The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1324

In fact, the figure was to rush to Linfeng, but did not want to Lin Feng suddenly hide in the past.

"Ah --"

Beiye ling'er was suddenly shocked and lost control.

At this time, she saw that the two hands were actually two claws when she was holding her own thing.

It had sharp nails, like the claws of some bird, but like the big hand of a man with slender fingers.

At this time, the monster grabbed the north Wild ling'er and flew into the air.

The monster's wings suddenly opened, in a huge purple moon, flickering agitated wings.

Lin Feng fixed his eyes and saw that it was Mun who had been chasing after him.

The last time Munn was in a hotel at the foot of Kunlun mountain.

That time, Lin Feng was abducted by him, and his ability completely crushed him.

Fortunately, George, the fallen knight, arrived and drove away Munn.

But now is not the same, in this period of time, Lin Feng progress too much, and before Lin Feng is quite different.

At this time, muen in the air let go of his two hands, and Beiye ling'er fell from the air at a high speed.

"Ah --"


Beiye linger shouts.

Lin Feng starts the phantom step. After a few steps, he rushes forward, and then jumps high to catch Beiye ling'er.

At this moment, however, Munn was suddenly in a dilemma.

Lin Feng's body is in the air, there is no way to adjust his body.

Vampires have always said that humans are cunning, but this time they are cunning.

We can see that Mu en is like an arrow from the bow in mid air, shooting at Lin Feng at full speed.

Lin Feng and Beiye linger were in a very passive situation at this time.

"Leave me alone!" North Wild Ling Er cries.

"It's OK. I can handle it!" At this critical moment, Lin Feng twisted his body and built a protective shield behind his back with genuine Qi.

"Bang --"

Mu en's attack followed, and the fierce attack hit Lin Feng's back with a blast.

In Lin Feng's arms, Beiye linger can clearly feel that Lin Feng's back has suffered a very heavy blow.

The force of the impact made Lin Feng fall rapidly.

But Lin Feng's hands have been holding the north Wild ling'er.

In the case of such a rapid fall, if he let go, Beiye linger will be dead or disabled.

Lin Feng bear this huge impact, the body fell very quickly, the "Keng" sound, his feet were inserted into the soil.

"You can take my attack. It seems that you have made progress recently!" Munn said haughtily.

Lin Feng slowly put down Beiye ling'er and said, "stay away, I want to fight with this guy!"

Then, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a killing opportunity: "Mu en, don't your blood clan always want to get blood jade? Today, I will tell you that with my Lin Feng here, you are wishful thinking! "

"Today I killed you and took the map. It's over!" "It's that simple!" said Munn with a relaxed hand

"Good, the map is here for me!" Lin Feng put his hand into his pocket, took out the map, and shook it in front of Mu en: "if you have the ability, take it from me. You can refuel!"

Munn's eyes flashed a touch of fine awn: "what a bold provocation, but I accept it!"

With that, his wings suddenly spread out, and his whole body seemed like an eagle about to rise from the sky.

The next second, his legs taut and he bursts out.

A black figure cut through the air, like a shell, like Lin Feng hit.

Lin Feng's hands are full of Qi and Qi.

The next second, "bang" sound, two people collided.

Lin Feng's body was hit by a vampire and flew back. At this time, the head of the vampire was installed in Lin Feng's abdomen. They both flew towards the tree behind him.

But in this process, Lin Feng is suddenly a twist over the vampire's body, in the process of moving, let two people change a position.


The vampire's body hit the crystal tree.

The trunk of the crystal tree was broken and the stubble was sharp, and the blood was drawn from the body of the vampire.

The vampire smelled his own blood and ran away.

"You hurt me Munn's eyes were scarlet, and his face was even more ferocious: "die!"

He grasped Lin Feng's shoulder with both hands, trying to throw Lin Feng out.

However, Lin Feng also seized his body, not only did not throw it out, but almost took Mu en out.

This really pisses Munn.

Mu en punches at Lin Feng. Lin Feng's head is tilted, but he doesn't retreat. He even rubs the vampire's arm and turns to the back of the vampire.

"Bang" a foot, Lin Feng kicked in the bottom of the vampire.

The vampire was kicked stumbling, in the heart is very angry, angry way: "you dare to humiliate me, I must break you to pieces!""Well, you may come." Lin Feng Road.

The vampire had a big drink and rushed to Lin Feng again.

Before that time in the hotel fight, Mu en felt that Lin Feng did not fight back at all.

Now, instead of taking advantage of it, he was humiliated by Lin Feng.

This kind of gap makes him very angry. He describes himself as a vampire genius. No enemy can humiliate him, not even the fallen knight George.

If George had not killed the magic sword in his hand, he would have killed George himself.

Therefore, Munn has never met a decent opponent, so arrogant that he thinks the world belongs to him the most powerful!

But today, he felt the pressure.

Just now, he almost tried his best, but still failed to beat Lin Feng.

And then look at Lin Feng, as if not yet.

If that was not a kick in the butt, but a direct attack on him, maybe he is now injured.

I'm afraid to think about it!

Mu en didn't dare to look down on Lin Feng at this time.

"You scared my friend just now. I want you to apologize to her and be more sincere," Lin Feng cried

"Don't think I have to kill you today and take away the treasure map!" he said angrily

Mu en rushed over again and wanted to show his full strength as soon as possible to give Lin Feng pressure.

However, Lin Feng did not evade, facing the difficulties, a heavy blow to Mu en in the past.

You can see that Lin Feng's fist is surrounded by strong genuine Qi, which is also a fist, but the fist is as big as a wheel.

The blow, but the wind, came up to Munn.


The strong impact caused a roar, and Munn's body suddenly flew out.

Lin Feng used 80% of his strength in this punch, and he felt it was enough.

Because Mu en's strength is at most six levels of Ning Yuan state.

Lin Feng has played with him and has some judgment on his ability.

Therefore, Lin Feng is already the eight heavy Ning Yuan state. It does not need so much strength to deal with him.

Mun incredible looking at the scene in front of him, he was Lin Feng hit fly?

However, Lin Feng suddenly caught up with his flying upside down body. With an iron elbow, he directly smashed mun's body to the ground in the air.


There was a deep hole in the ground.

Munn was lying in the pit in a mess, feeling as if he were all over.

Lin Feng stepped on Mu en's face and said, "friend, why do you need it! Is it so hard to apologize to my friend? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!