The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1244

Xuanlingzi didn't expect cangyue to be so cruel. He shook his head helplessly and said, "cangyue, what makes you hate so much? Is it because I failed you in those years?"

Cang Yue asked, "isn't it enough?"

"Xuanlingzi, I'm not with you in this life. I won't allow you and your people to set foot on the Kunlun secret land. From today on, I'll take over the Kunlun secret place, and the people from Ziyun mountain will be there all day long. It's better not to let me see your figures!"

"Little moon..." xuanlingzi called bitterly.

However, Cang Yue was determined and turned away.

Feng Hua Xue Yue's four disciples also followed her.

Xuanlingzi was very lost. He shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "do evil, do evil!"

Then, in spite of all the strange eyes, he turned back to his own back room.

Lin Feng's eyes floated to Luo Youcai and Li pangzi, and asked with a smile, "you two took them up the mountain, right?"

When Luo Youcai saw that he had lost his protection, he immediately counselled him. He stuttered and said, "Lin Feng, I am also... Helpless. She coerces us two. If we don't take them up the mountain, they will kill me and fat Li!"

Then, he stealthily pestered the fat man with his elbow.

"Oh, yes, yes!" "We can't help it," said Li

"OK, now that you are here, don't worry about going down. You see, there are so many people coming to Xuanling mansion, and they are going to eat and sleep. Li Pang, you're the one who runs the restaurant. You're also a cook. You can cook some food for us first. I have all the ingredients. You can't worry about it!"

Then, Lin Feng looked at Luo Youcai again: "brother Youcai, you are really talented, and don't be idle. Luo fatty cooks, you'll be good at it, and then do some cleaning and cleaning up the house. It's troublesome for you these days!"

"That can't work. I still have business in the restaurant at the foot of the mountain." Li said.

"You are not the only one in your family. Other people will take care of the business. It's off-season, and there are no guests." Lin Feng said.

"But..." Li also wanted to refute.

"Don't be a loser. Everyone likes you very much. Don't be a disappointment!" Lin Feng said.

King Kong stood out and went to Li Pang. He looked at him from a commanding position. He put a big hand on Li's Stewed egg head and said gently, "I like you very much. Stay and cook. Otherwise, on your way back, I will not kill you on impulse and leave you on the mountain forever."

King Kong this is with the most gentle tone, said the most cruel words, immediately the fat man Li scared a clever, almost all urine out.

"OK... OK, I will serve you well these days." Li tried to squeeze out an unnatural smile.

King Kong looked at Luo Youcai again: "Luo Youcai, how do you say?"

"I obey the arrangement!" Luo Youcai knows that he can't run away. It's better to accept with ease, at least it seems more obedient.

Just now Luo Youcai took a look at his mobile phone. He didn't expect that the signal was still very good at an altitude of more than 2000 meters. He thought that he would live here first, and when Lin Feng and others were careless, he would call or send a message to ask his father for help.

It's a wonderful imagination, but the next second, I heard Lin Feng say, "by the way, my master may be very sad now. As soon as he gets sad, he likes to do live broadcasting to express his emotions. I have registered several platforms for master. One mobile phone is not enough, at least three. I think your two mobile phones are new imported ones, and the price is not cheap. It must be very easy to use. Please borrow it Give my master a live broadcast! "

"This..." Luo Youcai was almost petrified on the spot. He said slowly: "I'm afraid it can't work. I don't have a mobile phone. I feel that life is boring and will suffocate me!"

Fat man Li also quickly said: "brother Lin Feng, don't do this, leave us two something to kill time, or we will die here!"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "my master is so old. If you are not in a good mood, you will easily get sick. If you get sick, you can easily get into trouble. Although he is not your master, he is still a frail old man. You can bear to watch a lonely old man. Because he lacks two mobile phones, he is unable to ease his emotions. He is heartbroken and finally dies? Why are you so cruel? "


Two people's eyes are all long, what logic is this special?

Can the old bastard's life be linked to our two cell phones?

However, Lin Feng said the logic, they did not think of any good way to refute.

At this time, King Kong came up to them and began to search up and down. He said, "take out your mobile phone. Hurry up. If you want to kill time, don't worry. I have a good way. It's exciting and interesting to ensure you have a good time."

Two people want to cry without tears, helplessly watching the mobile phone is taken away, as if the last straw has been lost, suddenly fell into despair."All right! King Kong, you'll have the two of them! Remember to be friendly to them. After all, one is the shopkeeper who blackmailed us by eating, and the other is the son of the arrogant mayor. They are all talents. We should be warm and friendly

"Don't worry, boss." King Kong patted his strong chest and said, "I will treat them in my most enthusiastic way, and let them feel the passion like fire!"

"Ha ha, yes!" Lin Feng laughed, and then said to the crowd, "let's go, all go back to have a rest."


At this time, Shangguan Ruoxue stood up and said, "those women will obstruct us from entering the secret realm. Do you want to discuss this with you?"

Lin Feng looked at the crowd and suddenly gave a smile: "the original plan will not change. Four days later, I will go to Kunlun secret place!"

Then he went to the back room.

Qingfeng and Qingcheng also quickly followed.

In the rear wing room, the candle flickered.

It's evening now, and the windows of this room are not very bright, so there are candles in the room.

Behind the candle, xuanlingzi did it with his eyes closed and very quiet. He seemed to be meditating.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "master, are you ok?"

Xuanlingzi slowly opened his eyes and saw the three people in front of him. It seemed that he was not surprised at all. He said, "I'm ok. You can sit down."

Lin Feng closed the door and said, "master, you must know the purpose of the three of us coming to you."

"Yes, you just want to know something about that year!" Xuanlingzi took a look at Qingfeng: "brother Qingfeng knows a little bit about it, but few people know the inside story. It's just the matter of that year. It's not so simple as you think!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!