The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1263

"Lin Feng, like your master, you always like to boast about yourself!" Cangyue said: "you just beat my weakest apprentice now. It's not time for you to talk like crazy?"

Lin Feng said: "who said that I was crazy, I think the cultivation itself is a very simple thing! So don't bully others with your own accomplishments. Please, it's tasteless

"Well, that's all your master taught you?" Cangyue said to Xueer beside her: "xue'er, go and compare with Lin Feng. Otherwise, people will think that they are so powerful."

"Yes, master!"

Xueer had long wanted to avenge her younger martial sister. When her master spoke, she did not say a word. She directly attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately felt the five kinds of spirit in his body.

Since the awakening of the five gods and entering the Ningyuan realm, the five gods' perception is particularly strong, especially for the perception of true Qi and aura.

Lin Feng can feel the people around him who use genuine Qi, and Lin Feng can also feel the ferocity of the other side's genuine Qi.

This enables Lin Feng to acquire two skills that ordinary people don't have:

first, Lin Feng can sense the enemies that threaten him nearby.

2、 By being able to perceive the opponent's true Qi, Lin Feng infers the cultivation level of the other party.

However, Lin Feng can only perceive the true Qi of a cultivator who is three levels higher than himself. If the opponent's strength is higher, he will not be able to perceive the strength of the other party's real Qi.

The moment that xue'er, who was fighting against herself, had just used her true Qi, Lin Feng felt the vigorous level of her true Qi in her body, which was a proper combination of the two aspects of Ning Yuan state.

But other people did not start, also did not use the true Qi person, Lin Feng is temporarily unable to perceive.

At this time, xue'er didn't know that the other party had already seen through her own hand. However, she was still self righteous, attacking and cursing at Lin Feng: "my younger martial sister fought with you a few days ago, and you were lucky to escape. You are not so lucky today

Although Xueer saw Lin Feng beat Yueer back, she didn't think that Lin Feng would make much progress in these three days. She felt that it must be Xueer's carelessness that she was attacked by his sudden palm.

But Lin Feng retreats toward the back to avoid the attack of Xueer, but there is no pity in his eyes.

This Xueer is also a very beautiful type, but Lin Feng looks at her in the eyes, but it is full of coldness and a little anger.

Because just now, he heard people chattering in the crowd, saying that Qingcheng was injured by Xueer.

He quickly looked at the elder martial sister, but saw her mouth with blood, a little weak, this is obviously injured.

But people say return to say, Lin Feng still opened his mouth to ask a: "is you hit my elder martial sister, right?"

"What if you hurt her Xueer is still arrogant.

"If you are not good at skills, you will be called a waste, then I will let you often be a waste taste!" Lin Feng said fiercely.

"Ha ha!" Xueer sneered: "a master came out, you are still her younger brother, elder martial sister is a waste, where can you be better? You can't dream of telling me how to be a waste

"If I'm dreaming, I'll find out if I try!" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, hit her!"

Beiye linger in the back to Lin Feng refueling, she clenched a small fist, gas small face red.

Lin Feng looked back and said with a smile, "well, hit her!"

"Hum!" Beiye ling'er stands behind Lin Feng side, demonstrating towards Xueer.

Snow son disdains a smile, say: "let you know now, what is an expert!"

She said, her whole body really angry surge, as if just a small test ox knife, this time seems to be to move real.

At the center of her eyebrows, the white light suddenly appeared, and there was a faint white aura around her body, which seemed spotless.

All of these are the effects brought by the true Qi of water attribute, which should be achieved by the duality of coagulation and Yuan environment.

Xue'er suddenly sinks a voice to drink, the whole body genuine Qi instantly concentrates on the left arm, hits toward the Lin Feng one palm.

The true Qi is just like the essence. At the moment when Xueer comes out, it turns into a thick layer of armor, wrapped around her arm, forming a thick and solid protective film.

Xue'er's attack can be said to be both offensive and defensive. At the same time, she has played a very good role in protecting herself.

People are also praise, worthy of being a master of famous school, a move in one form is very admirable.

Before that, the white tiger five swordsmen, who had been disobedient to Lin Feng, looked at xue'er's moves, but most of them had admiration for xue'er.

The white tiger five swordsmen are also experts in the Ning Yuan state, so they look down on Lin Feng. They appreciate Xueer, who is the same as Ning Yuan state.

After all, it is not easy for people to have such attainments at a young age.

Secondly, although Lin Feng succeeded in the attack and defeated yue'er, Xueer and Yueer are not of the same level.In the blink of an eye, the moon has a circle in front of Lin Feng, but Lin Feng did not have the slightest intention to avoid.

Suddenly, Qingcheng and Lin Feng's supporters, the heart suddenly raised the throat.

But the next second, he saw a smile across the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. He just picked up his arm gently and crossed a white shadow. He even easily solved the other party's fist.

Then, his other hand is not idle, a circle toward Xueer's waist in the past.

