The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1325

Lin Feng is not what he used to be. When he arrived in Kunlun, he was just a seed of Yuan Shen.

But now, he has already reached the eight levels of Ning Yuan state under all kinds of coincidences.

In the eyes of all people, Lin Feng may have exceeded the six levels of Ning Yuan state, but they can never imagine that Lin Feng has reached eight.

The strength of the vampire Mun is equivalent to Liu Liuzhong of the Ningyuan realm.

Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to defeat him without any effort.

It turns out that Lin Feng just used a move to deal with the vampire Mun.

At this time, Mu en lies under the pit and looks at Lin Feng in surprise.

He couldn't imagine what it was like.

Half a month ago, Lin Feng was still the one who let him kill him.

At that time, he was disturbed by the appearance of the fallen knight George, but he still felt that the next time he met Lin Feng, he could easily defeat him.

So Munn left without any worries.

Anyway, next time, he will catch Lin Feng.

However, the next time he met, he was severely beaten in the face.

Lin Feng's strength not only surprised him, but also made him dare not think.

Can a human being be so tough?

At this time, Beiye linger came to Lin Feng's back, and her hands involuntarily grasped Lin Feng's arm and looked into the pit.

She was startled at the sight.

See that lying on the bottom is not a human, is a human like creature of terror.

It's a slender, thin face with a sharp face. It looks very frightening.

At this time, Lin Feng's feet are stepping on his face, which makes Beiye linger more daring.

"What is this?" "I feel that you know him. Is he a creature of secret realm?" he asked

"He is a creature of our human world!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah? Is he a ghost Beiye ling'er is a little surprised.

I didn't think there were such terrible creatures in the real world.

Lin Feng said, "it's not a ghost, but the word" ghost "is in the name

Beiye ling'er can't laugh or cry. Is this a riddle? But it's a tough puzzle.

Lin Feng did not give up and said, "this is a vampire!"

"Wow? Vampires Beiye linger's eyes brightened: "it turns out that there are such things!"

"Well, of course." Lin Feng said, "it's just that ordinary people rarely get in touch with it."

"Have you two finished?" Munn felt humiliated.

It's the biggest scandal of his life to study as a specimen.

"It's none of your business that we chat?" Lin Feng stepped on his foot vigorously: "be quiet for me!"

The vampire bared his fangs, but his whole body fell apart. He couldn't get up.

Lin Feng said to Beiye linger, "did the vampire scare you just now?"

"Yes, I thought I was going to die in mid air Beiye ling'er said with lingering fear.

"Do you hear me? My friend is scared by you. I'm sorry! " Lin Feng said.

"No way!" Munn yelled.


When Lin Feng went up, he gave him a mouth.

"You're still a cow, aren't you? Apologize Lin Feng said.

Munn is at the bottom of his life. He never thought that he would be slapped by a human.

However, this may be fate. The first time he didn't kill Lin Feng, he was doomed to be planted in his hands.

"I'm sorry!" Murmured Munn.

"Wow, do you hear me?" The North wild spirit son cheers: "the vampire unexpectedly will give me the apology!"

In the heart of Noriko, vampires are particularly powerful and terrifying creatures.

She didn't even think that such a creature could apologize to her.

But she knew that it was all due to Lin Feng. Without Lin Feng, the vampire had already sucked her blood dry.

But Lin Feng seems to have not heard the general, said: "what? What do you hear? Why didn't I hear that? "

Then he looked at Munn: "did you apologize?"

Munn bit his teeth. "I'm sorry."

"I can't hear you. Speak up!" Lin Feng called.

"I'm sorry!" Munn's gnashing apology.

"That's right." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Can you let me go now?" Mu en stares at Lin Feng with hatred.

"No!" Lin Feng smiles.

"You go back, you cunning human being!" Said Munn.

"I said I'm going to let you go after you apologize?" Lin Feng said: "you apologize only to my friends, but you still owe me!"

"What do I owe you?" Asked Munn."Blood jade has nothing to do with your blood family, but you have always coveted my neighbor's blood jade, and sent blood people to assassinate me repeatedly. Shouldn't I teach you a lesson?" Lin Feng said.

Munn bit his teeth, but didn't know how to retort.

Indeed, they always wanted to kill Lin Feng.

But now he is trapped by Lin Feng, he has to find a way to escape first.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Although he doesn't know this proverb, he has this idea in his heart.

He felt that only by saving his life would he have a chance to turn over.

The blood clan are all straight minded, but different from Mu en, Mu en is particularly cunning.

This is why he has always been able to remain invincible.

His eyes turn, suddenly soft way: "how do you want me to let me go?"

"Sorry! Apologize to me first Lin Feng said.

Mu en was glad that it was so simple that he wasted a long time of talking.

"Lin Feng, I'm sorry. On behalf of the blood clan, I apologize to you." "I sincerely apologize to you," said Munn

Lin Feng smile: "your apology is very good!"

"Mm-hmm!" Munn nodded happily.

Lin Feng's face changed: "but, I don't accept it!"

"Ah Munn felt a chill.

Lin Feng said: "some people have something I can forgive, because they still have a trace of room to repent! But you, Mun, you just want to run away and try to kill me again. I won't leave you any room for you

"So today is your day of death!"

With that, Lin Feng's right fist gathered his true spirit, and he was going to fight against Mu en.

However, at this critical moment, we heard a big drink.

"Stop it, you can't kill him!"

The sound falls, a golden light suddenly appears, and a huge sword cleaves towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly back to the back, found that it was the fallen knight George.

George's sword didn't mean to kill Lin Feng. He was just afraid that Lin Feng would kill him.

"Isn't this your enemy? Why did you stop me from killing him? " Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, because he is my enemy, I won't allow others to kill him!" George said, "it should be me who killed him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!