The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1255

People follow the reputation to find that it is the daughter of the villain Island owner Beiye Hao, Beiye linger.

Beiye ling'er, with a small face, said, "you people always judge things by your own experience, but how can things in this world be 100% regular? No one knows where things are going until the last moment, and the guy Lin Feng, I think, has great potential

Beiye ling'er is only 18 years old this year. As the daughter of Beiye Island owner, people always take a high look wherever they go.

So while she is lively, she is also very proud and conceited and never admits defeat.

On weekdays, she is arrogant and domineering, and everyone has to let her, but this time, he suffered a loss in front of Lin Feng, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, she found that her idol Sophia was so respectful of Lin Feng, which made her very surprised. After careful thinking for several days and nights, suddenly her head was like being chopped by thunder and had a strong interest in Lin Feng.

Her intuition tells her that Lin Feng is not an ordinary person.

Because in her world, no one dares to abuse her, and Lin Feng is the first.

Secondly, people like Sophia should respect Lin Feng, which means that Lin Feng must have something real.

Moreover, in the process of communicating with Lin Feng, she felt that Lin Feng was so skillful that she seemed to have some sophistication at that age.

In a word, Beiye ling'er feels more and more fierce about Lin Feng. Zong Yunhai wants to go up the mountain to find Lin Feng. She is also happy to follow her. She finds that she may have a tendency of being abused. Others are obedient to her, but she feels uninteresting. Lin Feng doesn't take her seriously and even scolds her for bullying her. Instead, she always wants to rely on her.

Of course, the premise is that they must recognize this talent.

She recognized Lin Feng for the time being. After listening to Zong Yunhai and others to make a firm decision on Lin Feng's failure, she couldn't hold back the small flame in her heart. As long as she wanted to say it on any occasion, she would say it immediately.

Therefore, she supported Lin Feng in front of so many people.

This is unexpected to everyone, especially the rest of villain island.

"Miss, why do you say that?" Zong Yunhai asked incomprehensibly: "Lin Feng has not yet entered the Ning Yuan state, and the other party is all the experts above the Ning Yuan state. Let alone one against four, even if it is one-on-one, he has almost no chance of winning! So, miss, what is the basis of your words? "

"Oh The good-looking face of Beiye ling'er shows a touch of impatience, frown, very unhappy.

What reasons and reasons does she hate to analyze most? How can the world be so complicated? I think it's just that I think, what basis do we need?

But, at this time, everyone is looking at her, hoping that she can give an answer.

The north Wild Ling son small mouth pouts, insolent way: "have no basis, I depend on intuition!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Zong Yunhai laughed, then softened his tone a lot and said: "Miss, it's not like being at home, but you should pay attention to your words! We all want to believe in Lin Feng, but the facts are here, so we can't question it! "

Then, Zong Yunhai saluted everyone with his fist: "I'm sorry, everyone. My eldest lady is very frank. I hope you can forgive me!"

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter!" Xuanlingzi said with a smile.

He thought that the little girl was very interesting. She looked ancient and strange, but she was still a little confused. However, she was so cute and rude that she was a little cute.

Beiye ling'er glared at Zong Yunhai and said: "Zong Lao, why do you always look for all kinds of basis, reasons and data every time you go to judge a thing? I think sometimes intuition is more accurate than rational judgment! "

Zong Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss, it's sometimes, but most of the time, intuition is not reliable. For example, this time, obvious facts are in front of you, but you have to use intuition to judge. I think this time is not reliable!"

"Hum! I have a good intuition! " North Wild Ling son does not admit defeat said.

"Ha ha ha, all right." Xuanlingzi said, "I believe in the little girl's intuition. I should have confidence in my apprentice."

Zong Yunhai saw that xuanlingzi had said so. He also quickly gave it to Beiye ling'er: "mm-hmm, it's also true. We should have confidence first. The eldest lady is right. Lin Feng will win!"

However, speaking of this sentence, we all know that Zong Yunhai is giving face to Beiye linger and xuanlingzi, and it is absolutely untenable that Lin Feng will win.

People just think that it is adults and children, listen to a happy ah.

Beiye ling'er is also simple. When he hears this, he smiles with satisfaction.

The little girl a smile, there is a kind of cloud to see the sun shining feeling, let people unconsciously be infected, all along with happy.

"Where's Lin Feng? I want to see Lin Feng!" North Wild Ling Er says.

"At this time, Lin Feng is practicing in seclusion. He can't go out until three days later." Xuanlingzi said, "if you don't dislike this place, you can stay here with some of your friends for a few days. It happens that this place is very busy these days. Everyone can have a good time drinking and relaxing."As soon as he heard about drinking, Yin Tianqiu, the drunkard, immediately expressed his opinion: "that's a good feeling. I have some good wine to share with others, but I don't know how much you can drink?"

Xuanlingzi laughed: "how much wine you have can take away with it!"

He alone is enough to drink Yin Tianqiu's wine.

"Ha ha ha, OK. I'm going to stay for a few days and wait for Lin Feng to leave the pass!" Yin Tianqiu said.

Chen Meiniang raised her eyebrows and said, "I'll stay for a few days."

Zong Yunhai clasped his fist and said, "it's my honor to treat you warmly. We'll stay for a few days and wait for Lin Feng to leave the pass. Then, no matter whether we can open the secret place or not, we will try our best to do everything we can."

"That feeling is good!" Xuanlingzi road.

Then, the crowd gathered together.

At this time, it was in the basement of the spirit stone.

Lin Feng has been sitting all day and night.

During this period of time, he could clearly feel that the five gods in the elixir field were still struggling violently.

Fortunately, this chamber is full of aura. Lin Feng can absorb the aura and help him suppress the five gods.

This is a hard game process, Lin Feng dare not relax for a moment.

Gradually, he found that the five gods seemed to be more and more docile. Moreover, every time they collided with each other and were hit by Lin Feng and xuanlingzi's real Qi loop, they would rest for a period of time to struggle again, and the interval between them was getting longer and longer.

From the first few minutes to struggle once, to the last dozens of minutes to struggle once, and now more than an hour to struggle only once.

Lin Feng can feel the victory is in sight.

However, just after the five gods had just finished their struggle, Lin Feng thought it was going to have a good rest for a while, so he relaxed some vigilance, but all of a sudden, the five gods again struggled violently again.

This struggle seems to have accumulated all the strength of the five gods, which is more intense than ever before.

Lin Feng can even feel his elixir field by the impact of the five gods and pull shape, this feeling is very painful suffering.

However, Lin Feng must insist.

He tried to absorb the aura around him, poured it into the elixir field, and tried his best to suppress the five gods.

And the five gods are also struggling to resist, as if the next second to break through the encirclement, from Lin Feng's Dantian fly out.

A strong pain spread from Lin Feng's elixir field to all parts of the body. The pain was just like the pain of a person being executed at a high speed. Every inch of skin seemed to be pulled apart by life. Ordinary people could hardly bear it.

Even Lin Feng, also face such as gold paper, haggard, all rely on their own strong will in support.

The forces of repression and resistance seem to have reached their peak at this moment, just like two trains running at high speed, suddenly collide with each other.

"Boom -"

suddenly, there was an earth shaking explosion in Lin Feng's mind. Then, he was in darkness, his body lost strength and collapsed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!