The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1322

The crowd continued their journey.

Yecha and others came to Lin Feng and asked Lin Feng how to deal with this Amethyst maniac.

The crowd also came to listen.

Lin Feng said, "the flame of Amethyst maniac is fire, so what is fire afraid of?"

"Fire is afraid of water." Replied the mouse.

"Yes, fire is afraid of water!" Lin Feng said: "so at that moment, I gathered all the water attribute Qi in my body, and carried his fierce attack. It was so simple!"

"Oh It suddenly dawned on everyone.

"No wonder you seem to be covered with water!" Yaksha murmured.

"No Yasha suddenly thought of something: "I remember when you and the four masters of Fenghuaxueyue, Zhenqi attribute is not water attribute!"

Lin Feng ha ha ha a smile: "I temporarily changed profession not OK?"

"Ah Yecha's argument about Lin Feng's cheating is also out of the question.

However, Yasha is used to it now. It seems that what happens to Lin Feng is not uncommon.

However, while they were chatting along the way, they found that there was a team of people and several wild animals circling in front of them.

They are well-equipped and have killed many wild animals.

However, the wild animals were also infuriated, one by one, as if they were dead, to fight the group to the end.

"Boss, do you want to go up and help?" Asked the genie.

"Take a few people to the front to see what the group is all about and report to me!" Lin Feng said.

Now he just hates that he didn't bring in a high power telescope.

Although he had good eyesight, he couldn't see the specific appearance of the group because of the distance and the purple in the crystal forest.

But now, if the large forces catch up and encounter the enemy, they will have trouble.

So Lin Feng asked the investigation of the origin of the demon to go to find out.

Banshee did not take people in the past, he felt that he was enough, but more people were in the way.

He lurked in the past, took about ten minutes, then returned to Lin Feng here.

"Boss, you seem to know those people in front of you!" Said the genie.

"I do?" Lin Feng frowned: "speak carefully!"

"There was a woman who was very tall and had a good figure. She was very beautiful. She had long hair and waist, and a big belt was slung on her waist."

"That woman wanted to come in with you outside the secret place, but you drove her away. It was their group of people!"

"Venus?" Lin Feng was excited.

The man described by the demon is not v-big, but who will be?

But Lin Feng didn't expect that V big came to the secret place on his back.

"Kill and help Lin Feng gave orders to the people.

At this time, V and others have been exhausted.

This crystal forest looks like a crystal, no food, no water, but I don't know where there are so many hounds.

The hounds are all covered with purple hair, which seems to be living creatures in the crystal forest.

Venus and others are transported by the portal to the edge of the crystal forest.

They don't have maps, they don't know where to go.

They first went south, and found that there was a place full of miasma and poison. They did not dare to set foot in it easily.

In addition, they also saw some tall and slender humanoid creatures wandering over there.

What they see is the trolls on the cursed land and the cursed land.

So they think it's dangerous to go south, so they'd better go north!

They went over the mountains, back to the crystal forest, all the way north.

But I didn't want to walk for two days and suddenly met a group of hounds.

But for the rainforest Corps led by V, the hounds pose little threat.

So V and his friends set up submachine guns and shot the hounds.

However, their actions attracted more hounds.

They killed one after another, and at last the bodies of the hounds were piled up into a hill, and they were too tired to hold on.

"Venus, you go first, we cover you. If we die here, you must be strong, go out and bring news to our family!" Said one of the black women.

"Raffi, don't be so pessimistic, we can still fight!" V big to cheer Raffi.

"No, I can't!" Raffi closed his eyes in despair: "I don't have the strength. I can't even lift my hands!"

With that, her whole body fell to the ground.

Raffi's behavior, like a fuse, other companions see her like this, suddenly the heart of despair spread.

"V big, while we still have strength, we'll open a blood path for you, you rush out!" Another strong man said."Yes, V big, you are the wisest one among us, and you have the greatest chance to live out alive!"

These friends are loyal fans of V big, they worship V big because of racing, and like her because she is loyal and smart!

"No, I can't leave you. We have to fight together." How willing to leave this group of comrades in arms.

In order to protect Lin Feng, she took all the people into the secret place. Although this group of people volunteered, she would feel very guilty if there was something wrong with these people.

"Big V, let's go!"

One of the men shook off the hound and yelled at v.

They all have no strength, at this time are strong will in support of the body.

"No!" V yelled.

She is the most righteous woman. Even if she died, she would not abandon any of her friends.

Just now, she felt a deep despair.

In the face of strangers, they have no strength.

The hounds' encirclement became smaller and smaller, and it seemed likely that the hounds would come forward at any time and tear all of them to pieces.

V felt that he was really too bold.

No wonder Lin Feng sternly scolded himself not to come in. As expected, Lin Feng was right.

When they face the world, they are so fragile that they can't protect themselves. How can they talk about protecting Lin Feng?

At this time, some of her team were already desperate.

They control the machine gun with one hand, take out a pistol with the other and point it at their temples.

It's a good way to die without being bitten by wild animals.

And despair is the easiest to spread. When one is desperate, others will follow.

They all raised their pistols in succession. They looked at me and I looked at you. It seemed to say, "brothers and sisters, don't be afraid. Let's go on the road together."

V big also raised his gun and put it on his temple.

At this time, however, we heard the sound of horse's hooves galloping. Hundreds of meters behind the hounds, a group of people had already arrived.

The first one, riding a snow-white mountain horse, valiant and valiant, is Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!