The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1311

"You are not qualified to let me die!" Lin Feng's face is calm. He has advanced very fast these days. He has already surpassed Tianchen's grandmother in rank.

However, one thing that practitioners are more taboo about is that they have to adapt slowly after the promotion is too fast. Once they focus on the outbreak of maximum ability, they may not be able to bear it.

Lin Feng has been practicing these days, and there is no actual combat, so he has to slowly exert his strength to gradually adapt his body to the four, five and six levels of Ning yuan environment ...

Lin Feng also carried his true Qi, which was like a ferocious river flowing into his fists. Then, the white light flashed on his fists, and a genuine Qi no less than that of Tianchen Tongmu burst out from his body.

At this time, people were surprised again. I didn't expect that Lin Feng's true spirit was so vigorous.

When did this kid have such a strong strength?

Looking at the scene, we can't help but let the people of the Tuling tribe present here be overjoyed. Some even shout out loud: "come on, Lin Feng, long live the Tuling tribe!"

Lin Feng did not make a sound, he focused on staring at the sky in front of grandma.

Tianchen's attack was very fierce, and she was forced to Lin Feng in an instant. Lin Feng didn't dodge. He put up his fists and kicked hard with his back feet. The whole person was like an arrow from Xuan, shooting at the impact that swept by.

"Bang!" A blast, smoke and dust.

After the smoke and dust, both of them could not stop. They stepped back a few steps before they could stand firm.

Lin Feng see this move down, he is not in the underdog, this is his weakest performance today, in the next, he will be more and more adapted, more and more powerful.

But Tianchen's grandmother was surprised. Although he didn't use all his strength, ordinary practitioners couldn't deal with it easily. He didn't expect that the boy had two sons.

At this time, he did not dare to underestimate Lin Feng, the following two moves, he must take Lin Feng's life.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Tuling tribe were excited to see that Lin Feng had a good fight with Tianchen Tongmu.

At this time, the queen of Lanxi, can not help but also relaxed a lot, they looked at Lin Feng that slightly thin figure, can not help but secretly nodded.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you could take my move with some strength, but don't be complacent. Next, I'll let you know how powerful my Tianchen granny is!" Tianchen's grandmother suddenly burst into a rage: "ice breaking fist --"

with that, Tianchen's grandmother bullied her body again. With the piercing cold, she fought against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not dare to neglect him. He knew that the previous move was just a tentative attack by Tianchen's grandmother, and this move was his attack with martial arts skills.

Lin Feng didn't continue to fight against Tianchen's grandmother. He began to use the constant mobilization of true Qi to swim around his body. He was trying to make his body adapt to the rapidly promoted level in recent days.

Every time Tianchen's grandmother punches her fist, she touches Lin Feng's genuine Qi before she gets close to her. Lin Feng feels the heavy position of her true Qi and quickly avoids that direction. In this way, although Tianchen's attack is very fierce, all the moves are still evaded by Lin Feng.

In the field, two figures move back and forth, just like two fighting cheetahs. They attack and evade the people who look at them in a daze. Every time Tianchen's grandmother gave a punch, she was full of genuine Qi, and Lin Feng's evasion was impeccable. In this way, both sides struggled for a while, but there was no winner or loser.

But in this rapid attack and defense, Tianchen Tong Mu's set of ice breaking fist is coming to an end.

And the crowd watching from the side of the field, what they saw in their eyes was Tianchen Tongmu chasing Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't have the strength to fight back. This also made the soldiers of the Tuling tribe very anxious.

One side of the Shangguan Ruoxue and red scorpion and other people, is to tighten the lips, as if the heart all mentioned the throat, in their view, this move, Lin Feng is absolutely inferior.

But the leaders on both sides were moved. They are not like those soldiers who have superficial insight. Leaders can see almost any action in the field with a pair of eyes.

AI LAN and others look at Lin Feng's eyes, but at this time there is some hot.

The king of trolls, however, looked serious.

As we watched the fight attentively, a cry came: "boss, be careful!"

Hearing the red scorpion's cry, she saw a powerful attack from Tianchen Tongmu.

Everyone can see that this attack is the most violent attack of this set of boxing so far. It can't help but be strong and fast. It can't help but attack Lin Feng in an instant.

This heavy blow, impartial bang in Lin Feng's body, straight hit Lin Feng to rise in the air, along this force will fly back out.


Everyone's voice was raised.

"Well, die!" Tianchen's childlike grandmother was proud: "I could have killed her with a few moves, but I didn't expect to waste so much time. Lin Feng, you are already very good!"But as soon as Tianchen's grandmother finished this set of boxing and was about to close down, she saw that Lin Feng's body was like a piece of paper, floating gently in the sky for a few times and landing leisurely, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Did you hit me just now? Why is it like tickling? Would you please use some strength next time


Tianchen's expression was stiff and embarrassed.

"Now try my fist Lin Feng said, gathering the true Qi to form a fist. With his fist, Zhenqi left the body leisurely with a white awn. Then he quickly flashed and hit the grandmother heavily.

Tianchen wants to escape, but finds that the speed of the other party is too fast. He just feels a flash of white light in front of him. Next, he has a sharp pain.

"Bang --"

with a dull sound, Tianchen grandma was knocked to the ground by the white light.

"What?" They all opened their mouths and looked at what happened in front of them in disbelief.

A dwarf in the earth spirit called out, "powerful magic, Lin Feng's magic is too strong!"

"Originally, I was surprised that the Human Mage on the side of troll would be more powerful. Now it seems that I am too inferior. Lin Feng of our camp is the most powerful magician!"

"Ha ha ha, Lin Feng is invincible!"

The earth spirits began to cheer.

In their view, human practitioners practice magic, so they call human practitioners human magicians.

This sound wakes up many people present, Ouyang Qingtian, your eyes are also showing great surprise.

Lin Feng is not so powerful. Has he been hiding his strength?

What everyone doesn't know is that Lin Feng has broken through the eight levels of Ning yuan environment in just a few days. However, the strength he shows now is still around the four and five levels of Ning yuan environment. He is slowly adapting and improving.

In other words, his ability has reached eight levels. However, his body needs a process of adaptation, so in the outside world, Lin Feng is only a five fold ability of coagulating Yuan state. , the fastest update of the webnovel!