The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1256

Lin Feng couldn't feel his body any more, and his consciousness fell into a darkness. He was confused and didn't know whether it was an illusion or what.

He was surrounded by darkness and chaos, unable to distinguish the direction, even up and down is a dark, as if people were wrapped in darkness, hanging in the air.

"Where am I?" Lin Feng asked himself.

He couldn't make a sound. The question was just a subconscious self reaction.

But just then, in the dark, he saw some colorful spots full of light.

In this chaotic world, you have no idea what those light spots are or how far away they are from you.

Everything is so ethereal, like a dream.


That spot of light even makes a human voice, getting closer and closer.

Some red, some green, some yellow and some blue. In short, the spots of various colors came from all directions, and then, when approaching Lin Feng, they gradually gathered together and formed a round sphere with white light.

The ball is as big as a basketball. It's white and floating in the air. It's close to Lin Feng.

"Are you talking?" Lin Feng asked again.

However, he was still unable to make a voice, just asking questions in his heart.

However, the other party seemed to hear his voice and answered him in the same way: "master!"

At this moment, Lin Feng realized that, in fact, what they communicated with each other was not sound, but the exchange of consciousness. They were silent, but could clearly feel each other's words. This is a very wonderful feeling.

"Where am I and who are you?" Lin Feng asked.

However, the light ball no longer feeds back any information. Instead, it revolves around Lin Feng and puts the Buddha in a serious observation of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng wants to struggle, but his whole body seems to have no strength. He can't move at all. He can only let the ball swim around.

"What do you want? Why do you call me master Lin Feng asked.

The light ball still ignored Lin Feng. After a careful look from left to right from top to bottom, suddenly, many bumps appeared on the surface.

Lin Feng was surprised to see the change of the photosphere. It seemed that the photosphere was composed of some liquid. After a few minutes, it turned into another one just like Lin Feng.

The only difference is that Lin Feng's eyes are very dull, as if there is no thought.

However, a similar clone appeared in front of him, or let Lin Feng surprised and uncomfortable.

Especially to see a person who seems to have no thought, this kind of feeling is too bad.

However, all of a sudden, the clone was covered with colorful lights, yellow and green, just like the colors produced by the light spheres that were not assembled.

The clone moved and drifted towards Lin Feng.


The clone was getting closer and closer, and even ran into Lin Feng.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Feng asked again.


It seems that the clone can only say these two words, and all his answers are the same.

However, in the next second, the whole body of the clone was full of light, and suddenly rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng subconsciously wants to block each other, but he can't move all over his body, allowing the clone to pounce on himself.

He was surprised to find that the clone was trying to merge into his body, first the head, then the body, then the foot.

It's a gruesome scene, as if one were to be one with you.

At this time, Lin Feng can't seem to be able to accept his own clone, but he can't accept what he has done with his own clone.

Suddenly, a feeling of numbness and numbness spread all over the body, as if it was caused by blood blockage after a long time of sitting.

Of course, this kind of acid and hemp is much higher than that. There will be a kind of acid hemp that makes people feel miserable. It seems that the blood of the body has been drained and then injected into it again.

However, the next second, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

He found that he was still in the basement and had not moved.

So what happened just now?

Looking back on what happened just now, Lin Feng seems to feel empathy and dream. However, he has a deep feeling for the light ball, and now he can still accurately recall the shape of the light ball.

"Can't it be?" Lin Feng suddenly woke up, he quickly transported the elixir field, suddenly found that the real Qi in the Dantian had already disappeared.

Those true Qi can suppress the five gods, but at this time it is gone.

He can still feel the five gods in his body, but the five gods are no longer manic and struggling, and become very docile.

Seeing this, Lin Feng was surprised in his heart. He almost cried out.

"It's a success. I'm in Ningyuan state!"Yes, he has already advanced to the level of Ning Yuan state.

Because he had studied Ning Yuan Jing in the practitioner's dictionary.

It is said that when it was just condensed into the seed of Yuan Shen, it was still in a very chaotic state, and there was no divine consciousness, and the communication with practitioners was not smooth.

In other words, the newly formed seed of Yuan Shen is an iron Han Han.

So, how to make the seed of Yuan Shen become smart and communicate with the main body of the cultivator.

It's like educating children. You can't spoil them blindly. You should put pressure on them and let them grow.

Therefore, xuanlingzi and Lin Feng cast a barrier with genuine Qi to suppress the seed of Yuanshen. The seed of Yuanshen is very wild and will fight back.

The game between the two sides began.

In this process, Yuanshen seed will try its best to find a way to solve it. Therefore, this process is an indispensable exercise process for Yuanshen seed.

In the process of the game, the seed of Yuan Shen will gradually form the consciousness of God, that is, the consciousness of the seed of Yuan Shen. Then, it will begin to realize the strength of the main body of the cultivator and submit to the cultivator.

At this time, the seed of the yuan God has already recognized itself again. It recognizes its master and knows that it is weak. At this time, it is entering the Ning yuan realm.

The illusion that Lin Feng had just appeared was not an illusion, but a communication between Lin Feng's consciousness and Yuan Shen seed's divine consciousness. The yuan Shen seed recognized Lin Feng and blended with Lin Feng's consciousness.

After that, double convenience will be very harmonious and communication will be smooth.

Therefore, after entering the Ning Yuan state, practitioners will be more comfortable using the seeds of the yuan God.

Yuan Shen seed will also cooperate with the master to carry out various training and fighting.

In this way, it means that the seed of the yuan God has entered a new stage. It can better understand the wishes of its master, and is more eager to become powerful, and its absorption of aura is more significant.

This is Ning yuan realm.

The Ning Yuan state is divided into nine levels, each of which has different abilities. It is determined by the amount of aura absorbed by Yuan Shen seeds. The more yuan Shen seeds absorb, the more true Qi the seeds can transform into practitioners, and the stronger the practitioners will be.

In the middle of this, because the amount of aura absorbed by the seeds of Yuanshen increases, the growth speed of Yuanshen seeds will gradually accelerate.

However, this does not mean that the more advanced the later, the faster the progress will be. On the contrary, the progress will be slower and slower, because the more you get to the back, the more Aura the seed needs, and the longer it takes.

Lin Feng looked at his watch. It was only ten hours before he entered the basement. He came in last night. Now it is the morning of the next day.

One night, he entered the Ning Yuan state. Master once predicted that the best result would be to enter the Ning Yuan state when he left the pass.

Master, it seems that you know nothing about the spirit of the five gods!

If the master knew his speed, his eyes would fall out.

Lin Feng is secretly happy in his heart, but he can't relax at all. Since he has entered the Ning yuan realm early, he should make good use of this secret room to practice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!