The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1343

In the banquet hall of the palace.

All of them were seated. Prince Seine briefly introduced Lin Feng to the dead. He said that he was their guest, but in fact he didn't mean any guests!

These undead also understand the meaning of Prince Seine. They are looking at Lin Feng covetously. Because of Lin Feng and others, at least four of them can't attend today's banquet.

Because the seats are fixed.

But that's not the most important thing.

Most of all, all the dead know that there is a group of men and horses from outside stepping into the cursed land, unhurt.

The plague didn't work on them, and they kept their mouths shut about the reason.

There are more undead propaganda legend that Lin Feng and others wantonly insult the dead, but also disrespectful to their stone tablet heroes.

This stabbed the dead in pain.

They are now living in the shadow of extreme inferiority. The insult to them at this time will arouse the spirit of the dead.

What's more, the people on the stone steles, which they regard as heroes, can't be tarnished at all.

So at this time, the undead wanted to kill Lin Feng and others. If not for Prince Seine to suppress them, they would rush to tear each other's flesh and blood.

These undead breathed heavily and sucked the green miasma, but their eyes were always on Lin Feng and others.

"Mr. Lin Feng, are you satisfied with the banquet?" Asked Prince Seine with a smile.

"I'm quite satisfied!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, I'm honored." Prince Seine said with a smile: "so, since we have made Mr. Lin Feng feel at home, please teach him how to resist miasma?"

At this time, all the souls of the dead are listening, which is related to the survival of the race.

Lin Feng smile, said: "you so painstakingly asked, I do not tell you I am sorry, so, you promise me a condition, if I tell you how to resist miasma, you will let us continue to move forward, how do you think of this deal?"

"Absolutely no problem," said Prince Seine

Lin Feng said: "my men have developed a kind of medicine. As long as it is smeared on the body, it can resist the plague miasma."

"What medicine?" Prince Senna asked eagerly.

"This medicine has no name, and I don't know how to tell you, but I can only tell you that this medicine, a race with backward technology, can't be developed, so you don't have to worry about it. You should be more concerned about those powerful races, who can resist your miasma with magic barrier!" Lin Feng said.

What he said about the magic barrier is in fact true Qi to protect the body.

But here, everything is called magic. If you say the true Qi protects the body, they certainly don't understand.

Prince Seine nodded thoughtfully, then raised his glass and said to Lin Feng, "thank you for saying this. Thank you very much."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "can we go now? To tell you the truth, the quality of your party is really poor! "

Prince Seine sneered: "since you can develop drugs that threaten our race, I will not let you go easily."

Lin Feng is a smile: "I said you this party quality is poor, but I do not mean wine and vegetables, but your behavior!"

Lin Feng has already seen the meaning of the other party.

But the reason why Lin Feng still tells them that he has medicine is to verify whether his guess is correct.

It turns out that these undead are really dishonest.

Prince Seine stretched out his hand to Lin Feng and said, "give me the medicine!"

"Does it make sense?" Lin Feng's smile was full of fun: "even if the medicine is given to you, I will continue to make new medicine, so, take my medicine, is it meaningful?"

Prince Seine's eyes flashed a sinister light: "you're right, so I changed my mind. None of you can leave today."

"Wow, so enthusiastic? Do you want us to stay? " Lin Feng a pick eyebrow: "but I am very busy, sorry, can't stay long!"

Prince Seine saw Lin Feng pretending to be stupid. He was just about to command his subordinates, but he heard a messenger shouting outside the door: "prince, report something!"

Eager to hear the undead messenger's voice, Prince Senna waved to his bodyguard.

The guard went to the door and opened the door: "go in and report to the prince face to face!"

The bodyguard came to Prince Senna in a hurry, but he said with a happy face: "prince, reliable news, the trolls' army marched toward the territory of the Earth Spirit a few days ago. Looking at the posture, they even wanted to plunder the land of the elves, Nightingale forest, but they failed to return!"

"Is it? That's good news! " Prince Seine's face brightened.

The Digang clan, also known as Troll clan, is their old enemy. With the help of some high-level human magicians, they easily defeated a small team of the Turing clan. They felt that with the help of those humans, they could invade the territory of the Earth Spirit.If they succeed, Terrans will be colonized by them, and trolls will build a more powerful empire.

The undead has always been a stumbling block to the troll. If the troll is strong, the undead will surely face extinction.

Trolls have been multiplying rapidly, and it is land and resources that have been restricting the development of the undead.

Trolls don't have so much land and resources to support more people, so they don't dare to have too many offspring and keep a stable number.

But if they occupy the territory of the Earth Spirit and the spirit, they will have more offspring, and then the dead will be in danger.

So Prince Senna was very worried about this. He even thought that if the troll occupied the territory of the spirit and the spirit, he could only fight with the troll at all costs, and could not easily get more land and resources.

But this is the result that the undead don't want to see. They don't want to start a war now, because they don't have full confidence in the face of trolls.

However, the message sent by the messenger today is really exciting. The trolls failed after all. I knew they were a garbage race.

"Are you sure the news is true?" asked Prince Seine? Although trolls are not necessarily the opponents of the Earth Spirit, I heard that those human magicians are very powerful, and they have no way to deal with them? "

The messenger said, "those human magicians are really powerful, but the Earth Spirit has more powerful human magicians to help. A human magician over there easily defeated the human magicians of the troll clan, and invited the troll army back to the old nest. It's too painful and fast!"

"What? And that kind of thing? " Prince Seine was surprised and said, "the Earth Spirit has the help of human magicians? Why are there human magicians everywhere? It seems that the world is going to change! "

When Prince Seine spoke, he glanced at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "yes, you don't have to doubt, I am also a human magician!"

With that, she gave him a brilliant smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!