"Bang --"

the sound of Zhenqi hitting Zhenqi comes out. Lin Feng's fist is also full of genuine Qi, and Xueer's whole body is also wrapped and protected by Zhenqi.

So when Lin Feng goes down and hits Xueer, it is more of the sound of genuine Qi collision.

However, after an instant, Xueer felt a strong force impacting her abdomen. Even for a moment, she felt that the strength of the other side had entered her body and hit the Dantian directly.

Suddenly, Xueer shudders all over her body, and she can't help but fly back and fall.

At this moment, she really realized the pain of Yue er.

She has a kind of tearing pain all over her body, and the pain in the Dantian is unbearable.


Xueer falls on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurts out.

"Younger martial sister!"

Feng'er and Hua'er quickly support xue'er, but after a moment, both sisters have been defeated by Lin Feng.

But Xueer's injury seems to be more serious, her elixir seed in the field of elixir is shaking, and may collapse at any time!

"Don't be angry!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "if you are angry, it will make your yuan Shen seed more irritable, will increase the risk of cracking, quieter, more insipid, you will be OK!"

She was so arrogant that she was not only defeated today, but also had no qualification to lose her temper.


"ah --"

she was about to shout at Lin Feng, but a sharp pain came from Dantian, and a mouthful of blood gushed out again.

"Younger martial sister, don't be angry!"

The wind and flowers quickly appease Xueer.

This scene makes Qingcheng and Beiye ling'er cool and dark.

Beiye ling'er didn't hide her joy. She put the rocket down and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, "big brother, OK, I didn't miss you! How dare you! Kill her

Lin Feng looked back, but a faint smile: "I advise you or less trouble, you see the tension of your guys!"

Listen to Lin Feng so say, Zong Yunhai and others are a burst of embarrassment.

That's right!

Just now, I was in a cold sweat, and I almost lost the color. It's hard to explain to the island Master when I go back!

At this time, Lin Feng felt a burst of moist on his cheek.

Looking back, it is Qingcheng who kisses himself.

The corner of Qingcheng's mouth is still full of blood, and her lips are bright red. However, this time, younger martial brother really gives her a boost.

Otherwise, this group of people may not point out how to humiliate her.

"Elder martial sister, you are so shy in public Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Don't pretend! You have the thickest skin The city turned white Raymond Lam looked at it. "Look at your awesome power. Just now, I'll reward you!"

"Thank you, elder martial sister, I will work harder and let you reward more!" Lin Feng said.

This can put the side of the fat man and Luo have talent bad.

They are still waiting for these beauties to kill Lin Feng and Xuan Lingzi, and then come after Qingcheng. After a look, Qingcheng's heart has already been secretly promised. It's so special, there's no way to play!

This time they hated Lin Feng even more.

Looking at cangyue, Lin Feng said, "cangyue master, I'm sorry to hurt your two apprentices. But you, the master, will persuade them more. If you are not good at learning, don't come out to challenge others. It's likely that you will lose yourself in the end."

Cang Yue bit his teeth. This bastard, he even directly challenged himself. He is really bold.

"Lin Feng, it is undeniable that you have grown rapidly these days, and you seem to have advanced to the second level of Ningyuan environment. You make me look at you with a new look." Cangyue said, "but it doesn't mean that you have the ability to defeat my other disciples, nor does it mean that you can go to Kunlun secret place!"

"I want to go to Kunlun secret place, no one can stop me!" Lin Feng said, "not only do I want to go, but all of you here who want to go, I can take them in for group sightseeing. What can you do to me?"

"Ha ha, just show your head and feet, you are extremely arrogant, you really can't do anything great!" Cang Yue sneered, and then, a fierce flash of anger flashed over her eyes: "wind, flowers, you two, who wants to go up and teach this boy a lesson?"

"Master, I will go!"

"Master, I will go!"

Both of them stepped forward and said with one voice.

It seems that both of them are confident to beat Lin Feng.Because three days ago, Lin Feng was just a guy who didn't enter the Ning yuan realm. No matter how fast he practiced in three days, he couldn't have achieved much.

Therefore, they felt that although their two younger martial sisters failed, they might have been careless.

But the people around don't think so. At this time, everyone's heart is only shocked.

Even xuanlingzi was shocked.

My apprentice, when was he so powerful?

Look at the appearance just now, it seems to have entered the second level of Ning Yuan state!

Xuanlingzi thinks that Lin Feng's ability to enter the Ning Yuan state is due to his extraordinary nature. As a result, what kind of operation is God's operation?

The white tiger five swordsmen are even more stunned. With just one move, they beat the opponent's double master of Ningyuan environment. How much does Lin Feng's strength hide?

And the mouse red scorpion and others are sincerely happy for Lin Feng. They know that Lin Feng will never let them down.

And at this time, Lin Feng said another word that shocked everyone.

"Don't argue about the two beauties. Let's go together. I've got time to take everyone to the secret place."

Finish saying, Lin Feng tiny smile, cloud light breeze light. , the fastest update of the webnovel!