The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1264

It was a shock to everyone.

Is there such a maniac?

The two on the opposite side are even more cruel than the first two. Can Lin Feng beat the first two and feel so relaxed that he says this?

But it's not wise to challenge two experts of Ning yuan realm at the same time. It's not only to multiply your own difficulty by two, but actually it's a square algorithm, which multiplies your difficulty by four!

Lin Feng is playing with fire and setting himself on fire!

At this moment, people watching the war feel that Lin Feng has played a little too much.

Qingcheng also reminded Lin Feng: "younger martial brother, you can't be so reckless!"

But Lin Feng laughed and said, "elder martial sister, haven't they always called us garbage or waste? I think, if the other party thinks so, I should let them see who is the real waste! "

"Younger martial brother, don't be impulsive The city is full of advice.

She felt that the younger brother might be angry because of the disrespectful words of the other side, which made him eager to prove himself and made such a decision.

"Lin Feng, don't let the worship I just built up for you disappear in an instant!" In the crowd, Yasha suddenly uttered a sentence.

Yasha led the white tiger five swordsmen along the way, which was also obedient to Lin Feng.

This is also because she is the elder sister of the white tiger five swordsmen. The other four give her some face, but in fact, the other four look down on Lin Feng.

However, along the way, the intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence and ability demonstrated by Lin Feng made Yasha admire her very much. She felt that she had not misread people.

In this time and cangyue's four apprentices before the battle, Yasha also thought that Lin Feng stopped here.

But I didn't expect that after four days of practice, Lin Feng made great strides.

She can't imagine how much magic Lin Feng's body contains. This young man is always unexpected.

Although the other four of the five white tiger heroes are not optimistic about Lin Feng, she is committed to supporting Lin Feng. Lin Feng's excellent performance today also makes her feel proud and makes the other four shut their mouths.

However, Lin Feng suddenly made such an abnormal decision, which was really hard for her to accept.

Look at the two female apprentices, they should be Ning Yuan Jing triple. So, if you take out one of them, they will be very powerful. If they are together, I believe no one here will be their opponent except xuanlingzi and cangyue.

Yasha felt that Lin Feng was hot blooded, so he had to pour some cold water on him.

That's why she said that.

Lin Feng was smiling at Yasha and said, "are you worshiping me? That's a mistake of my understanding! I advise you not to worship in a hurry, in case of another unexpected surprise event, you worship, isn't there no room to rise, give yourself six room

"You are really..." Yasha shook his head and chuckled.

She wants to say that Lin Feng likes to talk big, but she thinks it's better not to hit him on this occasion.

Lin Feng did not entangle with Yasha any more. He looked directly at the wind and flowers and said, "let's go together. Don't waste time!"

"You are arrogant The wind bit her teeth and said to the flowers beside her: "younger martial sister, give this person to me. You can take care of the two younger martial sisters."

"Elder martial sister, you take care of the two younger martial sisters, I will deal with him!" Flowers also volunteered.

They all reached the peak of cultivation in their twenties. Naturally, they were proud and looked down upon all living beings.

So today, they were provoked by the other party, and their anger had not stopped. They wanted to kill Lin Feng immediately to vent their anger.

Lin Feng saw this, but a cold smile: "said together, you are still there ink, is really a group of waste, give the opportunity are useless!"

"What, you dare say we are rubbish, looking for death!" The wind can no longer control the anger in her heart. She does not care about her younger martial sister. She jumps up high and shoots at Lin Feng.

But the flower is not willing to fall behind, just now Lin Feng's words also give her enough gas, at this time do not kill Lin Feng, it is difficult to solve his heart hate.

The two girls came to Lin Feng first and then.

From the beginning to the end, xuanlingzi did not speak, because Lin Feng's character was most clear to him. Although he seemed to be careless, he was actually the most stable.

Cangyue also did not speak, she has been paying attention to the movement of xuanlingzi.

Her four apprentices are all her favorite students. They are more than enough to deal with the other's two useless apprentices. If she intervenes at this time, she seems a little out of breath.

Therefore, in fact, she is more in the struggle with xuanlingzi.

As a result, her two apprentices attacked Lin Feng together, and she did not stop her. Finish the fight as soon as possible. The stinky boy in the province does not know the sky and the earth.

At this time, people's attention is also in the battle of two women and one man.

As soon as the wind and the flowers came out, they were really different from the snow moon before.I saw that the red halo at the center of the eyebrows of the wind was very bright, and the true Qi was also red, so that the whole body was immersed in a group of red, incomparably gorgeous.

When she hit Lin Feng with one hand, the real Qi came out of her body like a sharp blade, flying towards Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng starts the phantom step and phantom vision, the speed of the air blade projected by the other side decreases a lot in his eyes.

Lin Feng dodged away in a few easy steps.

At this time, the flower's attack also came to our eyes.

The true Qi of Hua'er is green. The seed of her original spirit is wood. Her moves are like natural vegetation. It seems that she has no strength. In fact, the power that erupts at a certain moment is absolutely stronger than any power of true Qi.

Just like a bean sprout seed, it can break a stone in the process of growth.

You can't see how powerful bean sprouts are. However, the results make you have to believe that its power is beyond your imagination.

Therefore, Lin Feng never underestimated the God of wood. Among all the attributes, the God of wood is the most likely to cause accidents.

When the flowers hit, it seems ordinary, but in the last lesson, the power to break out is enough to make everyone moved.

When the palm was about to hit Lin Feng, the Green Qi suddenly exploded, and the irresistible force, like thunder pouring down from the sky, flew towards Lin Feng.

People are all mouth closed exclamation, if this is hit, Lin Feng will not be this strong real gas explosion of the split body?

All people are subconsciously praying that Lin Feng can avoid this blow.

However, after continuously avoiding the attack of the wind, it seems that it is not so simple to want to easily avoid the following attacks.

But Lin Feng can.

He has the blessing of phantom step, so he dares to challenge two of them one by one.

Because everyone's movements have slowed down in his eyes, so he has time to deal with two.

However, this time, Lin Feng did not dodge.

Since the opponent used all his strength, he should also give respect to the other party. The best time to prove himself is to face up at the strongest moment of the other party.

Lin Feng in the eyes of everyone surprised and anxious, facing the attack of the other side, a punch in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!