The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1250

Lin Feng told xuanlingzi all about how to do it. After hearing this, he greatly appreciated it.

He raised his thumb and said, "boy, I live so old, I'm not as young as you. You are really good. You wake up the dreamer with a word!"

"It's nothing!" Lin Feng said: "now, you should also fulfill your promise, help me into the big secret!"

"No problem!" Xuanlingzi said, "are you sure you want to enter the secret place in four days? Then in these four days, you should study hard and practice hard, strive for your ability to improve some more! The four apprentices under Xiaoyue are all higher than you. If you want to enter the secret world in four days, the four female apprentices under Xiaoyue are your biggest obstacle! "

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded: "the one called feng'er should be the elder martial sister. Her cultivation is also the highest, which is the triple of Ning Yuan Jing."

"So, you haven't advanced to Ning Yuan state yet. You are much worse than her!" Xuanlingzi said: "how can I accept such a poor apprentice as you?"

"Master, I am your apprentice, and feng'er is the disciple of Cang Ye's predecessors. You see, I'm also an apprentice. I'm so much worse than others. Can't you get rid of this?" Lin Feng said: "there are no weak soldiers under the strong general, which shows that you are worse than cangyue master!"

"Nonsense!" Xuanlingzi said: "when I was 20 years old, I had already set foot in Ningyuan state. This is the first person of the younger generation. It is at least the top three. Otherwise, why is Xiaoyue so obsessed with me? Your master was a talented young man. He was a genius

"Pooh!" Lin Feng disdains a way: "the apprentice that genius hand over, even others the most inferior?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll teach you the quick method now!" Xuanlingzi said.

Lin Feng's heart is happy, the old man is much older, or a cavity of hot blood, can not withstand the provocation, like a young man.

"Master, if you can make me quick, I will never scold you as an old bastard, and I will tell everyone that my master is a talented young man!" "What's more, master cangyue despises us very much. She often says that the master teaches some apprentices. She is full of contempt. So if you can make me rise in a short time, it will prove yourself!"

"Yes Xuanlingzi said: "how can I let Xiaoyue look down upon it?"

"Yes Lin Feng clapped his hands: "she must worship you!"

"Yes! Just do it. Follow me. I'll teach you well! " Xuanlingzi said.

"OK!" Lin Feng clapped his butt and stood up with a bad smile on his face.

Seeing that xuanlingzi had regained his former liveliness, Qingfeng and Qingcheng left the back room and went back to have a rest.

But Lin Feng stayed. In xuanlingzi's words, we must race against the clock now, or we will be crushed by the other party four days later.

Xuanlingzi took Lin Feng to the training room behind the wing room. After entering the training room, xuanlingzi took Lin Feng to a door full of spider webs.

The door was locked, and the lock was rusty and had not been opened for many years.

When Lin Feng was practicing in the training room, he was very curious about the room. However, the master said something first. No one could enter the room without his permission.

Lin Feng is also very obedient. Master must have taught him the truth. He has practiced on the mountain for several years and never touched this door.

But I didn't want to. Today, master brought him here. He was really a little excited.

Xuanlingzi went to the door, held the door lock in one hand, pulled it gently, and the door was opened.

"Is the lock broken?" Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"Well!" Xuanlingzi said: "the function of the lock is not a real lock, but to warn others that this door can not be opened! If someone has to force the door open, the lock is useless. If people follow the rules, the lock is broken

Lin Feng nodded, but he was very lucky. If he knew the lock was fake, would he sneak into the basement?

Xuanlingzi put the lock into his pocket and opened the door.


It seems that the door has not been opened for a long time. Even the sound of opening the door is so old and old.

Moreover, a pinch of ash fell from the door frame and drifted in the wind.

The wind came from the house.

Feel this breeze, Lin Feng suddenly spirit, it is never had the feeling, feel all over the body of every cell are instantly active, a sense of joy arises spontaneously.

Xuanlingzi reached into the door frame and pulled out an oil lamp to light up the scene inside the door.

It turned out to be a basement with a straight down staircase.

Xuanlingzi stepped into the room, and Lin Feng followed him and took the door with him.

Since entering this door, Lin Feng has a sense of excitement, feeling that the whole person is full of spirit.

The more he went down, the stronger the feeling.

They came to the bottom, the stairs came to the end, only to turn left.They turn left and walk to the end. There is another door.

This door is very strange. It is not a steel door or a wooden door in the strict sense. Instead, it is more like a door made of some kind of alloy.

There are many talismans on the door, which looks strange.

Xuanlingzi took down the talisman and gently pushed the door open.


As the door opened a crack, a colorful light projected from the crack, very beautiful.

Even Lin Feng, who is well-informed, is somewhat surprised.

What on earth is this light coming from? Is it equipped with colorful lights?

And the next second, the answer is revealed.

When the door is opened, everything in the chamber is displayed in front of Lin Feng.

It's amazing enough.

See that the secret room is only a dozen meters square size, around the walls, but pasted with all kinds of glittering crystal stone.

The crystal is crystal clear, it seems to be transparent material, but it is inexplicably flashing colorful light.

On the surface of the crystal, there seems to be a faint gas flowing, and the whole room exudes a fragrance.

"Master, is this?" Lin Feng asked.

"These are spirit stones!" Xuanlingzi said, "all the spirit stones I have saved for so many years are here. These spirit stones will send out rich aura and make your cultivation go thousands of miles in a day."

"Wow, this is the spirit stone Lin Feng has only heard of this thing, but it is too difficult to see in the market, so he has not seen the spirit stone.

He went into the secret room and touched the spirit stone on the wall. He felt cold and greasy, very comfortable.

And the spirit stone seems to have sensed Lin Feng's body, and the threads are winding in Lin Feng's arm, which makes Lin Feng feel a sense of crispy comfort, very comfortable.

"Master, where did you get these spirit stones? There are no such things in the market!" Lin Feng said, suddenly seemed to understand, his eyes wide open, pointing to Xuan Lingzi: "master, are these you take out from the big secret?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!