The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1363

Sophia's death makes Lin Feng very guilty.

Lin Feng didn't feel heartache when the five white tigers and the people from the logistics department died.

Because maybe they all have their own thoughts in mind.

But Sophia is his own legitimate partner, which is not well protected, and Lin Feng is very angry.

He vented all his anger on the ORC. His body was like a powerful shell, and suddenly rushed to the ORC. When the ORC was still surprised, Lin Feng rowed for a knife, and a cyclone struck the orc's head.

The orc quickly raised his axe to parry.


A fierce impact sounded and sparks splashed everywhere. The orc's axe was even cut by Lin Feng's gas knife.

It's a shock to the other orcs.

How powerful is it that a human can cut a hole in a Orc's weapon with his bare hands?

This human magician is nothing in the pool.

However, when all the orcs were surprised, Lin Feng made a stronger move.

His cast suss shield, suddenly pulled out from behind, hit the orc's body.


The power of Sasaki's shield is not something that ordinary people can guess. This fierce shield attack contains all the true Qi infused by Lin Feng and his endless anger.

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suddenly, the body of the man was blown out like a firecracker.

It was a powerful force that smashed the orc's solid body.

What a force it has to be?

All of a sudden, all orcs are surprised to grow up mouth, staring at Lin Feng in the pool of blood.

It turns out that the former Qi Dao was just a simple water test, and this move is the most lethal move.

They find themselves totally underestimating the human, the power of this human explosion, that even ten orcs can't compare with them.

At this time, the orc's body was broken into a cloud of blood, but a huge head was not hit by the shield.

The head flew high. Lin Feng reached out and took the head to his hand. Then he put it on the ground and put it in front of Sophia's body.

"Sophia, I didn't protect you! I have avenged you. I will let this Orc be your slave forever and look up to you forever

Seeing this, the orc chieftain was very angry and red eyed.

He was angry because the man Lin Feng killed was his brother.

Manhammer swung the heavy hammer, and swore vaguely in his mouth, and rushed to Lin Feng.

However, the other orcs stopped the sledgehammer, and they would not let the chief take the lead. They wanted to avenge the big chief's brother.

In a flash, dozens of strong orcs formed a revenge alliance and rushed toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also killed red eyes at this time. He would think of the dead Sophia when he saw the orcs. This anger could not be calmed down. He wanted to kill all the orcs.

Lin Feng had a big drink. Before the dozens of strong orcs came to kill him, he directly rushed over, just like a wave like a sheep. Between the waves, the orcs' limbs and arms flew together. The scene was extremely bloody and spectacular.

Seeing the scene of Lin Feng's fierce blood, the people were deeply encouraged. King Kong raised his head and roared: "kill them all --"

the people also rose up and tried their best, and there was no fear of orcs at all.

In a flash, led by Lin Feng, the situation turned around.

The orcs are disordered by Lin Feng. Before they can stand firm, seven killers and Qingfeng rush up.

Seeing this, the troll king felt that things were not good.

This human magician is much stronger than expected. The orcs are so brave and good at fighting that they are upset by his own power.

This ability, looking at the whole Troll clan, no one can do it.

Moreover, if things go on like this, orcs are likely to lose out to Lin Feng. At that time, it would be much more difficult for orcs to fight again than now.

The king of trolls thought about it for a while and decided to send troops now.

Before the orcs are defeated, we should combine the orc forces to destroy Lin Feng.

If not, the consequences will be disastrous.

Trump, the king of trolls, yelled at his men, "ready to fight, target, man! Go

A large number of trolls are pouring down the diamond hill. They are swinging their spears and rushing towards the battlefield.

"Boss, there are trolls over there!"

"Boss, trolls and orcs are together. They are going to hang us together

Demon and red scorpion see this scene, quickly remind Lin Feng.

They have just gained a little momentum, but they are going to be pressed down, which is very hard.Moreover, there are a lot of trolls. At first glance, there are more than a hundred elite soldiers. In this way, the team will not be able to withstand such an impact.

At this time, Lin Feng must immediately make a decision whether to sacrifice some people, and then escort another part of the people to escape.

Lin Feng didn't want to sacrifice anyone.

Because the sacrifice is also the sacrifice of their own legitimate partners, such as the white tiger five Xia, can completely rely on their own strength to escape.

"No matter how many enemies, it's just a change in numbers. Don't be afraid. Whoever bathes blood with me today is my brother. Kill me!" Lin Feng shouts.

The next second, trolls have rushed over, although their combat effectiveness is not as fierce as orcs, but the ability to regenerate amputated limbs is a headache.

People feel the pressure is high. Although Lin Feng has set a good example, it is a test of people's mind to fight with this group of people, ghosts and ghosts.

Just when everyone felt hopeless, they suddenly saw another group of creatures appear at the exit of the canyon.

That group of creatures, no one else, was the voodoo tribe that defeated the dragon with Lin Feng and others.

Because the voodoo tribe people need to recuperate, so the pace is later than Lin Feng and others.

Now that they have finished their recuperation, they are full of vitality. As soon as they get out of the canyon entrance, they are shocked.

On a closer look, they found that it was orcs and trolls working together to suppress a group of humans.

And that group of human beings is the ally who fought with them against the dragon.

Although the voodoo tribe is a group of sorcerers, they are also orcs in their bones, and they are very loyal to their allies.

In particular, Lin Feng also generously gave them the magic core of the fire dragon. They were grateful and regarded Lin Feng and others as good partners.

Moreover, the voodoo tribe and the orc tribe are not compatible. Seeing that the orc tribe is encircling Lin Feng and others, the voodoo tribe's people are furious.

The chief glanced at dozens of elite witches around him.

The faces of those witches are full of murderous spirit.

The chief understood what they were thinking, and he called out, "go and help our human allies. Treat the enemy without mercy."

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