The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1349

Trump, the king of trolls, also stood up and went to the middle table. He looked down at the map on the table.

He held out his only three fingers, one of which was longer, pointing to the cursed land, the capital of the dead: "now, Lin Feng is here, in the territory of Tianchen Kingdom, where there are many pestilence miasma, we can not easily step on."

"What do you want?" The orc leader's temper is up.

He doesn't like other people to go around and tell them what to do.

With a gloomy smile, he said, "Hey, man hammer, you're still the same as before. You'll always be so acute. You'll have to listen to me to explain clearly. Otherwise, many factors that you don't know may have negative effects."

Manhammer took a deep breath and said, "you say it!"

Trump pointed to the map again: "I have sent spies to watch the tower. After Lin Feng and others come out of the capital city, they should go all the way south. This is the information revealed by the spies. If so, their route must be from here to here and then to here."

Trump pointed to the map on the table and drew it in detail.

"They'll pass through the hot Canyon?" Manhammer has some doubts.

"It's the shortest way. They seem to be eager to get to the southern frontier, so they're taking short cuts all the way." "They are not even afraid of the miasma of pestilence, and naturally they are not afraid of the heat waves in the hot gorge," said trandel

Manhammer nodded: "keep talking!"

Trump pointed to the end of the burning gorge and said, "here, there is a narrow passage, commonly known as a line of sky. You can ambush here and ambush them. Even if they are fierce, they can not exert their real power in this environment!"

Manhammer suddenly waved: "we Orc tribe, never do these sneaky things, we want to fight them openly, cut off their heads, and tell you!"

Trump frowned, wondering how the straight headed tribe survived.

No wonder the number of orcs has been small. If trolls have their fighting power, they must be the overlord now.

But these guys, with such a strong physique and fighting power, have been unable to dominate the road because of their simple brains.

"If you want to fight them head-on, I'm sure you'll lose a lot," he said with a modest smile

"My Orc tribe warrior, never afraid of death, we are afraid of losing our honor!" "We'd rather die in battle than do something against the light," he said boldly

Once trump raised his eyebrows, his contempt increased again.

What a bunch of stubborn fools!

However, such allies also reassure them that they will not worry about temporary defection and turning friends into enemies.

Because this Orc tribe insists that trust, justice, and loyalty are the qualities they must possess. If any Orc violates one of these rules, they will be severely punished and expelled from the tribe.

Once upon a time, there was an orc who, in order to gain the throne of the orc leader, would not hesitate to learn cruel witchcraft.

He also taught many other orcs to learn witchcraft. In the battle for the leader, that ORC was much weaker than the brute hammer.

However, at a critical juncture, he even showed a magic, sneak attack on the manhammer, leading to the curse in the body of the man hammer.

This aroused the discontent of most of the orc tribe's soldiers.

They all jumped down the trench to kill the treacherous villain.

However, the orcs who have learned voodoo are not good at it. He had expected this scene for a long time, so he taught many orcs to learn witchcraft in advance and received his flag.

The orcs lost a lot in the battle for the leader.

Finally, manhammer led the brave soldiers to defeat the orcs who had learned witchcraft and put them into prison.

Witchcraft is a terrible thing. The orcs have been corrupted by witchcraft, and their hearts are full of hatred and blood sucking.

If it wasn't for their small number, the orc Horde would have been in the hands of this group of orcs learning witchcraft.

It is said that the source of these witchcraft was learned from a black wizard who sold his soul to a wizard.

Orcs don't know where the black wizard is, but they don't allow the existence of these voodoo orcs in the orc tribe.

So they plan to kill all the orcs who have learned black magic the next day.

However, a big event happened that night.

Those orcs who learn black magic have escaped from prison.

It turned out that the prison guards also learned the black magic, but they did not make a statement, secretly released those orcs who were held, and then fled together.

The group of orcs who fled were regarded by the orc tribe as traitors and eternal enemies, and they were given the title of voodoo.The voodoo horde, which is called the voodoo tribe, soon became a voodoo tribe.

The chief of the tribe is the first orc to learn black magic, chagin!

The orcs who have learned witchcraft are more cunning. However, they have paid a price for learning black magic. The mortality rate of their offspring is very high and even deformed!

Therefore, the reproduction ability of voodoo tribe is very poor. The number of witches in voodoo tribe is still less than that of orcs.

Therefore, although they hate orcs, they dare not fight orcs easily.

But the orcs went to find them, but they couldn't find them. They couldn't see the end.

So the rest of the orcs, however, are loyal orcs, who uphold the light of the world and, despite their belligerence, have never been villains.

Trump doesn't care what the orcs do. He doesn't think he can communicate with these savages.

He put away the map and said, "I have already told you what I should tell you. I have also pointed out the direction and their route for you. As for the way you use to kill Lin Feng and others, I can't control that much."

"Hum! It's none of your business! " Manhammer said.

"Good!" "However, I have to say that a large number of jewels and spirit stones have been transported to your fortress. Therefore, our contract has come into force. If we can't fix the group of human magicians, I believe you know the consequences!"

"Hum!" Manhammer said coldly, "you just wait for my good news."

With that, he led his men out of the chamber. , the fastest update of the webnovel!