The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1348

One of them dares to speak and the other to listen.

The banquet was also very harmonious. Prince Senna liked Lin Feng very much. In addition, Lin Feng helped them defeat the troll army, which was a big help to them.

Everyone didn't expect the undead to be such a close race.

In the past, they were deceived by the appearance of the dead, thinking that the dead were a very fierce race. Now it seems that the dead also have their own deep cultural heritage.

The banquet was a great success, and under Lin Feng's proposal, the dead and the earth could form an alliance.

Ellingfeng is also very grateful for the gift given by the undead.

And get together is always short, Lin Feng and others after eating and drinking enough, still want to continue on the road.

Blood jade is his ultimate goal. He can't stop for a moment.

The dead gave Lin Feng a map they drew. This map only recorded the specific situation of the first two areas. No matter how far away, the dead did not set foot in it.

But this is enough. Lin Feng has always been a step by step.

We bid farewell to the undead and set foot on the journey again.

However, at this time, in the other half of the curse of the land, the main city of the Digang clan is welcoming a group of guests.

The Digang clan is now the domain of trolls. Because of their tall stature, the capital built by them is very grand.

They seem to like some sharp things, so the house of the demon clan, on the top and around, always spend a lot of sharp wood thorns or animal tusks.

This kind of building looks creepy, once dropped from the air and removed from the troll's house, it will be pierced by thousands of arrows.

Trolls appreciate their masterpieces. Every building, whether it's a resident's residence or a functional one, looks like this.

The walls of the troll's capital are not made of stone at all. They are fences made of tall timber.

But the fence was tall and majestic, with a sharp tip and a slight outward tilt, full of aggression.

At this time, the troll's political hall.

Trump, the king of trolls, was very angry.

He waved his strong and slender arm and said angrily, "we underestimated the enemy this time. We didn't expect that the human magician could not hide it."

, a troll minister said, "no blame for the king, and the wizard of mankind must have ingested the essence of the elf moon well, otherwise his progress would not be so fast."

"The spirit? Hum As soon as the troll King trump mentioned the elves, he was furious: "I just want to occupy the territory of the Earth Spirit, not his elf territory, but the Nightingale tribe's elves are against us. I have recorded this hatred!"

At this moment, a burly creature sitting next to the guest stood up, took a map, went to the round table in the middle of the chamber, and said, "trumpel, we are not here to listen to your complaints!"

Then, he looked around all the trolls, a pair of eyes as big as a light bulb, full of murderous gas.

"Don't waste our time. Talk about it. What do you want to do?" Exclaimed the burly creature.

The giant creature, apparently, was brought over by the troll king to talk about cooperation.

Behind the burly creatures, there are also a group of people of the same race. They are obviously quick tempered, and all of them are a little restless.

This race is the barbarian race with strong fighting power, orcs.

Orcs look like humans, but they are much stronger than humans.

Every Orc has the body of King Kong.

They were muscular, tall, with pale green skin, and a face somewhat like an ape, but with two fangs sticking out of their lips, they were hundreds of times more vicious than apes.

They have a bad temper and start a war if they don't agree.

Orcs are known to all on the continent for their straightforwardness. They are ruthless to their enemies and trusting to their allies.

They believe in the strong and never cheat and cheat. Even the tribal chiefs once a decade are born in duels.

This is a very equal and fair race. It is also a race living in battle.

They are belligerent by nature, and feel miserable if they don't fight for a day.

Therefore, the troll suffered a loss from the Earth Spirit this time, so he wanted to attract orcs to help.

In fact, trolls are not afraid of Turing. They are afraid that they are allies of tulin. Lin Feng, the potential human magician, is amazing.

With Lin Feng there, they may need to pay many times the effort to defeat Turing.

This is not worth the loss.

Today, I heard that Lin Feng came to the land of curse, and was invited to the capital by the dead. They suspected that the dead had thrown out olive branches to Lin Feng.

Therefore, once Lin Feng and the undead form an alliance, their situation will be even more severe.

Before the appearance of Lin Feng, trolls could exist in the neighborhood, but when they wanted to invade other races, they suddenly appeared as ordinary people as Lin Feng, which stopped them.So the troll has only infinite hatred for Lin Feng.

But they know that Lin Feng's ability, their most trusted human magician, was easily defeated by Lin Feng. It can be imagined that Lin Feng's power is not something they can easily grasp.

So they spent a lot of money and asked orcs to help.

This time, he spent about half of his treasury stock before inviting orcs to help him. He not only felt heartache, but also thought that money should not be wasted. This time, he was determined to get it.

There is no popular currency in this continent, only jewelry and spirit stone.

These are universally acknowledged treasures.

So Randall's heart was dripping as he watched the carts and carts of babies being transported out of the capital.

Since the money is spent, we must make good use of these orcs.

"I don't want to ask you for anything else. I just want you to kill that human magician for me. His name is Lin Feng," he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!