The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1251

Xuanlingzi glared at Lin Feng with dissatisfaction: "today, if it wasn't for you to help me with my ideas, I would not have brought you here, and I would not let you misunderstand me face to face!"

Then, he added: "I have never been to the secret place since I said it, but I haven't been there!"

"Where did these spirit stones come from?" Lin Feng asked.

"I said that when I entered the secret place, the aura of the secret place flowed out because I didn't close the door of the secret place. Some creatures in the secret place took the opportunity to run out, resulting in the appearance of several kilometers around the secret place gate. Later, I and several other experts closed the door of the secret place, but the area around the secret place door could not be changed A mutated area, and that area is irrigated by rich aura. Over time, some common stones have been moistened into spirit stones! "

"That is to say, you went to the mutation area and collected these spirit stones?" Lin Feng said.

"Yes Xuanlingzi said.

"Wow, isn't that a priceless treasure in the fast mutation zone?" Lin Feng sighed.

"No!" Xuanlingzi said: "it turns out that the mutation zone is not only worthless, but also very dangerous." Xuanlingzi road.

"Why?" Lin Feng asked, "shouldn't there be spirit stones everywhere?"

"No!" Xuanlingzi said: "although the spirit is rich, it doesn't mean that all the stones are turned into spirit stones. Instead, a spirit stone will be bred every long period of time. However, during this period of time, there will be many strange and ferocious beasts, even demons and demons!"

"So it is!" Lin Feng sighed: "so, master, these years, must have killed many demons?"

"Of course Xuanlingzi said: "this is my fault, of course, I have to unconditionally bear it, but once in a while I found such a brilliant spirit stone on the ground after I hunted the fierce beast. After that, every time I went to hunt the fierce beast, I would collect some spirit stone by the way. Therefore, this room you see is my masterpiece in the past 100 years!"

"Wow Lin Feng sighed: "master, this is really a long and great project!"

"So I'll give it to you today. You must be worthy of me." Xuanlingzi said.

"OK, I will strive to surpass that group of haughty women after today, and fight for your face!" Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xuanlingzi patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said, "it's not so fast. I just hope you don't lose too badly, even if you'll save face for me."

"You have some confidence in me Lin Feng frowned.

Xuanlingzi said, "don't be too eager for success, or you will be easily possessed by demons. Today, I will use what I can to help you enter the Ningyuan realm. In the next few days, you can practice in seclusion here. It doesn't matter if you don't eat or drink. Aura will give you some necessary supplements. When the time comes, I'll call you down. As for the extent of your cultivation, it's all Look at your own talent and spirituality

"Thank you, master!" Lin Feng said sincerely.

The so-called master lead into the door, practice depends on the individual, the master can help himself into the Ning yuan realm, this is already a great help to himself, this is tantamount to lead himself into the door, and also the precious chamber that has been cast for many years is unconditionally given to oneself. This is a great gift. In such an environment, I try my best to cultivate a famous hall!

At the same time, the seeds of Yuan Shen in his body seemed to feel the aura around him, and suddenly began to become active. A warm feeling spread all over his body from the elixir field, trying to echo the aura around him.

This feeling has never been felt before.

Lin Feng asked xuanlingzi, "master, do the seeds and aura attract each other?"

Xuanlingzi thought for a moment and said, "generally, the seed of Yuan Shen is just like a seed that has just been planted. There is no response to aura. The only way to nourish the seed is to inhale it into the body by the cultivator himself."

After hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly burst into joy.

So, what did the throbbing of the seeds of the original God explain?

It shows that his seed of primordial God knows how to search for aura. How intelligent the seed is?

If someone else's seed is still an embryo in the womb, it will be like a baby.

Sure enough, this legendary seed of the five gods has a unique advantage!

Originally, Lin Feng thought that the five gods only contained the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Only when fighting against each other, they could freely switch the attribute of true Qi, which could suppress others by a level.

But now it seems that the function of this seed is really powerful. Maybe there are more outstanding places that have not been discovered by ourselves.

Looking at Lin Feng's happy smile, xuanlingzi's face was muddled, and then angrily said: "don't giggle, take time to practice!"

"Good master!" Lin Feng said.

Then, xuanlingzi rolled his arms and sleeves, ready to do a big job.He first asked Lin Feng to sit cross legged in the middle of the room, where there was a stool piled up with spirit stones.

Lin Feng sat on it with his eyes closed.

Xuanlingzi said: "now, relax, put down all thinking, concentrate on feeling the seed of the original God in the elixir field!"


Lin Feng took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, and began to focus on thinking and feel the seeds of the original God in the elixir field.

Xuanlingzi put a hand on the top of Lin Feng's head, and said, "the seed of Yuan Shen has just been condensed, but it is extremely unstable. It not only has poor effect on the incorporation of aura, but also dissipates due to some external factors. If the seed of Yuanshen dissipates, then the cultivation of this cultivator will be destroyed in a moment!"

"Therefore, coagulating Yuanjing is the stage of solidifying the seeds of Yuanshen. By condensing the seeds of Yuanshen, the seeds of Yuanshen will be stronger, and the effect of incorporating Aura will be more significant. The only sign of entering the state of coagulating yuan is to concentrate and enlighten yourself!"

Speaking of this, Lin Feng only felt a cold breath pouring down his head, just like pouring cold water on his body, and instantly poured down to his heel.

This is xuanlingzi's true Qi. He is helping Lin Feng to concentrate and open his mind.

Xuanlingzi continued: "concentration and enlightenment is to use a strong genuine Qi to open up some divine consciousness of the seed of Yuan Shen, so that he is no longer a chaotic object that he knows nothing about! When the spirit consciousness of the yuan Shen seed is opened by the powerful true Qi, you will feel his thirst for the spirit Qi. At that time, if you inhale the spirit into the body, it will be well absorbed by the seed of the yuan God! "

Lin Feng listened to xuanlingzi's fragmentary thoughts in Lin Feng's ears. However, Lin Feng's consciousness seemed to be in a closed space, facing his own seed of Yuan Shen. Although xuanlingzi's words were clear, they were more like coming out of a wall.

"It's a good state!" Xuanlingzi felt that Lin Feng had entered the state: "the next will be the most critical moment, hold on!"

With that, a stronger genuine Qi instantly intruded into Lin Feng's inspiration, followed Lin Feng's blood, and went down the river to the Dantian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!