The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1321

On one of his eyeballs, from the place where Lin Feng's black iron knife was inserted, cracks began to appear in all directions.

The crack opened so fast that the eyeball burst in a few seconds.

"Roar -"

the amethyst was furious, and a purple flame burst out all over her body. The pain of losing an eye made him crazy.

"Lin Feng, be careful!"

Al yelled.

He knew that the flame of Amethyst maniac was extremely high. In a few seconds, people could be burned to ashes.

People see this scene is also scared pale, Lin Feng is to be burned by him?

"Boss, come back!"

The red scorpion yelled.

Shangguan Ruoxue also cried out: "Linfeng, don't be arrogant!"

However, Lin Feng was suddenly covered with a white awn, which was like a water ball, tightly wrapped him in it.

Lin Feng's movement is also very fast, see his body in the water ball, horizontal movement, from one eye of Amethyst maniac quickly moved to another eye.

Amethyst maniac is in a frenzy, but suddenly found a shadow flashed in front of him, and then, a black lightning hit his eyes.

The same routine, the same technique.

Lin Feng's black iron knife quickly stabbed another eye of Amethyst maniac again.

"Woo -"

the Amethyst maniac howled in pain.

He didn't want to fight at all. He had already used the purple and gold flame, but why didn't he even drive away a humble creature?

What's more, the courage and courage of this guy is really beyond his imagination.

Therefore, Lin Feng's attack was totally unprepared.

However, how could he not understand why he could not even burn a humble creature with the flame of thousands of degrees?

It took Lin Feng as a kind of magical beast of the colorful tiger, so he was careless.

Then his other eyeball, like the one before, broke apart quickly.

The world of amethyst was suddenly dark.

"Ah --"

the Amethyst madman uttered a sad cry, and the flames all over him flashed back and grew wildly again.

Even the people around him felt unable to bear the blazing fire.

However, this heat is only a moment, after which the vital signs of Amethyst maniac disappear rapidly.

The crystals all over him began to crack, like fireworks, but the fire spread.

People quickly hold their heads to hide, for fear of being hurt by the fire rain.

And in this gorgeous flame rain, a voice like the sky flying fairy general floating down.

He stepped on the fire and looked down upon all living beings.

It's Lin Feng.

When everything is quiet, Lin Feng appears in front of the public with a magic core shining purple light.


"Lin Feng!"

Red scorpion and Shangguan Ruoxue and others burst into tears in an instant and rushed up and fell to Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng hugs left and right, but also to meet other people who rush forward.

Beiye ling'er, standing on one side, was shocked.

It was the first time he had seen such a tough man.

This man is brave, witty and decisive.

What's more, combat effectiveness is booming!

What kind of a person is this? He usually looks as warm as jade, but in real time, he can break out the ability that ordinary people can't reach.

This guy, too powerful.

One side of Sophia is also proud to say: "how, Lin Feng is very powerful?"

Beiye linger nodded: "sure!"

"Princess, I haven't seen anyone who can convince you!" Chen Meiniang teases Beiye linger.

"Do you see it now?" he said

"Well!" Chen Mei will nod, charming eyes are also full of deep worship of Lin Feng.

It's their honor to have such a person to lead the team.

In the heart of Beiye ling'er, he has always been the boss, and everyone is only worthy of being the second.

She never looked up at anyone.

But today, this man named Lin Feng, thoroughly let her realize what is the sky outside.

My father once told her that sooner or later you will marry another man.

Beiye ling'er said that people in this world, whether men or women, are not as good as her.

In this case, why marry someone who is not as good as yourself?

Her father Kitano told her that the reason why you think so is because you have not met a really good man.

There are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are days beyond the sky.

When one day, you see the man who makes you believe, maybe you will fall in love!Father is worthy of being a father. He has already seen through his daughter's temperament.

In Beiye linger's idea, what is love and what is like, she has no idea.

She only knows what is excellent, what is overbearing!

Although many people in the world are stronger than her, she feels that those who are stronger than him are not as intelligent as she, and those who are stronger than him are not as brave as she is..

But the man in front of him, no matter from any angle, seems to crush himself.

This is the place where she is really willing to give up.

Lin Feng's personal charm is vividly displayed at this moment.

Even the five white tigers, who had been singing against him all the time, shook their heads and sighed: "fierce, really powerful!"

Lin Feng put the magic core into the cyst, and gave the black iron short knife to al: "this knife is very sharp, and the Earth Spirit is really a forging expert!"

Al took back his dagger and said happily, "but Turing lacks a warrior like you!"

"Modest!" Lin Feng Road.

"This black iron dagger is not the best blade for no one. You may not believe it. It's only a medium-sized one," Al said

"Oh? What a pity for me Lin Feng said, "I would have known if I had gotten some good weapons from you."

Al said with a smile: "I am a senior forger. If you take me, you will have a chance to help you forge high-level weapons."

"Oh? What are the conditions? " Lin Feng asked.

"You just need to meet the right minerals and extract good metals. This needs luck!" "But with me, you can rest assured that if I see a good mineral, I will extract the best metal and then make a artifact for you

Thank you Lin Feng Road.

The world needs weapons.

Because his opponent is not so simple as human.

"Lin Feng, a warrior like you, should have a artifact suitable for you. Don't worry, this task will be handed over to me!" Said Al, patting his chest.


Lin Feng did not refuse.

At this time, all of them came close and found that Lin Feng was unhurt.

"How did you survive the high temperature just now?" Asked Yasha.

Even if he was a strong man with three levels of coagulation, he couldn't stand the roasting at close range.

"It's very simple. Let's keep going. I'll talk to you slowly." Lin Feng smiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!