The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1342

"This cursed land is barren. How did you get these fresh fruits and vegetables?" Lin Feng asked.

Prince Seine said, "it's outside, but there are gardeners in our city. We have gardens specially cultivating green plants. These fruits and vegetables are the most precious food of our Heavenly Kingdom. It's very sincere to invite you to dinner today."

Lin Feng laughed and did not speak.

As we all know, you didn't mean to invite me at all. You just caught up with me and tried to talk to me, so you had to call me over.

Qingfeng was frank and said, "I believe you are a ghost. If you really invite us to dinner, will you put a big green pot? This is obviously your own party

Lin Feng smile, patted the shoulder of the breeze: "old man, you don't be too serious, sometimes muddle along!"

It is Lin Feng's regular practice to see through without telling the truth.

However, Qingfeng was very dissatisfied and said, "how can we do that? If we are invited to dinner, we will be invited to take away your green stuff!"

Those bodyguards and generals were immediately angry, and their ghost eyes were as big as the black gems of cattle eyes.

It seems that the next second will be ready to fight with Lin Feng and others.

They always carry weapons with them, even when they eat.

However, after Seine bit his teeth, he laughed and said, "the guests don't like the staple food. Take the things off the main table!"

Then, he said to Lin Feng, "your people are so sharp! All the other tables are for my soldiers to enjoy, so don't you have to remove them? "

"No, it's OK." Lin Feng smile, said: "my people are sharp used to, they do not listen to me, this year, the people are scattered, the team is not easy to take ah, more tolerant, you do leadership you also know!"

Prince Seine grinned bitterly. His heart said that you are wrong. If anyone dares to commit crimes here, I will immediately kill his family.

Soon, everyone was seated, and a party of their own thoughts began.

And in another place.

At this time, in addition to Lin Feng and others, were taken to a reception room by the undead soldiers.

However, this reception room is very different from the reception room that Lin Feng entered.

It was a large, empty room with long stools for people to sit down and rest, and a few odd tables with nothing else.

After bringing the people in, the dead sent many soldiers to surround the reception room. There were more than 20 dead soldiers guarding the door.

"What's the matter?"

Beiye ling'er was a little angry. Didn't he say that he would treat us well? Why is this all of a sudden?

It's insulting that she hasn't been treated like a prisoner since she was a child.

"Well, what are you doing? Let us out, I want to see the captain Beiye ling'er comes to the door and shouts.

Several undead soldiers came forward and stopped Beiye ling'er: "don't walk around. When you come to our main city, you should obey our rules."

"Your rules, is that how you treat guests?" North wild spirit son gas straight jump feet, delicate face is flashing on angry color, like an angry little lion.

"We are following the instructions above to let you rest here temporarily. If you make trouble, we will take strong measures." The undead also said that there were special rules.

Chen Meiniang pulled Beiye ling'er and whispered, "don't be angry, miss. Now Lin Feng is still in their hands. If we quarrel with them, I don't know if they will embarrass him!"

As soon as she heard Lin Feng in their hands, Beiye ling'er shrank, as if someone had pinched her hard in her heart, and instantly her face became sad:

"that.. Is Lin Feng in danger? "

Chen Meiniang said: "this is not clear, but you can see the strength of Captain Lin Feng. If they dare to start without authorization, they will make a noise. At that time, we will try our best."

"Well! Listen to you Beiye linger works hard in secret.

Sophia's gun is loaded on one side. Although I don't know how much effect this gun has on the dead, but with weapons, there is always some psychological comfort.

However, with a little bit of strength, Yasha said, "even in your main city, you should be responsible for bringing us in, eating and drinking?"? And there are only a few long stools in this room. How can we rest with so many of us? "

More than 30 people, but only four or five stools, two or three tables, tattered, dirty, how to rest?

Yasha is the elder sister of the white tiger five swordsmen. She has always been a leader in general. Now that Lin Feng is not here, her leadership ability shows up, and she wants to stand out for these people.

The dead soul listened, but pondered.

However, Yasha refused: "your prince asked us to come in, and our captain went to his place. When he left, he said that he would treat us well, but we don't need you to treat us well. Give us some food and drink, and let us have a good rest. This is the minimum requirement. If this can't be met, don't blame us for being rude!"The mark of the yuan God between yecha's forehead is bright and dark. It is already in the dark.

Then a hand was suddenly put on Yasha's shoulder. When Yasha looked back, it was Lin Qin.

Lin Qin said: "don't be impulsive, now we don't know the strength and intention of the other party, first bear with it."

"You can bear it. I don't want to bear it. You don't want to see it. It's dirty and stinky. It's like a cell. I don't want to stay here for a second." Said Yasha.

"Then you have to consider the dilemma first. If you conflict with each other, it may affect Lin Feng." Lin Qin said.

Her point of view is consistent with that of Kitano.

Beiye linger also said: "elder sister, for the sake of Captain Lin Feng, bear with it!"

At the mention of Lin Feng, Yasha was worried. She said, "what do you want to do with Lin Feng? Tell me, or I'll turn against you now

In public and private, Yasha is very worried about Lin Feng.

Yu Gong was afraid that Lin Feng's treasure map would fall into the hands of others.

Because they were ordered by the white tiger hall to escort Lin Feng on the way, to seize the treasure map of Lin Feng, and then get the blood jade.

Therefore, Lin Feng can not leave her sight.

In private, she recognized Lin Feng's character and ability along the way, and Lin Feng's body exudes a unique man's charm, which always makes her fascinated.

The goal in her heart has been shaken, otherwise it would have started on Lin Feng.

However, no matter whether you move or not, first of all, others can not move Lin Feng.

Therefore, Yasha said to the other four brothers, "be ready, let's go out!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!