manhammer today."

The chief of the voodoo tribe took off his broad hat, revealing his silver hair and old face.

"Manhammer, I have defeated your father. I should be the chief chief of the orc tribe. However, your father slandered me for cheating and put me in a dungeon!"

"Today, you will fight against me instead of him. I will bloodwash the wrongs of that year. I will defeat you with my witchcraft. Witchcraft is aboveboard, not cheating!"

Said the chief of the voodoo tribe.

This day, he has been waiting for a long time.

He had long wanted to have a good fight with the chief of the orc tribe.

But I don't want to show it here today.

"Come on! Let's begin our duel Said the chief of the voodoo tribe, one hand raised high.

He was holding a green light ball on his hand. The light of the light ball was getting brighter and brighter. There were wisps of gas floating in all directions and flowing into the light ball.

"Magic sword!"

Exclaimed the chief of the voodoo tribe.

Then, he pushed his hand toward the sledgehammer. The green light ball, with a strong energy, flashed towards the hammer.

The sledgehammer held the axe in front of him.


An earth shaking explosion, the green light instantly ignited the whole venue.

However, in the green halo, a figure fell from the sky, and a huge axe was chopped at the head of the hammer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!