The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1310

Next to the wooden house is a tall moon well.

The moon well is not like the well of human beings. It is more like a small lake. A very tall stone tombstone has been built by the lake. The ancient spirit language is written on the tombstone, which should mean the moon well.

Then, the moon well is surrounded by a variety of trees, flowers and plants, very lush, the moon well in the middle.

The depth of the moon well can't be seen. The water surface is very calm, but it is shining blue-green.

On the surface of the water, there are many fireflies flying around, and some beautiful insects are dancing. They are very beautiful.

Because now at night, Lin Feng can feel the strong aura rising from the water, which is more powerful than the aura of master's little spirit stone room.

The secret place itself is full of aura, and this moon well is a gathering point of aura.

The aura here can be described as luxury.

What a blessing to be able to practice here!

In addition, there are so many spirit stones of the Earth Spirit coming in. It seems that the elves and the earth spirits are betting on him now!

Lingshi all in accordance with the meaning of Lin Feng, piled into the wooden house.

There is only one bed and one table in the cabin, and the facilities are very simple.

This is also the consistent style of the elves, they do not pursue luxury configuration, they pursue the beauty of nature.

"Lin Feng, you can rest assured to practice here, and no one will disturb you!" "One meal a day will be delivered by Yueyin," said queen Lancy. "If you have anything, you can ask her. She will take care of your daily life."

"Thank you, miss!" Lin Feng smiles at the moon.

Yueyin has never heard others call her Miss sister. Suddenly, a touch of shyness appeared on her pretty face, and quickly said, "the warrior is polite!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng found these elves very interesting, they seem very wild and brave, but in some ways so shy, cute!

"Thank you for the gracious hospitality of the elves. I will begin to practice now!" Lin Feng said, then can't wait to come to the moon well, sit cross knee.

Queen Lanxi nodded and turned away, leaving Yueyin kneeling far away.

Elves are not used to sitting on the ground, they are used to kneeling, which does not mean humility, it is a habit.

At this time, Lin Feng has entered the state of meditation. She feels the strong aura of the moon well, and the five gods in her body are cheering and absorbing them like hunger.

Lin Feng also felt the flow of genuine Qi in his body and tried to guide the flow of true Qi.

Advancement is a painful process, especially the more painful it is.

Lin Feng frowned tightly, his face was flushed. As time went by, Lin Feng seemed to be working harder and harder, but his eyes were always firm.

I don't know how long it took.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng felt an incomparably powerful Qi breaking through the shackles, and instantly infused his whole body. This made his body shake, and then felt the whole body was infused with great strength.

At the moment, the muscles of Lin Feng twitch one by one, and the bones clatter, as if they are being reborn.

"Four levels of coagulating Yuanjing! I'm advanced Lin Feng's heart is full of joy.

In the dark night, the wisps of white gas from the lake poured into Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng's body flashed with white light. The white light was not very strong and faintly visible, but the naked eye could see that the white light came from Lin Feng's body and was flowing slowly in his body.

For a long time, Lin Feng opened his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his mouth and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the effect of the moon well is so good!"

In fact, after Lin Feng entered the secret realm, his body had been constantly practicing and improving.

Wushenzhong is a very intelligent seed of the original God. He can feel the aura by himself, and then cultivate and improve himself.

However, without the help of the owner, the effect is relatively weak.

Now Lin Feng's heart to practice, growth speed is particularly fast.

Just now, he could feel the aura pouring into his whole body. Let him be baptized as never before.

Through the operation of the five gods, the aura is classified as the true Qi. At the moment, Lin Feng is full of strength.

Lin Feng mobilizes the true Qi in his body. At the moment, he is slowly flowing all over his body. Lin Feng knows that this feeling is due to the fact that he has just stepped into a new stage. His body is adapting to the new infusion of genuine Qi and more genuine Qi.

And Lin Feng all this in the eyes of Yueyin, is so magical.

The elves adore magic, and many elves can also use some ordinary magic, so he regards Lin Feng as a wizard and keeps his eyes on him and pays close attention to the whole cultivation process.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and Lin Feng cultivates with his heart and never stops for a moment.

"Five fold!"

"Six fold!"

"Seven heavy!"

Lin Feng's progress is rapid, and the use of Lingshi is more and more.Fortunately, there are some of these things in the Earth Spirit, which are constantly sent over.

In the blink of an eye, it's three days.

Today is a sunny day, blue sky, cloudless.

Among the peaks, a grand fortress is in the center. At the gate of the fortress, there were two groups of people moving back and forth.

This fortress, of course, is the iron hammer fortress of Tuling, while the two groups of people are of troll clan and Tuling clan.

At this time, in the vast area tens of miles away from the Great Wall, the warriors of the Tuling clan formed a square array and were waiting for them.

At the other end, the tall trolls are also quite disciplined. They are arranged in rows, with the king of trolls and Tianchen granny in front of them.

There are many elder Lin Feng in Tianchen, so this battle is more like a duel between an old man and a young man.

Lin Feng, dressed in black, stood in front of the town of Tuling.

This black dress is presented to Lin Feng by the spirit. It is made of silk for nine days. It is very smooth. It is suitable for fighting and resting.

At this time, Tianchen's grandmother couldn't help it. He wanted to solve Lin Feng immediately. The huge wealth and treasure map were all his.

"Drink -" burst out Tianchen's grandmother. His fists clenched, his clothes inspired, and his whole body's essence soared. The true Qi flowed slowly around him. The flow of genuine Qi was visible to the naked eye. At this time, he was like a demon possessed, full of ferocity.

"Six fold!"

Someone from Lin Feng's side cried out: "that old man is the sixth level of Ning Yuan state. It's terrible!"

In the human world, it is the existence of the top strong.

The people of the Tuling tribe were also very surprised. Just looking at the posture, they knew that the other side was an incomparable strong one.

"Lin Feng is in danger now. Look at the old man's strength, he is obviously approaching the seventh level of Ning Yuan state. In my opinion, Lin Feng has no chance of winning. " The five white tigers began to talk.

"Hey, hey, it seems that the boy is going to suffer!" The troll tribesmen were gloating.

On the other hand, Ailan and Buna look a little low. They can see that the Tianchen granny is undoubtedly the strongest existence among human beings, and Lin Feng's hope of victory is almost zero.

Queen Lanxi was pale at this time, and she did not expect that Tianchen granny should have such strength.

"Boy, today's date has arrived. There's nothing to say. Let's die!" With that, Tianchen's grandmother soared into the sky, and his Qi rolled up the snow, just like a tornado, attacking Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!