The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1331

As soon as the cotton swab was put in, all the green miasma seemed to have seen the natural enemies, and they scattered and dodged.

"It's interesting." The breeze is smashing beside, smashing the mouth!

"Is that interesting? What's more interesting, you haven't seen it yet Said the red scorpion, suddenly stirring the vessel with a cotton swab.

The green miasma was suddenly touched by cotton swabs and dissipated instantly.

"Wow, it's amazing!" King Kong's eyes are wide.

"So, what's the principle?" Asked the breeze.

Red scorpion said: "have you heard that within three steps, there must be natural enemies?"? Within seven steps, there must be an antidote

"Yes, I have!" Qingfeng said, "but I don't know much."

The red scorpion explained, "if there are other creatures around a poison, it proves that the creature is not afraid of its toxicity at all. If there are other grasses around a poisonous grass, it must be the antidote of the poisonous grass. That's the principle! "

"Oh King Kong nodded: "you say so, I understand!"

Qingfeng also nodded: "no wonder you let me lead this scorpion to this place. This scorpion lives in miasma, which means he is not afraid of miasma at all!"

"Yes The red scorpion said, "either this scorpion is poisonous and the same as the plague miasma, or the scorpion is not afraid of the miasma at all. His blood has antitoxin. My experiment just now is to verify this point. Obviously, it is the latter! "

"Fierce, red scorpion!" King Kong clapped his hands and said, "why didn't I think you were such a cow before?"

Red scorpion beautiful eyes glared at King Kong: "because in the past, the boss has done everything for us, and we don't need to show our ability!"

"Oh, that makes sense!" King Kong nodded.

Red scorpion said: "but now we should share more for the boss!"

"Yes, the boss is busy with such a large team!" King Kong said, and then he did not understand: "you said that the eldest brother alone is enough. With his ability and courage, I believe that he will soon be able to get blood jade through the secret place. Why does the boss have to bring a group of burdens in?"

"Are you talking about yourself?" The breeze slants an eye to smile a way: "I can remember is you beg for nothing to want to come with!"

"Old man, you are a cultivator, but my strength is not in vain. I am very useful, ha!" King Kong was dissatisfied.

The red scorpion said: "the eldest brother does this, naturally has his reason, don't look at these people with the burden now, perhaps the eldest brother has not really displayed his stratagem!"

"Well, it makes sense." King Kong nodded: "the boss always has his own way of doing things."

"Well!" Red scorpion said, and then, he said to King Kong: "you go back to find the boss, report this matter to the boss, Lin Qin and their team of doctors come, we make local anti-virus agents!"

"Good!" King Kong went up the mountain.

Soon after, Lin Qin came here with a few doctors, along with V and his partners.

In fact, these plagues are nothing to the masters of the yuan Shen period. They can protect themselves with true Qi.

But for some weak people, it is fatal.

Therefore, V DA and others are very interested in antitoxic agents.

Lin Qin came with several doctors. Several doctors used professional medical equipment to extract and make antitoxic drugs according to the saying of red scorpion.

Lin Qin took time to discuss with the red scorpion.

Lin Qin also knows the way of medicine. She is very surprised that the red scorpion can come up with an antidote so quickly.

"How did you find the antidote so quickly?" Lin Qin asked.

"Good luck!" Red scorpion smiles.

Red scorpion is wary of anyone except those who are close to themselves.

Lin Qin naturally knew that the red scorpion was perfunctory to him, but he was still curious about how the red scorpion managed this matter so quickly.

"Where did you learn all this knowledge?" he continued? Have you studied advanced medicine abroad? "

Red scorpion said: "I have not learned any advanced medicine, but what I have learned is more powerful than that of higher medicine."

Lin Qin frowned and didn't know what the red scorpion meant.

King Kong said in one side: "she's all from my old university. My boss is a knowledgeable person. He has made great achievements in every field."

"Lin Feng?" Lin Qin asked.

"Yes King Kong said: "you may not have seen my eldest brother's medical skills. If you can understand a few moves, you will know how abnormal my boss is!"

"I didn't expect Lin Feng to be so good at medical skills!" Lin Qin's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of relief.

Then, in the case of no one paying attention, he murmured to himself: "sister, you have a spirit in heaven, and Lin Feng inherited your mantle. What a gratifying thing to see!""What do you say?" Seeing that Lin Qin was muttering, the red scorpion asked.

"Oh, I didn't say anything, I just sighed that your boss is so powerful!" Lin Qin said.

"Tell your men to speed up and don't waste it. There's only one scorpion. We need more potions to get through this cursed land!" Red scorpion road.

"No problem!" Lin Qin said to several of his doctors: "you should save some and try to refine them as much as possible."


Lin Feng.

He took out the map and was studying the route with al.

He found that on the map, in the place of curse, was a crooked road. After al's guess, it might be that this route could avoid the plague miasma.

Because there are not only undead in this land, but also trolls.

There should be no such plague and miasma in Troll's territory.

Therefore, the road on the map should be the territory of the troll.

But before, Lin Feng fell out with trolls because he helped the Tuling people. So at this time, it's better to do more than one thing. Try to go straight through here. If not, consider the route on the map.

At this time, the red scorpion came back to report that the antidote was being extracted and should be used soon.

"Good!" Lin Feng happily nodded: "you really grew up a lot!"

"The boss's approval is the happiest thing for me!" Red scorpion joyful way.

However, she was suddenly a little sad: "in fact, the pharmacist is more powerful than me, but so long, there is no news of him!"

"If I'm lucky enough to get out of here, I'll go to the pharmacist myself!" Lin Feng said.

"Mm-hmm!" The red scorpion nodded.

But at this time, suddenly heard a voice from the rear.

Lin Feng looked back and found that it was Xiwang and others who had caught up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!