The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1332

On the middle of the mountain, some young men in suits and leather shoes led by the king of the West were fighting with some masters of the villain's Island, as if they were evil spirits.

"White tiger five swordsmen, wolf king, you go to support Lin Feng shouts to one side of the bush.

The five white tigers spread a blanket in the Bush, and several people sat down to chat, eat and drink.

The wolf king and Jack and others are basking in the sun on a big stone on the other side.

When they heard Lin Feng's cry, they all made the first response.

In particular, wolf king and other warriors of the wolf clan, they are naturally quick reaction, the first time to rush to support.

In the white tiger five swordsmen, in addition to Yasha rushing out at the first time, other people's reaction is very slow, as if they are absent-minded about Lin Feng's command.

Lin Feng didn't say anything in his eyes. The most important thing for him now is not to solve the matter by himself. There will be no less fighting and killing along the way. He will try not to do it by himself.

Xiwang and others are experts in Ningyuan state, and some of the people here are not weak. They seem to be able to compete with them.

However, Lin Feng knew that it was impossible for these people to defeat Xiwang and others.

On that day, in the cave, Lin Feng caused a war between xuanming and Xiwang. At this time, it seems that xuanming two Laos may be eliminated by Xiwang and others.

Therefore, the ability of Xiwang and others is not as simple as it seems.

Each of the four Dharma protectors of the alliance of the dead is a big Na that can defend one side. Although the Western King is the weakest, it is by no means a thing in the pool.

Therefore, Lin Feng should not underestimate their ability.

Looking down the mountain, Lin Feng saw that the red scorpion and the breeze were driving towards this side.

"How about it? Does it take long for the antidote to come out? " Lin Feng asked.

"Soon!" Red scorpion yelled: "we can move on. When we get to the foot of the mountain, we can probably refine the potion by Lin Qin."

"Good!" Lin Feng called out to all the people: "everyone now hurry down the mountain, red scorpion breeze, you take them down the mountain, distribute anti-virus drugs!"

"Boss, what about you?" Red scorpion feels that Lin Feng doesn't mean to go down the mountain.

"Me? Play with them Lin Feng said with a smile.

What he said was light, but everyone knew the danger.

The people of the west king are all demons who kill people without blinking an eye. When Lin Feng fights with them, he dances on the tip of a knife, which may endanger his life all the time.

"Boss, I remember you said that all the people brought in were working for us!" The red scorpion approached Lin Feng and said, "this is what they came here for. Now let them go on top of it. Let's go through the cursed land quickly."

"What are you talking about?" One side of Beiye ling'er is furious.

Because among those who fought against the king, there were drunkards Yin Tianqiu, Chen Meiniang and Zong Yunhai.

These are her villain island people, so, hear red scorpion's words, let North wild Ling Er very angry.

Lin Feng said to the red scorpion: "there are some people who really help us, these people, I can not live up to them, those who do not seriously help me, I will be a tool! So, this time, I'm going to take along people who really help us! "

Red scorpion did not understand what Lin Feng said was the person who really helped them, but she was used to the truth that the boss said. Therefore, she did not hesitate, but said to Lin Feng affectionately: "boss, you must pay attention to safety!"

"Good!" Lin Feng smile: "go quickly!"

"Yes The red scorpion nodded heavily: "everybody follow me, let's go down the mountain!"

Red scorpion said, then in front of the road, the rest of the people will follow the red scorpion down the mountain.

Lin Feng turned around and walked towards the people who were fighting.

The experts of Ningyuan state are very powerful in fighting, with the sound of cyclone blasting in one blow and one palm.

If ordinary people were not close to their battlefield, they would have been injured by the explosion.

Lin Feng carries Qi and rushes towards the battlefield.

At this time, the people in villain's Island are already a little hard to resist. Although they are very strong, their momentum is not weak.

Among the five white tigers, except Yasha, the rest of them are soy sauce players. Naturally, their fighting effectiveness is very weak. What they want is how to escape safely if they are defeated.

The wolf king and other wolf family soldiers, combat effectiveness can be comparable to the west king, only wolf king scar.

Jack's ability is just like a cultivator who beautifies the state of Qi. He can't even reach the stage of Yuan Shen.

Bill and Jones are even worse at it.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of this side is obviously weaker than that of Xiwang.

Gradually, people feel more and more difficult to resist, but at this time, Lin Feng suddenly killed in the entrance. After several moves, he suddenly rushed to Xiwang who was fighting with Yasha.

If you catch a thief, you should catch the king first. As long as you get rid of the west king, the other people will be mobs.When the west king saw Lin Feng running towards him, he was envious of his enemies.

"Lin Feng, die!" Xiwang yelled.

Lin Feng did not appear very excited, but said to Yasha: "sister, hard work, I will deal with him!"

Yasha looked at Lin Feng gratefully. He was very moved.

When he was chatting with other members of the white tiger five, the other members also specially analyzed Lin Feng.

They said that Lin Feng would only use them as shields. In case of danger, they would be pushed to the front line to die, and Lin Feng would run away.

But this move of Lin Feng completely dispelled the idea of Yasha, who believed that his trust in Lin Feng was right.

People in this life, always want to do something meaningful.

It's always deceiving. It's always mean.

Therefore, this time, Yasha supported Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, sister, help you Yasha said, want to use the greatest strength to attack the west king, to extract some opportunities for Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng stopped Yasha for a moment. He held the arm of the building owner Yasha and said, "I'll solve the relationship between the two of us. My sister can have a rest."

Night fork sniffs Lin Feng body full of male hormone breath, suddenly feel dizzy, in the heart is like a girl's general fantasy of spring.

"This.. How can this man be so handsome? This is too manly. I didn't expect that an old sister of mine was completely attracted by a little wolf dog. Alas, it was occupied by the enemy

Yasha is obsessed with looking at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng pulls yecha behind him. He raises his head and says to Xiwang, "you take people into the secret place to rob my Lin family's blood jade. Before that, I didn't have time to pay attention to you, but I didn't want you to kick your nose on your face. OK, now let's end it!"

Xiwang sneered: "I can't help myself. I'll send you to see the king of hell now."

With that, he ran towards Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!